Some Bird


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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Ok, so yesterday my dad was outside barbecuing, and he noticed that a green and yellow budgie latched onto the screen on my kitchen window. I tried to catch it, but it flew away, so I figured 'oh well, I tried'. It was scared out of it's mind because it was in my backyard bird feeder and my cat got at it (atleast that's what I think, my cat was hanging around the feeder licking it's lips, and normally it doesn't go after the regular sparrows and cardinals that are around there), but it got away without harm. About an hour later I let my dogs out front (it's fenced in), and they were going nuts, looking at something to the right of my house. Normally they don't go crazy for anything except squirrels (which we only have a few of out in the country, yet tons of rabbits and deer..), so I figured it'd be interesting to check out, it usually is in this situation. My houses main door is the back door, so I go out that way, and I was going to travel around the house to see what the dogs were looking at. So I step outside, and hear 'CHEEP CHEEP CHEEP!', and I look in the garden right next to my back door, and what do you know, there is that little green and yellow bird, CRAWLING in the dirt away from my other cat (I have two cats that go outside, and the first cat was my gray cat, this one was my black cat). So my black cat was ready to pounce on the disable bird (it did something to it's leg), as the cat was in the air ready to kill the little bird, I put my foot out and the cat slammed head first into my foot then ran off (the cat is fine, btw). So I picked up the bird and got a cat carrier, put news paper, water, food, and a dish towel in it (so it can hide or whatever).

So now I have this green and yellow budgie that I found in a cat carrier in my room, and it lived through the night, and despite being scared out of it's wits (and it always runs to the back of the carrier when I come near and hides it head in the corner), it's perfectly fine now, nothing wrong with it's leg. I thought it would die throughout the night, but I guess it was crawling because it was so scared.

I'm going to put an ad in the newspaper saying that I've found this bird, and hopefully someone will claim it, but if they don't I guess I'll have to go shopping for a bird cage..

I just thought I'd share this story, as it's kind of wierd, my brother had a blue and white budgie for years and it never escaped.. But recently we've been having fantastic weather here, so someone probably decided they'd take it outside or something.

I'd also like to mention that if my dogs didn't see the squirrel or whatever it was that they saw, the bird would almost certainly be killed by my cat (it disembowels mice, eats their guts and what-not all the time, and is nice enough to bring the heads and sometimes the carcasses to my door step, so I have no doubt it would've killed this bird, you could see my cat was toying with the thing), so that little bird owes it's life to my dogs, which, if they had the chance, would almost certainly eat it.
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No, not me, my dogs.

@MFD00M - I don't have a camera, and even if I did it'd probably give the thing a heart attack (the flash), just google image search budgie - It's green and has a yellow head.