Soldner Beta Thread

Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
Ok...Soldner looks really cool and I'm sure we all know of the beta demo being released...but I can't get it to work properly.

My Specs:

2500+ AMD Barton
ATI Radeon 9600 256mb (4.4 Catalyst drivers installed)
512mb pc2700 ram
So on and so forth...

I got to the main menu, started checking out the gfx options, audio options and control options. About a minute later, computer restarts by itself. Before I thought it was because I had Omega drivers installed. When they were installed my computer restarted itself even earlier... Any ideas?

This game looks really cool and I'd also like everyone else's opinions on it. Will it unseat BF1942? What kinds of vehicles are in the demo? Are there lots of servers?
It should unseat BF1942, but I could never get the beta. Too lazy.
The crashing isn't your fault, alot of people are getting similar bugs.

Every other connect to a server my game crashes. I've only been able to play it once for 10 minutes before the server crashed :| Seemed pretty fun..
Shuzer said:
The crashing isn't your fault, alot of people are getting similar bugs.

Every other connect to a server my game crashes. I've only been able to play it once for 10 minutes before the server crashed :| Seemed pretty fun..

Trust me on this, this to put it...SUCKS!!

I'm not talking beta suck,i'm talking bad-skins-bad-models-bad-maps kind of suck.
I'm not exactly happy with the game.....

Its not what I expected. I mean its just not fun to play at the moment. Its just..... Wrong! :|

Kinda annoying really, I had high hopes for this.....

Aww well, I hope there is another attempt at a game like this that actually works and is fun.
Well..that doesn't make it sound very promising...damn. I won't waste any more time on trying to get this demo to work then.
I wouldnt remove it from your hard drive yet.

Wait for a patch or a new demo. Then make up your mind.

I havent *completely* given up on the game...
Soldner is dead in the water, the loading screen was bad for a start, the graphics are piss poor and I don't have a clue what the gameplay is like because I never got onto a server for more than 3 seconds (except my own which crashed after 30 seconds and thats not enough time to actually do anything, except stare at a equipment screen).
I actually got to play it after trying to get on a server for ages. But I didn't play online, I used a lanserver on another comp so I could at least see how it plays. Not very interesting really. The only thing I liked is that you can blow everything up, the rest was meh.
I'll wait for the beta patch, maybe it'll be fun online, maybe...
The game sucks, tacky menu and interface everywhere. Very, very, very laggy.
It seems to suck. I can play it, but it's buggy beyond belief. Once I got in the game I noticed the graphics were pretty ugly and first persion view really sucks. I haven't been able to get into any vehicles yet, except for the humvee but it got warped into a tree like 5 seconds later. The weapons seem to all behave the same, just different rate of fire, clip size, and firepower. Also your character moves annoyingly slow.

On the bright side the game had a very good character customization system. The environment seemed to be pretty interactive with destroyable bridges and trees (although it wasn't the geo-mod they claimed it was, I saw no visible craters). Most of the problems the game has is due to bugs, when they're fixed the game might be decent, but right now it's unplayable.

Personally, I think Joint Operations looks to be much better. In the demo there are already two 120 player servers which is awesome. It's fast paced and has good teamwork. Also, both of these games have similar release dates but Joint Operations is much more polished and already very fun.
:frown: I don't like Soldner beta. Obviously it had so many bugs and junk(beta dur), but that isn't it... it was like too plain, not that much interactivity, gameplay to me didn't make the cut.
Thank you all, for stating the obvious, it's a BETA, that's why it's BUGGY. And yes, it's really buggy. That's why they need you to playtest it.
Behind all the bugs and crashes, there's a pretty cool game, with lots of potential.
The graphics may not be the greatest, at all, but as long as they serve their purpose, I don't have any problems with that. There's a reason why the graphics are not much special, and that is because everything is dynamic and destroyable, and that eats away resources. You can blast holes in the ground, blow walls out of houses, cut trees down (and the shadows of all trees need to be dynamically generated)

The vehicles need some big finetuning, only the tanks handle properly at the moment. But the combat is pretty cool, the explosions look great and the bullet impacts look spectacular (compared to a whole lot of games like BF1942 where the impacts look rather shitty) Nothing more satisfying than blowing away the second floor of a building with a well aimed rocket.
And the way which in you can customize stuff is really cool, in the final game you can even make your own, for all players visibile, cammo.
The total maparea is 6000x6000 km, so plenty of maps :D

I do hope all the major issues are fixed, because this game could turn out to be really fun, if played well and not like a lonesome rambo.

(although it wasn't the geo-mod they claimed it was, I saw no visible craters).

Right now, only the T90 in the demo can make craters. An odd choice, true, but maybe understandable to prevent people from leveling the whole map.
But there are definitely craters.
I got a chance to play this game by myself with a lanserver that i made. I think once all of the bugs are ironed out and gameplay is polished, this game could have great potential. blowing up everything in sight sure is fun :)
The game will not be as popular as BF42 nor BFV. I played the game before the servers crashed and didn't like it at all. It doesn't matter if its a beta because the graphics and gameplay will be the same. This game is going to bomb...very big dissappointment. If you go to any forum you will see that no one likes the game nor are they going to buy it. I thought the J.O demo was horrible into I played the Soldner demo.
The game sucks, but my question is if it i suppose to come out in less then a month, may 5th or something, then how come they are doing a beta now, well lets see, first, they have to fix every big bug, and theres a lot, then it has to go gold, which after it goes gold it takes atleast 2 weeks for it to come out i think. So in basically they have less then a week to fix all of the major bugs if they want to release it on time, which there not in my opionion.
Maybe I'm just dumb, but why do the cars seem like they have cruise control set to 60?
Well i played the demo...i loved it but it had better improve a lot before release.

Joining servers was difficult, vehicles were hard to handle and my ping was bad...although the ping was probably due to being on American servers. However, in many other games i get far lower pings. Even in halflife when i played on a non dedicated server in Australia.
Why not just download it over night or something?

One thing i loved about this game was the ability to customise apearance so much. The fact that it wasnt all military gear made it better and im sure there will be even more to chose from in the full game. You can change your look i game as well which is useful...if a little cheeky when, you are moving from say...trees to rock. You just change your camoflauge and fit right in.