Soldiers Carrying a Stretcher


Mar 7, 2005
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Hi there,

I have a problem and need some ideas from you. I made a stretcher and want my npc_citizen to hold the stretcher end carry it. I'm making a war map and it will be used for carrying the injured soldiers.

I have the animation for picking up the stretcher but how can i put it in the game?

Thanks for any ideia
Here is a picture of my stretcher


  • 1.jpg
    26.9 KB · Views: 245
You need to make your stretcher with bone attachments at the points where you need your characters hands to be.

Then you need to code a sequence where it plays a picking up animation.. next the stretcher needs to become attached to their hands at the bone attachments.. then the lift animation is played, and as they stand up your stretcher should come up with the characters, then they walk away with it etc.

Thats how you go about doing it, I'm not familiar with the whole technicalities of making it happen though.

If your going to have someone on the bed, you need a bone attachment there to get them in the right place aswell.
that would be very cool.
but that is going to be so very ****ing hard to code etc , but it's possible i think.
good luck

its not too hard. you need to do the following. Check the sdk wiki

Animate the NPC

Create script <- hardest part

Set up map
I've already the animation the only problem is to make the stretcher to be attatched to the citizens hads.