Solaris' old friends ruin the Queen's visit for the rest of us


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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Due to Éirígí (new socialist republican* party in Ireland) wanting to kill an old woman visiting the country every street the queen is visiting is locked down by the Gardaí (police) and no one gets to get close enough to even see her.

"Whatever the turnout the problem in Ireland has not gone away, namely the British presence in the north of our country. Resistance to that presence, just like the presence of the English Queen, will continue," he said.

O'Bradaigh predicted that what he called the Irish political establishment will use the visit to undermine traditional republicanism.

"I think this visit underlines the surrender process, to put the final seal on it and pretend that the problem doesn't exist anymore, that it has been solved – which it has not."

What a load of shite.

Fun fact: I was supposed to be getting a tour of the Tyndall institute the day the Queen is visiting it, so now if I go there on that day I'll be shot :D

*Note to Americans: Republican means something very different here.
It's ironic that there is less trouble when she visits the north, although those sort of people aren't very common in hillsborough.
hmmm I thought Solaris was a neo-con this week. you're thinking of last week's Solaris
"I think this visit underlines the surrender process, to put the final seal on it and pretend that the problem doesn't exist anymore, that it has been solved – which it has not."

lol what surrenders process? isnt ireland a republic already?
lol what surrenders process? isnt ireland a republic already?

Pretty sure Ireland made the fatal mistake that every other shitty little former colony with no balls made, tried to push out the nobility "by degrees". Yeah, theyll get right on giving up their birthright authority soon( just be patient)
Pretty sure Ireland made the fatal mistake that every other shitty little former colony with no balls made, tried to push out the nobility "by degrees". Yeah, theyll get right on giving up their birthright authority soon( just be patient)
What in the name of shit are you talking about? The Republic of Ireland is an entirely separate country to the UK. We're not even in the Commonwealth (we probably bloody well should be, it'd be much better for us). The only part of Ireland that's officially part of the UK is the North which is a political mess that is self-governing (sort of) with some influence from the Republic and more influence from the UK.
I watched all the coverage yesterday. I thought it was great to see her here. The complaints about the cost of security are moot imo due to the forcasted increase in tourism.

Also, the protests yesterday were tiny and shouldn't even be worth covering by the media. Usual dregs of society. If they put as much effort into finding a job/getting an education as they did roughing the police etc...
If they put as much effort into finding a job/getting an education as they did roughing the police etc...

Yeah, but finding a job/getting an education isn't as fun as fighting the riot police.
What in the name of shit are you talking about? The Republic of Ireland is an entirely separate country to the UK. We're not even in the Commonwealth (we probably bloody well should be, it'd be much better for us). The only part of Ireland that's officially part of the UK is the North which is a political mess that is self-governing (sort of) with some influence from the Republic and more influence from the UK.

Well at first it was a "free state", but had to go through a bunch of bullshit to get England out of there permanently, which it apparently did, dont get me wrong. Most places that take this route dont quite cut the cord, leaving lots of foreign influence behind. Most of the venom there was against those STILL in the commonwealth, like Canada. Ireland hated them enough to stop playing with them, but North Ireland is still part of the UK, meaning it didnt give it all up, and it never does unless you make it
Well at first it was a "free state", but had to go through a bunch of bullshit to get England out of there permanently, which it apparently did, dont get me wrong. Most places that take this route dont quite cut the cord, leaving lots of foreign influence behind. Most of the venom there was against those STILL in the commonwealth, like Canada. Ireland hated them enough to stop playing with them, but North Ireland is still part of the UK, meaning it didnt give it all up, and it never does unless you make it

I'm Irish. None of this sounds familiar to me (except the bit about the free state which is true, and was part of Ireland's progress to independence). What are you talking about? I like Canada. I've never heard of an Irish person with a grudge against Canadians. That would be strange.
I remain and always have been a socialist.

I believe in the right of the people of Iraq to democratic control of their nation, just as I believe in the right of the Irish people to control of their nation.

