Some advance question, i think :P



Maybe this will be impossible i dont know, but. Heres my idea for a map i want to make. I want to make a map where i can control a little car. I must have a panel that i can press the use button, and then my controls will be on the small car. And i kan push up-arrow to make i go forward and such stuffs, anyone know how to do this?

All i want is a alternate to using func_button in my world. Like i can control a "r/c-car" with my keyboard, instead of using the mouse to push many buttons.

I think that would have been it :rolling:
you spelled "can" with a "K"..........I don't want to answer your question.

Don't ask me how. But you can do this no problem. You just have to make the little car and everything. There was a map out for CS:S before anyone could actually make maps and it had an RC car that you controled. Exept that the camera didn't go onto the car, they just had a big screen set up and a camera on the car so you could see where you were going.
That would be pretty cool! I think you can attach a camera entity or whatever its called to the car to see where its going and have a monitor at the control panel. I dont know anything about making it move though.