Some anxiety problems..

Some people with bipolar experience depression like once a month (this would be severe), and others, it's like twice a year or whatever. The more frequent the ups and downs, the more severe the condition. I'm not saying you necessarily have bipolar, I'm just using it as an example.

On a different note, other people seem to get depressed during certain seasons. You should look this up, I have only a vague idea.

But obviously you can 'jinx' yourself or whatever. If I sit here and think about depressing shit, like bad things that happened to me as a child, I'll get upset. I don't know if you realize that when you relive your memories you become emotionally vested. When you think about it, accept it and let it go. You can't change the past.
Some people with bipolar experience depression like once a month (this would be severe), and others, it's like twice a year or whatever. The more frequent the ups and downs, the more severe the condition. I'm not saying you necessarily have bipolar, I'm just using it as an example.

On a different note, other people seem to get depressed during certain seasons. You should look this up, I have only a vague idea.

But obviously you can 'jinx' yourself or whatever. If I sit here and think about depressing shit, like bad things that happened to me as a child, I'll get upset. I don't know if you realize that when you relive your memories you become emotionally vested. When you think about it, accept it and let it go. You can't change the past.

I think it will be just a matter of time before this fades away..I'll just have to re train my mindset which will take a lot of work and time but I think I can do it. I actually remember a few months ago I almost relapsed into this but I forced myself to get the **** over it..this times a bit harder obviously because it's my "1 year anniversary" lol and i psyched myself out.

Going to try your advice Virus and start eating healthier foods especially bananas and see if that helps. I was going to the gym earlier but due to a massive workload at school, I seldom go. I should really try to take an hour or so out of my day and workout lol.
How did some of you guys get over your depression/anxiety? Is there anything specific that you did to alleviate or eliminate it or did it pass with time?


But after you're finished. It starts again.

Then you run. Or walk. And walk. and walk and walk. Until you're so tired you just have to take a shower and sleep, and not think about what a horrible mess you are and how all your dreams have been broken and shattered into little pieces and however you try to pick them up you can't because they keep slipping and cutting your fingers and making you bleed. And it gets harder and harder because your fingers are all slippery from all the blood and the pieces are becoming smaller and smaller and more scattered and now you realize that you are without any hope of recovering the powedered remenants of your what-ifs and had-beens, but you can't stop.

Then you wake up, and try to get around one more day. But this time, it's just ever so slightly worse. And one day, as it continues to build up, and you finally realize something.

EDIT: Ok, I'm just trying to say that everybody has these problems. It goes away. Kind of.

But after you're finished. It starts again.

Then you run. Or walk. And walk. and walk and walk. Until you're so tired you just have to take a shower and sleep, and not think about what a horrible mess you are and how all your dreams have been broken and shattered into little pieces and however you try to pick them up you can't because they keep slipping and cutting your fingers and making you bleed. And it gets harder and harder because your fingers are all slippery from all the blood and the pieces are becoming smaller and smaller and more scattered and now you realize that you are without any hope of recovering the powedered remenants of your what-ifs and had-beens, but you can't stop.

Then you wake up, and try to get around one more day. But this time, it's just ever so slightly worse. And one day, as it continues to build up, and you finally realize something.

EDIT: Ok, I'm just trying to say that everybody has these problems. It goes away. Kind of.

I don't think mine is that severe lol but I can see where you're coming from. I can't help but feel that if you try hard enough and give it enough time you can actually change the way you think. It's just the relapsing part that I have to deal with and It's inevitable but it's something I have to deal with.
I suppose. :p

It comes and goes. It comes especially if you aren't doing anything. Because I was fired (I worked a bit tutoring kids to pay for rent and stuff), I had nothing to do during the summer. So I grabbed an "Advanced Mathematics II" book (I always wanted to study advanced math in high school, but my 'major' prevented me from doing so) and started working out the problems. It really takes your mind off stuff.

In the end, my depression comes from the fact that I'm not studying what I want to study, and that all my friends are so scattered that I don't see them as often anymore. But you know, just do some stuff, and it'll take your mind off it. Of course, it really doesn't solve your problems, but then again, what would?
I can't help but feel that if you try hard enough and give it enough time you can actually change the way you think. It's just the relapsing part that I have to deal with and It's inevitable but it's something I have to deal with.

It almost sounds like you are talking about your conscience.
Just so you know, changing the way you think does produce physical and chemical changes in your brain. A relapse is just a down-stroke in a chemical cycle, it ain't shit.
Just so you know, changing the way you think does produce physical and chemical changes in your brain. A relapse is just a down-stroke in a chemical cycle, it ain't shit.

Not following you..what do you mean it aint shit? Like it's no big deal?
Exactly. It's nothing you haven't seen before, you know how to deal with it.
Exactly. It's nothing you haven't seen before, you know how to deal with it.

It's probably just a shock to myself that It's happening again and that it's been so long since it's happened. The shock was so bad that it literally put me back into that state where I feel like I won't ever get out of it. But of course if I keep thinking that way, then I won't.
I've had an anxiety disorder since I was 12 and I've had all the symptoms across the board, sometimes for months on end without stopping. The way its defeated is simply a state of mind, you just have embrace the symptoms you have and accept them, and then just take your mind off it, over time the fear slowly depletes and anything side effects loose any edge.

The real problem is the phychlogical problems that are a lot harder to shift like derealization which is where you are completely detached from all your surroundings and everywhere feels alien. But unlike with things like depression it is just about your mentality when it comes to getting over it. I shant ever be rid of it probably but I can keep under control at least.
As posted in another thread about anti-depressants, here's some supplements that are of interest to anyone struggling with depression or anxiety.

Of interest to you:

Passion Flower extract
Omega 3's, in particular EPA, DHA, and ALA. Good quality fish oil works well.

I'm eating Now Foods L-Theanine and True Calm supplements, and it calms down my mental activity well.
As posted in another thread about anti-depressants, here's some supplements that are of interest to anyone struggling with depression or anxiety.

Of interest to you:

Passion Flower extract
Omega 3's, in particular EPA, DHA, and ALA. Good quality fish oil works well.

I'm eating Now Foods L-Theanine and True Calm supplements, and it calms down my mental activity well.

Does it actually? I've never tried any of these supplements but I've always been a massive skeptic of everything for some reason so I never attempted to try them out.

Are they available at any nutrition store?
yeah, I got mine at a whole foods store locally. they supply most now foods supplements.

there's definitely research behind amino acids, omega 3s, and some vitamins for improving neurotransmitter function as well as alleviating some mental disorders.
it's scattered and not very mainstream, but i decided to try some anyway.
i just started eating these supplements today and surprisingly i feel very calm and relaxed, like my brain chatter is gone. the feeling came about a half an hour after first ingestion.
i'm quite impressed, and in reviews of these products people sometimes say they've reduced and even dropped off their depression/anxiety meds entirely thanks to amino acid blends and vitamin blends. first day on them and i can certainly see what they're getting at. i almost always have anxiety, and frequently my gut tenses up, my heart rate fires, and i feel nervous tension. i have definitely noticed a significant reduction in my social anxiety today. i'll keep you updated on how things go from here.

granted if you have a severe condition, or even moderate condition, and are currently being monitored by doctors i don't recommend throwing these into your med regimin without assistance. i don't take medications (though i wonder often if i should).