Sure everything's all peaceful now (mostly), however in the South of Ireland British aristocrats still own huge tracts of land, rivers and lakes. Ireland's rivers still do not run free, the six northern counties still remain under occupation from British forces and the free state is being held ransom by European Capitalists. It's time to rebuild the republic and return to that heroic proclamation of Easter 1916: "We declare the right of the people of Ireland to the ownership of Ireland, and to the unfettered control of Irish destinies, to be sovereign and indefeasible"

Ireland is now both morally and financially bankrupt. The relatively peaceful situation in the north has just given the free staters a chance to grovel at the Queens feet, to throw millions at the security operation whilst all the while Ireland's people are forced to emigrate her shores to escape poverty just like in centuries past.
I don't believe it's right that Irish farmers and fishermen have to pay rent/access fee's to British aristocrats.

It's a disgraceful state of affairs.
Why does it matter if they pay to British or Irish aristocrats? What does their nationality have to do with anything? Fight neo-feudalism if you wish, but this nationalistic nonsense will take you nowhere.
Why does it matter if they pay to British or Irish aristocrats? What does their nationality have to do with anything? Fight neo-feudalism if you wish, but this nationalistic nonsense will take you nowhere.
Well it matters becuase there aren't really any Irish aristocrats. The Irish people fought for, and supposedly achieved independence from Britian and yet still British aristocrats held on to their ownership by birthright of Irish land.
Got waved at by the Queen. Was pretty cool :D

Didn't see any protesters in Cork so that's good too.
There's helicopters and airplanes circling all around the city like it's Apocalypse Now. I've never seen security like this before. Or this many helicopters.
On the grand scale of things, we're all owned by Rupert Murdoch anyway.
Got waved at by the Queen. Was pretty cool :D

Didn't see any protesters in Cork so that's good too.
Do you have no national pride whatsoever?

The population of Ireland would be several times larger if it wasn't for the British 'Royalty'. They were directly responsible for the Irish holocaust/'famine'. Whilst millions were starving to death becuase the British aristocrats owned all the land, and were exporting more food than was imported, the Turkish Sultan sent more money to Ireland than Queen Victoria did. Queen Victoria asked him to take half of it back as it would be embarrassing for him to send more money to Ireland than she did. He followed her wishes.

Royalty is a retarded system of government. It degrades leaders and people alike. In 1916 the vanguard of the Irish people took a stand for self-determination and fought and died. Their cause has been continually denied and repressed. Ireland is now buckling under the weight of British occupation, European Capitalism, Energy Multi-nationals and apathy. And yet you are happy that the Queen would wave at you? Yeah great that isn't it? "I'm so happy the wonderful fantastic Queen waved at poor pathetic old me, Long live the Queen!"
Do you have no national pride whatsoever?

The population of Ireland would be several times larger if it wasn't for the British 'Royalty'. They were directly responsible for the Irish holocaust/'famine'. Whilst millions were starving to death becuase the British aristocrats owned all the land, and were exporting more food than was imported, the Turkish Sultan sent more money to Ireland than Queen Victoria did. Queen Victoria asked him to take half of it back as it would be embarrassing for him to send more money to Ireland than she did. He followed her wishes.

Royalty is a retarded system of government. It degrades leaders and people alike. In 1916 the vanguard of the Irish people took a stand for self-determination and fought and died. Their cause has been continually denied and repressed. Ireland is now buckling under the weight of British occupation, European Capitalism, Energy Multi-nationals and apathy. And yet you are happy that the Queen would wave at you? Yeah great that isn't it? "I'm so happy the wonderful fantastic Queen waved at poor pathetic old me, Long live the Queen!"

Does hanging on to these woes make us a better or stronger country? I think it's good that the Queen came here and was well received. It's a sign that we're all growing up and learning how to let things go like big boys and girls. It's not as if she's a war criminal, she's a little old lady. She waved at me too. It was kind of exciting.
Do you have no national pride whatsoever?

