Soldner video


Sep 14, 2003
Reaction score
Has anybody else seen this yet? Fileplanet has it, but it's a weird download. You have to install it, which I find vaguely disturbing. It is a bink video though, so I was expecting something very smooth and clean. But mackeral, this is ass ugly. The worst resolution in modern gaming. Why the hell did they capture at like a 600 res? It looks like a PSOne game. I'm pretty disappointed. I was looking forward to this game. Anybody know if it's a cross-platform release? That could explain some things.
its just simply an ugly game, however it doesnt look that bad.... its the gameplay that will save it (hopefuly) though.
if the chopper sound effect used in that vid is the one in-game... we have problems.
the graphics and look of things remind me of "Freedom Fighters" on Xbox.
The game doesn't look that good at all. Its to arcadish for me...I quess im going to just buy BFV and Far Cry. You can't even make a great mod on that engine that game just plain out sucks.
heheh, its far less arcadish than farcry.

And there are mods being made for soldner.

And the only part of the engine that is not up to the best games standards is the rendering engine. And even that is exceptional considering the scale of things they are doing.

My opinons anyway. :)
lest arcadish then Far Cry? I have to disagree...i played the far cry demos and its not all fast paced. I even played the MP beta. I'll wait for Soldner to come out and see what others think of this game. I already don't like the fact that your stuck in 3rd person while using vehicles.
Though I haven't seen the video, the game looks good. What can I say? Only time will tell.
Yeah, I guess its just a matter of opinion then.

I too was in the farcry beta btw.

They said that they would add things like cockpits later on. free of charge.
Along with a linux server capable of handeling 128 players.

That really apealls to me :)

Alot of people on the soldner beta atm compare it to operation flashpoint.
Thats why I don't think its arcade.

You will understand if you know about operation flashpoint :)
acradish? soldner looks like the exact opposite of arcady......

if anything farcry is arcadish.....and ugly.
Ugly? I wouldn't call Söldner ugly in any way, especially not when you think of the terrain sizes it generates. Huge!
It's about the graphics of Battlefield 1942, not the prettiest, but decent and very functional.

The ADS really looks cool, I would love to level a forrest or two :D
But also the UCS looks great, creating your own camouflage rocks (it's even server side!) and stuff like creating clan tags and logo's.

I think this is going to be a really fun game.
you know what.... farcry is ugly....buth i was thinking STALKER not soldner....i always confuse the two for some reason....

and yes...soldner is ugly compared to other modern games..
clarky003 said:
oh right gottcha, ugly. lol

yep just like i think UK2K4 is ugly ..and D3 is ugly.......

some fancy lighting and some bump maps dont mean shit if you dont use them right.
crabcakes66 said:
yep just like i think UK2K4 is ugly ..and D3 is ugly.......

some fancy lighting and some bump maps dont mean shit if you dont use them right.

Well...this begs the question...what game coming out isn't ugly? If you say HL2 is good looking and D3, FarCry, and Stalker are all ugly...that's just plain wrong..
Has anyone even watched the video? Please watch the video and then come and join me in saying how UGLY it is.
crabcakes66 said:
yep just like i think UK2K4 is ugly ..and D3 is ugly.......

some fancy lighting and some bump maps dont mean shit if you dont use them right.

these type of fanboys should not even be given a brain. they abuse the privilege god gave them to speak and use a computer.
Söldner doesn't have very good graphics, true. But you do have 128-people servers, destructable terrain and buildings, and huge maps. The proof will be in the pudding but I am not gonna write this game off yet.
I beta tested Soldner, and although that video is bad, the game itself doesn't look too shabby.

As for it being "arcadey"...hmmm.... no way. It sits in between battlefield and operation flashpoint on the realism stakes. Just flying the helicopters for 5 seconds proves it isn't arcadey! It takes alot of practice to be good...

I was well excited about this game, and although it's gonna be good I was expecting a bit more from the damage system. I think I just had too high hopes :(
Pitbul said:
these type of fanboys should not even be given a brain. they abuse the privilege god gave them to speak and use a computer.

welcome to my ignore list, ive seen nothing from you so far that makes me want to see what you have to say. i dont know how having a differant opinion on what makes a game look good makes me a fanboy.

