some concerns with hl2

Okay, it's just one screenshot of an odd angle, but if you need proof that HL2 is more than a bunch of cardboard cut-outs check out this sub:

See: nice and curvy surfaces working together to produce a nice looking beached sub.

If that aint good enough check these boats:


They're similar to the boat being discussed here, but they look much less boxy [IMO] because you can see that the fronts and backs of the boats curve inwards and the Underbellies of the boats are also curved.

Furthermore observe the backgrounds in these pics, not boxy at all really. Quite effectively gives the perception of depth even in the still image.

IMO the reason that one pick looks boxy is because you can't see the front of the boat as it's out of frame or the underbelly of the boat as its under the sand.

Note:These pics are from the Coastline bink. Watch that to see the true beauty of HL2 as even these screens cannot do it justice.
err, yeah, and have you noticed how in the screen of kleiner's lab his face kinda looks distorted? hell, i'm just gonna go buy another WW2 shooter now!

nah, i'll just get half life 2, AH, and RE4 like i plan to.