Sole User or Multiple Users?

Sole User or Multiple Users?

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May 21, 2004
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Do you share your computer with others or do you have it all to yourself?

My computer is my computer. :)
i mainly use my laptop, and no one other than me uses it. If I had a nice desktop which I will eventually then no one will touch it other than my girl, retarded computer illiterate family + computer = boom
My money, from My job, bought My computer parts, which I assembled, to create My computer. :)
Multiple computers to keep the rest of my family quiet.
Computer at uni: My very own self-built computing monster, all mine.
Comuter at home: My previous very own now slightly outdated self-built computing monster, shared with computer-illiterate family.

All they do is check email though, and don't touch what they don't understand, so it's alright.
Only a few more months before I get my own PC and my younger bro can inherit this pile o' crap.
I'm on my computer most of the time, but when i'm out or at college, i occassionally get my parents sneaking onto their accounts which i made to keep them happy. They don't have admin though :D
bvasgm said:
My money, from My job, bought My computer parts, which I assembled, to create My computer. :)

Dad's money, from Dad's job, Dad bought computer parts, which Dad assembled, to create our shared computer. ;)

Although he picks his moments to remind me its his.
bvasgm said:
My money, from My job, bought My computer parts, which I assembled, to create My computer. :)

I'd just like to echo this statement, with one caveat:

My money, from My job, bought My computer parts, which I assembled, to create My computer, next to My laptop, which I purchased with My money. ;)
what if it's technically not yours but you have put a good couple of parts into it? (example: ram, new cd-rom drive) how would you go about answering that on the poll?
pvtbones said:
what if it's technically not yours but you have put a good couple of parts into it? (example: ram, new cd-rom drive) how would you go about answering that on the poll?
Are you the only user or do you share it with other people? It doesn't matter what parts you put in.
I do share it with other, but they hardly ever use it, so it's basically mine.
i built this pc but i do share it even tho i wish i had a pc all to my own :|
I'm the sole user of both my computers.

I play games on one while simulataneously browsing the web with my laptop.
Noes :( I have to share my computer and since I only use the internet I can only use it when no one else is on the internet :\. Can't...wait to uni
I've got two PCs and a laptop in my room, my mum and dad have another two PCs downstairs. :thumbs:
I am the only person who uses my computer, I hardly ever let my friends use it unless they play a game while I supervise
My machine is mine and mine only, nobody freakin' touches it, unless I supervise them.

There is nothing I hate more than people who use my machine without having the slightest clue of what they're doing.

It feels like putting a baby at the big red button in the white house.

Thankfully, everyone in my house has their own machine.
Its mine, I built it and installed the network so I could have ADSL.

My proudest moment.

I have a BIOS password so only I can use it. (my family are mostly computer noobs)
All 3 are mine, 2 were bought by my dad, my gaming pc I paid for everything in there, accept the HDD :P But my dad has his own 2 pcs, so its all good.
Can people with 3 PCs [cough]richf**ks[/cough] send me one? :imu:
ríomhaire said:
Can people with 3 PCs [cough]richf**ks[/cough] send me one? :imu:

I'm not rich, I don't know why people think you have to be rich to own 3 pc's. One pc is a 500mhz celeron, my FIRST personal computer, no sharing with anyone, I got back in 1999. This pc I am using right now is just for browsing and a few other things, got it in 2003 or so. I just save my pc's because they mainly work, and when they die, I'll still keep them, they are treasures to me. :thumbs:
ComradeBadger said:
I have a PC, my parents have a PC, I built them both :)

AND paid for them :|

Charge them for use.
£1 for an hour of internet was what my old library charged. Make it official and send bills with a logo and everything. :D
I'm getting too into this...
I am the soul user of my computery machine, unless i let someone use it because im a generous kind guy like that.
Haha nahhh..

I'm nice like that :)

[Mainly cos they pay for 2Mbit uncapped broadband.. :E ]