Soldier of Fortune III: Payback

woohoo ! i love this series
I loved 'em, MP was ace and made for some amazing clan play, had CTF/CS style infiltration and Deathmatch/TDM - if they make the MP as versatile and throw in some gruesome animation we could have another winner.
You've just made me wet myself.. Hope it's better than SOFII..
What I hated in SOFII was the half-arsed stealth elements.
It'll probably be rated AO to start and then toned down for M. I'd love to play an AO version of it though. Seriously, bring on the next gen gibs and dismemberments.
Wait, it's being made by low-budget devs who make games for Cabela(fishing, hunting, etc.)?! Oh God.

I really hope this is true! SOF3 is one of the few games that I were hoping would be made with the "next-gen technology". Now if only a new Alien vs Predator game would be announced...
SoFII was smexy.
Good news if true, however I find it extremely unlikely that Raven has been working on this for so long (if release is indeed november) with no previous anouncement.

One reason why i loved SoF...Gore and lots of it.

Hope this won't be shit.
First one was good way back but the second was horrible.
I loved the first one! never got a chance to play the second one.
I can't imagine how hardcore this game going to be...... ****ing hell hands arms legs head explosion,....etc bring it on.....
UPDATE #2: Our source confirmed that SoF: Pay Back is indeed in development, although not by Raven Software but Cauldron, who recently did History Channel: Civil War, and published by Activision Value, known for the Cabelas hunting titles.

Oh yeah, sure-fire winner on our hands. :LOL:
Maybe this time, they can come up with an open ended RPG

Ten years ago, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire... The next A-Team
Good news if true, however I find it extremely unlikely that Raven has been working on this for so long (if release is indeed november) with no previous anouncement.


Well someone is working on it at least ;)

Kotaku said:
The news is actually almost entirely good. The tipster says the game, even in the very early stages of development, looked great. The goal, at some point, was to include 36 separation points on each character model, which means gibs galore, and the developers hope to also support destructible environments. In fact the only upsetting thing the tipster said was that the game wasn't being developed by Raven Soft... Why...WHYYYYYY do you tease me so.

What the hell? Not Raven? :( :( :(
With nextgen gfx! Lets hope it doesnt go manhunt and get a AO :( stupid ESRP!
Okay everyone just ignore my post where it talks about a LOW-BUDGET developer working on it. :|
the gore really puts some good fun realism into the game. I just hate games where you empty a full clip of minigun into somebody and you just keep seeing some blood decals and nothing else.

It really turns me off in games that weapons don't feel like weapons.

Sadly thats goes to all games out there.
The Godfather of Violent Games is back! :D :D :D
The Godfather of Violent Games is back! :D :D :D
Nope, if you'd read the thread you would have seen that this 'sequel' is being done by a totally new team that have only made mediocre HUNTING games previously.
Nope, if you'd read the thread you would have seen that this 'sequel' is being done by a totally new team that have only made mediocre HUNTING games previously.

WorthPlaying said:
Our source confirmed that SoF: Pay Back is indeed in development, although not by Raven Software but Cauldron, who recently did History Channel: Civil War, and published by Activision Value, known for the Cabelas hunting titles.
WorthPlaying article
It's the publisher that is known for the hunting games. The developer, Cauldron, has not made A-class titles but Chaser (an FPS game released 2003) was OK. (note: May they NOT ruin this game!!)
ah thanks DaleLewill, but wasnt Civil War that FPS game that's avaible on Steam? I 'legaly' acquired that and played it, and it was SHITE imo..
Holy crap....I actually signed that "Give us SOF3" online petition. Now I'm literally crapping in my pants.

I wish that they would leave all the original developers intact and not mess with it.
One side note; I'm really nervous about these new developers messing with something they had not created in the first place.
We'll either going to love SOF3 all over again or SOF3 will get here on suicide mission, and that will be the end of SOF.
Nevertheless I can hardly wait till November. Its just too long.

Psyched damn U.
Kingpin : Life of crime had pretty decent dismemberment aswell..
Speaking of dismemberment, gore etc, isnt the new Call of Duty game supposed to have a very detailed gore system where you can apparently even blow peoples NOSES off their faces?
Speaking of dismemberment, gore etc, isnt the new Call of Duty game supposed to have a very detailed gore system where you can apparently even blow peoples NOSES off their faces?

Where'd you hear that?
Every CoD game has been rated T, don't see why they'd change it.
Where'd you hear that?
Every CoD game has been rated T, don't see why they'd change it.

You can actually set "Show blood" in the game setting of COD 1&2 but, it's just little blood splattering around the impact area of the body. Also when you get a kill there's nothing farther you can do to the corpse in COD 1&2, unlike SOF2 which, you can actually cut the corpses into pieces and dismember.
You can actually set "Show blood" in the game setting of COD 1&2 but, it's just little blood splattering around the impact area of the body. Also when you get a kill there's nothing farther you can do to the corpse in COD 1&2, unlike SOF2 which, you can actually cut the corpses into pieces and dismember.

I know about that of course, it's just that I highly doubt they'd extend it to the point of needless gore.
I remember liking SOF2 more than the first game, but I eventually stopped playing it because of those damned stealth missions. Hopefully they'll be able to do something special with the game beyond graphic violence.

I hope Raven is behind it again too, but then Quake 4 wasn't exactly stellar...
Absinthe, if you took the time to actually read the thread you'd already know that Raven aren't 'behind' SoF3.