You guys are the ones telling me my OPINION is wrong....hmm wouldnt that make you fanboys? :|

AmishSlayer said:
Well...this begs the question...what game coming out isn't ugly? If you say HL2 is good looking and D3, FarCry, and Stalker are all ugly...that's just plain wrong..

i never said stalker was ugly. I think it looks better than HL2 actaully.
I agree with crabcake about the ugly thing...

For example:

Doom 3 is fancy lighting and bumpmaps... but from what I've seen all the environments are the same dull ugly brown rooms. You can put all the glitter, physics and lighting you want on it... but it's still a dull brown room.
pHATE1982 said:
I agree with crabcake about the ugly thing...

For example:

Doom 3 is fancy lighting and bumpmaps... but from what I've seen all the environments are the same dull ugly brown rooms. You can put all the glitter, physics and lighting you want on it... but it's still a dull brown room.

Exactly. :bounce:
Pitbul said:
these type of fanboys should not even be given a brain. they abuse the privilege god gave them to speak and use a computer.

well dude, there not the ones making these excellent games, and thats what miffs me off the most. ugly is too harsh a word, imperfect yes, ugly No
clarky003 said:
well dude, there not the ones making these excellent games, and thats what miffs me off the most. ugly is too harsh a word, imperfect yes, ugly No

your approval of my opinion is so important to me. :rolleyes:

jeez i thought D3 fanboys were bad....but now we have farcry fanboys and UT fanboys.
Ugly may be too harsh a word... But we're not politicians, so we are allowed opinions. Even if they seem sevre...

An ugly bird with lots of makeup is still an ugly bird.
am I the only one who thinks FC, UT2k4, D3 and all those look GORGEOUS theyre better then anything elese out there... my god wtf do you guys want... reality? go play fps's with real guns and join the ****ing army... my god whiners :rolleyes:

heres basically what your saying, take a really hot chick...lets say carmen electra... take off her skin and hair and BAM WTF OMG GOD JOO NOOB make women look sexy without there skin lookin like a bloody corpse you still got a butugly lookin chick! :cheers: :bonce: well ****ing duh... idiots :rolleyes:

oh and gfx dont make a game at all

Doom 3 looks dull... I'm sure it's a damn fine game, and i'll probably play it, but it's just far too dark and enclosed. Far too much praise has gone to it's ground breaking graphics. But it's more it's ground breaking effects that have caused all the uproar.

It's not a BAD looking game, and i can understand why people like the look of it. It's just my personal taste... as it's not the graphics style I go for. I like open spaces and bright colours.

As for UT2004, hmmm, nothing new or special there.

Better looking than D3? Hmmm, half life 2 and stalker... far cry also. And another game i'm looking forward to is BF veitnam. I can't exactly say the graphics are better than D3, but I certainly prefer the graphics style.
Agreed :)

It's just out of those games D3's visual style isn't my cup of tea.

As for Soldner, the shear scale of it is impressive, but I am saving my judgments until it gets released. The beta I tested was a little buggy, but once the netcode is sorted out it has potential. (Was also really weirdly balanced. The guns were far too accurate, yet mastering the aircraft was really quite hard). Hell, it's also gonna be up against alot of other big games. Only time will tell.
I have to disagree with that statement of graphics don't make a game. When ppl looked at CS:CZ they turned away.....when ppl look at buying games they look at graphics. So if Soldner graphics are bad it will turn a lot of ppl away.
What exactly is Soldner? I'm confused... judging by the screenshots, this game looks crappy. I seriously don't get the concept of it at all. Is there a story or is this a third person copy of BF1942?
Moto-x_Pat said:
What exactly is Soldner? I'm confused... judging by the screenshots, this game looks crappy. I seriously don't get the concept of it at all. Is there a story or is this a third person copy of BF1942?

Good question. I think it's team-based multiplay with present-day weapons. To me, and I could be wrong, it looks like another flashpoint-type game. Those are great in theory, but playing with actual people, who know nothing about tactics is depressing. Maybe once there is understandable voice com in games it will improve.
Plus, it's ugly. :p