The population of Ireland would be several times larger if it wasn't for the British 'Royalty'. They were directly responsible for the Irish holocaust/'famine'. Whilst millions were starving to death becuase the British aristocrats owned all the land, and were exporting more food than was imported, the Turkish Sultan sent more money to Ireland than Queen Victoria did. Queen Victoria asked him to take half of it back as it would be embarrassing for him to send more money to Ireland than she did. He followed her wishes.

Royalty is a retarded system of government. It degrades leaders and people alike. In 1916 the vanguard of the Irish people took a stand for self-determination and fought and died. Their cause has been continually denied and repressed. Ireland is now buckling under the weight of British occupation, European Capitalism, Energy Multi-nationals and apathy. And yet you are happy that the Queen would wave at you? Yeah great that isn't it? "I'm so happy the wonderful fantastic Queen waved at poor pathetic old me, Long live the Queen!"
Yeah I forgot in 1850 when Queen Elizabeth II went around shooting the starving Irish peasants, the bitch. She's an old woman and a figurehead and bringing the famine into this is completely irrelevant unless you just want to go on a stupid **** THE BRITISH rant. What happened 150 years ago happened 1850 years ago. If you want to hate the British you can go ahead and be a bigoted dickhead. I won't stop you.

As for the 1916 Rising. Home Rule was already passed. We can't realistically speculate on how the world would have gone otherwise. But I think gaining independence via peaceful means would have been preferable to the current situation.
Ireland should just dissolve and merge with England.

Well it matters becuase there aren't really any Irish aristocrats. The Irish people fought for, and supposedly achieved independence from Britian and yet still British aristocrats held on to their ownership by birthright of Irish land.

So you think it'd be better if they paid rent and slaved for Irish land owners? And don't respond "it'd be free", because that's bullshit.
So you think it'd be better if they paid rent and slaved for Irish land owners? And don't respond "it'd be free", because that's bullshit.

Or or, just bare with me, the new gov claimed that British holdings were illegitimate and raffled the land. I dont think hes saying aristocrats as long as theyre Irish, how about aristocrats can **** off
I'm Irish. None of this sounds familiar to me (except the bit about the free state which is true, and was part of Ireland's progress to independence). What are you talking about? I like Canada. I've never heard of an Irish person with a grudge against Canadians. That would be strange.

I dont have a grudge against Canada or even Britain, but they put up with some weird shit with no apparent benefits. Ireland did get independence, but they bullshitted them every way for it. In the end they just squatted on N. Ireland and tried to block Irish bills designed to get an actual republic, leading to a long period of striving for what is a forgone conclusion( Irish ****ing hated Brits at that time) and still they wouldnt keep the country whole, regardless of what the north (at that time) wanted or not
The north has always had a unionist majority, and had N.Ireland been given to the south, northern unionists would have started a civil war.

Form a pragmatic stand point, the partition was the least bloody option, to resolve the 800 year cluster**** that has been british meddling in Ireland.
The population of Ireland would be several times larger if it wasn't for the British 'Royalty'. They were directly responsible for the Irish holocaust/'famine'. Whilst millions were starving to death becuase the British aristocrats owned all the land, and were exporting more food than was imported, the Turkish Sultan sent more money to Ireland than Queen Victoria did. Queen Victoria asked him to take half of it back as it would be embarrassing for him to send more money to Ireland than she did. He followed her wishes.

Solaris, I'm not sure what you've been reading, but this account of the Irish famine is just horrible. Not that the famine has anything to do with this discussion.
Yeah...while the British certainly didn't help, you still have to give some credit to the potato blight.
Yeah...while the British certainly didn't help, you still have to give some credit to the potato blight.
Credit? What for? What good did they do?

The British invaded the country, stole all the land and forced the peasantry to live on tiny allotments of land which were only suitable for potato growing. As the virus or whatever it was infected Irish potatoes it killed of the sole food supply for a huge proportion of the population. While up to a million people were starving to death, Britain was exporting more food from Ireland than was being exporting. They used soldiers to defend the exports from the hungry natives and people who stole bread from the rich to feed their families were exported by the British to Australia.

How can you give Britain any positive credit when they were the direct cause of the famine?