Some banners I made (no filters) <--- lies cause he used the cloud filter!!!!1123456


Oct 11, 2004
Reaction score
Ok, so in a feeble attempt to prove i don't suck at everything i have made a website banner. I originally made it for a clan i was in, but ive changed it. So, yeh, it kinda sucks , but i proved i can do something slightly creative. :)
ill try and find some other ones i made if this one doesnt burn your eyes out.
That's cool, but before anyone else critisizes you, Ill do it politely

The only things used are images put randomly onto the image under scanlines ontop of a clouds effect. You should be more creative and make this less obvious by making more contrast in the image, or else get rid of excess detail, like the circles. The banner below is really simple, but it's very effect because of this. There isn't too much going on, and you can see the name more clearly. Yours however looks too messy and the title isn't very clear. If you want to make your title that small and unclear, you need to make the whole effect more even and try and make it less complicated.
The side bits are ok, but the white does not go with the yellow/green colour used and so stands out. The blue is fine, but the white in between the blue and the green looks quite ugly. The picture in the centre should follow the same colour scheme as the rest of the picture, or else change the blue. It is usually advisable to stick to two colours. So either green/yellow and blue or green/yellow and brown which goes well alot more. The image isn't centred and so makes the thing look unbalanced, as well as sticking up right in the centre, seeminly piercing it.
But apart from that, it's nice and is alot better than your last piece of work
Oops, I forgot to attach the banner
Thanks for the advice. :cheers: ive tried to do that, but if i take the shapes out, it looks really empty..

is this any better?
Use some filters :P. They're good for something. Take out the shapes, but put some images in. Change the clouds filter making it more interesting and find some images based on Half-Life, or whatever game you like. Then use the mask and blend them in nicely
ok, so i didnt notice until id finished that i changed everything about the banner except the text.. oh, well.

i went for REALLY simple..
any good?
Don't over use them. And always remember the Ctrl+U Command. It changes the hue, sturation and lightness. But the main use I find for it is the colourize. Check the colourize box and then you can change the colour of your layer. If you want to colourize a whole picture or more than one layer with the same colour, go to the circle that looks like a yin-yan sign on your layers toolbox, and then select hue-saturation. Do it on the topmost layer you want to change and it will create a new layer above that. Use it like the Ctrl+U function, but the better thing is you can change it afterwards.
i only used two..
hey, i think ill try and do a new one using your advice. thanks :cheers:
Im glad I can help

But who edited the title? :P
Ok, tired, drunk, and crazy... someone get the tranquiliser gun out...

And what's with the 123456???
Joims said:
and the 1337 effect :P

someones been playing too much cs......
you better quit then, playing CS:S has been known to cause shrinkage. Why do you think CS gamers prefer that over sex, its cause they've become too embarrased infront of the girlfriend who's expecting a footlong but gets a walnut.
Argh! Cut down on the gaming! Where's my penis enlarger?
Lol!!! Anywho... better get on with work
Yeah, Im trying to do my site.

Jangle: if you want anything or get my opinion, you can add me on msn
I was reading that and almost called Druckles Dangle... I need more coffee.
Right, I need a name change now :o

Actually, that would be a good idea. Could you please change my name to Pixelator please? :D
Druckles said:
Right, I need a name change now :o

Actually, that would be a good idea. Could you please change my name to Pixelator please? :D
We already have a Pixelator, a Polyator and an alligator.

I dont like cs:s, 1.6 has climbing maps! :D Still i play cs:s cos my fav servers have gone cs:S :(
Really? :o
No you don't, I just checked the member list...
Sh! You have no power weakling. Let the mod speak!
CREMATOR666 said:
Do u play CS:S, Dark Elf? Or should I say...FENRIC!! :O
You do know Fenric isn't my real name don't you? It's the name I used on here before I changed it to TDE.
I think Fenric is better :D but again, that's just me.
btw, if it's your real name, you're the person with the coolest name I've ever met! :P