Soldier of Fortune: Payback Hands-On

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Russian Mafia

Dec 27, 2005
Reaction score
Soldier of Fortune: Payback may be the funniest game released this year. The original Soldier of Fortune was known for its excessive brutality and developer Cauldron has spared no expense to put as much blood and dismemberment on the screen as humanly possible. The violence is so ludicrously extreme, that it's almost impossible not to laugh with glee. It's as if Cauldron used the over-the-top trailer for John Rambo as basis for Payback's gameplay. In other words, it's pretty awesome.


New gameplay vids inside.
Nice textures, although the blood looks a little like kool-aid in that pic. They need to tone down the Bloom a bit as well.
Read it this morning, game doesn't actually look that bad.
if the multiplayer is as good as sof2's i'll be playing this ALOT.
yeah... i dont know why so many games have that like EXTREME bloom going on. I mean ,it doesnt look realistic, people dont really glow like that unless they are jesus.
I don't see gibs in that picture...

edit: nvm, I see them, but I remember the first one being more extreme on the gibbing.
I'll just wait for reviews, if it has a decent multi-player component like SOFII it might be worth the purchase.
I'm surprised it doesn't look like shit. I might just keep an eye on it.
I loved the hell out of the first SOF game. Was kick ass. However I never played the second one because my PC at the time couldn't handle it.
Hmm I don't know, the killing hundreds of terrorists routine is getting kind of old *yawn*. Although I'll try it when the demo comes out. And the gore in that video is ok, but nowhere near the amount the original had...
But enough for the game to be refused classification (read: cannot be sold) in Aus. /cries.
But enough for the game to be refused classification (read: cannot be sold) in Aus. /cries.

Then perhaps they should also ban the news in Australia, which is 100 times gorier.
I simply don't get it. Couldn't they just give it a 18+ rating but still sell it. After all this series wasn't meant for little kiddies in the first place.
We don't have an R18 rating for games that's the problem.
Hmm I don't know, the killing hundreds of terrorists routine is getting kind of old *yawn*. Although I'll try it when the demo comes out. And the gore in that video is ok, but nowhere near the amount the original had...

Killing terrorists never gets old.

But a nice change of pace is this time it's in the Middle-East and has an advanced gore system.
hehe, they kept the old style of blood and body parts.

Excellent :D
Looks like it could be fun for a 10-15 minute gore-fest now and then when I'm bored.
Looks potentially awesome. Hmm...the question is whether or not I will need an upgrade to take full advantage of the advanced gibbing engine?
"There doesn't seem to be a single body part that can't be separated from a body. The bullet from a SAW can tear off an enemy's leg at the kneecap. But he won't die instantly from this. He'll fall to the ground and either shoot at you in desperation or try to crawl to safety. If you leave him be, eventually he'll bleed out. But you can have fun and slowly dismember him with your weaponry. One time, just by chance, I shot a guy's hand off from 50 yards away. Unlike most shooters which switch to ragdoll once an enemy is dead, Payback uses ragdoll while an enemy is wounded (but still breathing). You can shoot a guy in the neck and he will hold his throat as it spurts blood. He'll stumble forward, bump into things, and generally look like a guy who was just shot in the neck."

****ing awesome.
I remember in the first one walking around dis-arming people and leaving them to cower.
omg you can still shoot off limbs, I'll be playing this for sure
The trailer was awful. I'll probably buy it anyways.

And whoever did the narration for that sounds exactly like the Agency guy from Crackdown.
If it was Raven developing it I'd already be sold, but with a dev team that has only been responsible for budget titles in the past - and selling at full retail price-point, I'll have to wait for reviews.
It'd be good if it was a budget title. As it is it doesn't look worth anywhere near full retail price...

This'll be a hireage on 360 at most, dismemberment or not.
SOF 2 was ****ing hilarious, this looks to be just as good :D
As a long time SOF2 Multi-player (5yrs and longer than HL) and member of "Give us the soldier of fortune 3" petition; this by far is the most beautiful moment in my gaming life.
Someone up there in the forum said this is a budget game and won't be as good as the the old SOF2, Well the Nose-strip on the guy's face, in Payback trailer, tells me otherwise.
Show me a game developer with name "Value" which would've thought of a detail as tiny as putting a nose-strip on the poor guy face so he can breath better and kill more terrorists; and I will show you a developer which is damn serious about their development for groundbreakings intentions.
Maybe this value studio's ticket; to finally tell Activision that they can play with the big boys like Raven now.
No one thought the previous SOF would do good in the market and they both did spectacular; which actually made Activision to add PB as downloadable patch in Double Helix, after it has released. because, they thought the game would not attract much audience.
I'm buying this game not because I expect it to be great but I'm devoted SOF fan just like I'm a HL fan.

To those of you curious and those of you hesitant; the game only cost $40.00 and that's $40.00 of pure, unforgiving and addictive fun.
This game is its own in unique way, and will always stand alone like HL and the previous SOF.

Take care.
I want to see some reviews already. I doubt the dismemberment is anywhere near as cool as G.H.O.U.L II.
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