Softimage and Valve to Demonstrate Mod Tools - Update

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
Thanks to jasonh1234 for informing me of this information. Below you can see the whole itinerary of Valve and Softimage's show at GDC this March.

Session Title:
Creating Characters, Models and Environments for Half-Life 2

Michael Isner, John Morello

Wednesday, Mar 24, 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Wednesday, Mar 24, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Wednesday, Mar 24, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Wednesday, Mar 24, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Game Design. 60-minute Sponsored Session

Intermediate - Basic familiarity or some experience.

Description: Get up to speed on Half-Life 2 and Source Engine development with this rolling 1 ½ hour training session, repeated 4 times during the day. This session covers the entire character creation and build process, from choreography and character layout using the dedicated Valve Source Engine tools, to the deployment of the resulting character in a sample environment. Learn how to make and animate high-quality Half-Life 2 characters with the free 3-D art environment, SOFIMAGE|XSI EXP for Half-Life 2. Instruction will include modeling, texturing, enveloping, animation, and the all-important export pipeline.

Idea Takeaway: A working knowledge of how to model, texture, animate and export models and characters for Half-Life 2, including an understanding of Valve's Source Engine content creation pipeline, and techniques for using the free SOFTIMAGE|XSI EXP for Half-Life 2.

Intended Audience and Prerequisites: This session is for any artist or developer that is interested in modding Half-Life 2, building games atop Valve's Source Engine or simply understanding the content creation techniques and processes behind this extraordinary game and game engine. Basic 3D content creation experience required, intermediate skills recommended.

It says each session is 1.5 hours but if you look at the schedule, they are only 1 hour sessions. Which is correct?
I think valve needs to stop selling out to software companies. I think we'd have a game by now if they didn't spend so much time trying to make as much money as possible.
WEl valve is a company and the purpose of a company is to make money, whether we like it or not.
If the source engine is as good as we think, and valve can sell it to a lot of people, they will be rollin' in it.
Its none of our concern really if they sell the engine actually its good it gets valve money to make hl3 and other companies can release games faster so i dont see the conflict here.
If HL2 is as successful as HL1, throw in licencing the engine, they should do well for themselves.
Yes, I m sure there will be a video because a large population of mod makers are too young to go there(like myself). It should be on Valve ERC in 2006.
It says here:

Wednesday, Mar 24, 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Wednesday, Mar 24, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Wednesday, Mar 24, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Wednesday, Mar 24, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

But where can i hear or see this??
I think valve needs to stop selling out to software companies. I think we'd have a game by now if they didn't spend so much time trying to make as much money as possible.

How is this "selling out" to software companies? This is part of the GDC, where it's common practice to provide workshops for other developers.

There's very little financial incentive behind Valve's decision to use XSI - they wouldn't just blindly switch ( and force all their artists to switch) just because XSI offered them some cash (that they really don't need anyway)
Yeah, Valve ought to stop selling games while they're at it. :x
The G-Man said:
It says here:

But where can i hear or see this??

Heh! You have to be in San Jose Cenvention Center in California around March 22 thru 26, this year. ;)
this may seem abit of a stupid question but were is this being held? probly not the uk :(

and also im really intrested in this as well. do you think it will be recorded and stuck on the internet?

** ops yea i read it all now i see were its being held ignor that :P
CrazyTalk said:
I think valve needs to stop selling out to software companies. I think we'd have a game by now if they didn't spend so much time trying to make as much money as possible.

I'm going to start off by seconding what PiMuRho said.

Also, do you think they do this just for fun? I'm sure there's more than a few careers that are just teensy bit on the line here... With almost 6 years, and god knows how much money invested in this already, I'd like to think they're ensuring they'll get their money for this.

Maybe you should change your comment to "I think we'd have a game by now if there weren't so many whiny little [fill in the blank]s who think the world revolves around them getting to play HL2."

I'm sure I speak for more people than myself when I say that I'm sick of all you people complaining about Valve not releasing on time. There are many other things that are much more important that you could be putting your energy into.
DreamThrall said:
I'm sure I speak for more people than myself when I say that I'm sick of all you people complaining about Valve not releasing on time. There are many other things that are much more important that you could be putting your energy into.

Yes :)

There are some more sessions held by valve and ex-valve employees:

Gary McTaggart (Valve) : "Advanced Visual Effects with Direct3D"

Matt Wood (Valve) : "State of the Art: Anatomy of 3D Level Design"

Stephen Theodore (Rad Game Tools; former at Valve) : "Character Rigger's Cookbook" and "Beyond the Rubber Pencil: State of the Art Tools"