Some d*ck trying to hijack my account...


Sep 11, 2007
Reaction score
I just had someone called '' add me via Steam friends and then tell me my account was being used by multiple users and different ip addresses from around the world...
I told them I was going to report them for being a tool and funnilly enough, they immediately deleted me from their friends list...
It has kind of pissed me off a bit and also made me wonder how widespread this type of thing is...
What sort of security does Valve have in place to prevent people brute forcing account passwords?
Valve can verify your account ownership and reset your password and contact email as long as you have your credit card details, as far as I'm aware.
Did you get his Steam Community ID?

If so, PM a moderator over at the Steam forums and they should take care of it.

Stigmata said:
Valve can verify your account ownership and reset your password and contact email as long as you have your credit card details, as far as I'm aware.
CD key as well, if that fails.
Valve can verify your account ownership and reset your password and contact email as long as you have your credit card details, as far as I'm aware.

But in that case, he'll have probably sold the account on to some poor helpless sap.
Aw, you should've ****ed with him and posted an epic convo.
Aw, you should've ****ed with him and posted an epic convo.
Haha...Well, I think it was just some kid trying to trick me...They didn't get very far, I sent them a message after they added me and then they replied with a copied and pasted or perhaps automated response...
I said that I was gonna report them to Valve and that was that...A moment later they removed themselves from my friends list, I guess so I couldn't find out more info about them.
I tried to go to the Steam forums and report it, but their system of reporting incidents like this isn't very user friendly...My account has been 'awaiting activation' for over a month now....Nearly two, and I can't pm anyone until someone activates it...
Haha...Well, I think it was just some kid trying to trick me...They didn't get very far, I sent them a message after they added me and then they replied with a copied and pasted or perhaps automated response...
I said that I was gonna report them to Valve and that was that...A moment later they removed themselves from my friends list, I guess so I couldn't find out more info about them.
I tried to go to the Steam forums and report it, but their system of reporting incidents like this isn't very user friendly...My account has been 'awaiting activation' for over a month now....Nearly two, and I can't pm anyone until someone activates it...

I thought you just had to go to your email and activate it by clicking a link....last time I thought. It would suck to have to activate hundreds of accounts a day \=

And I've never had anybody try to hijack my account before. I would have so much fun.
hire a hitman

or maybe pretend to be some noob that dont know stuff so valve can find the location and storm the place whit combine soldiers
If I was able to pm a mod on the Steam forums I could track the b*stard easily...Seeing as they are the only person that has been added to my friends list and were deleted only moments later...They would have a log of who it was wouldn't they? The ip address and user...
I would feel good about screwing them...
Valve never asks for account details. I've had the same thing happen to me some random adds you and starts acting like Valve support. I called the guy a ****ing moron and soon he vanished from my contact list.
Valve can only give so much protection against stupidity. If anyone gives out their account credentials, whether it be on their own steam chat or on AIM/MSN, Valve can't stop them.

They can simply help rectify the customer's mistake by resetting the ownership after verifying identity.

Its no different than if I called some random number saying "HAY THIS IS UR BANK. THERE IS PROBLEM WITH UR ACCOUNT. GIMMIE ACCOUNT INFO AND WICH BANK U USE PLZ."
Valve can only give so much protection against stupidity. If anyone gives out their account credentials, whether it be on their own steam chat or on AIM/MSN, Valve can't stop them.

They can simply help rectify the customer's mistake by resetting the ownership after verifying identity.

Its no different than if I called some random number saying "HAY THIS IS UR BANK. THERE IS PROBLEM WITH UR ACCOUNT. GIMMIE ACCOUNT INFO AND WICH BANK U USE PLZ."

I just hope that Valve have a good system in place where people cannot 'brute force' an account..They already know our username so all they need is our password....
Should I be concerned?
With the 'Do not give your password to anyone' plainly at the top of the screen it is hard to know why these idiots even try to cheat people...
But if someone somehow managed to aquire my password (without the help of my stupidity) and I lost the games and the money I had spent I would be righteously pissed off about it...
someone tried to steal my account in the same fashion and I played along until the very end at which point I pointed out everywhere they went wrong and told them to learn English better and try again.
All I have to say is, when I read the title of this thread, I didn't make the connection that "D*ck" was edited because it was a swear word.

And I actually thought the thread title was-
"Some duck trying to hijack my account..."

and for some reason, until now, I didn't realize how strange that thread title would have been...
someone tried to steal my account in the same fashion and I played along until the very end at which point I pointed out everywhere they went wrong and told them to learn English better and try again.
Why would you help them?
For the lulz. I also reported their SteamID though. They actually tried to play it off the entire time like they were legit.
I just hope that Valve have a good system in place where people cannot 'brute force' an account..They already know our username so all they need is our password....
Should I be concerned?
With the 'Do not give your password to anyone' plainly at the top of the screen it is hard to know why these idiots even try to cheat people...
But if someone somehow managed to aquire my password (without the help of my stupidity) and I lost the games and the money I had spent I would be righteously pissed off about it...

I would not worry. The fact that Valve has developed a program (steam) that allows people to enter in such critical information such as credit card numbers and personal information to buy games has not been overlooked by anyone. Valve knows how much of a popular target they would be against hackers and cheaters, and so they implement the best security you'll find from a commercial company.
Ive had the same exact dude try it on me a long time ago. I laughed at his bad english.
Baha, I wish someone did it to me so I can make some convo out of it :D
Ennuis account is worth alot

I remember at the post your steam games thread, he had loads. Does it mean if you have bought more, you get more security?
No, I don't see how you could have more or less security based on anything, it's all the same.

Just have your wits about you, it says "Never give out your password" in the account box ffs. I've had a couple of people phish for my account and I annihilated all of them. What does worry me a bit is I have a younger brother who might not be quite as sharp about it and he's got my alternate account which has a fair many games on it (HL2 gold, RO, Darwinia, a few others, and now Orange Box I think).
I think VALVe should make a thing in the chat that basically asterisks your password when you attempt to send it, then it'll spam something in the chat box like: "NEVER GIVE OUT YOUR PASSWORD YOU MORON!" 20 times. The second time you input it, nothing will happen. If you're stupid enough to put it in a second time after a warning, then you deserve to have your account stolen.
I think VALVe should make a thing in the chat that basically asterisks your password when you attempt to send it, then it'll spam something in the chat box like: "NEVER GIVE OUT YOUR PASSWORD YOU MORON!" 20 times. The second time you input it, nothing will happen. If you're stupid enough to put it in a second time after a warning, then you deserve to have your account stolen.
But what if your password is an ordinary word, like... "Fortress"

Example of disaster:

Joe: Hey, man, have you purchased the Orange Box yet?
Frank: Yeah, Team ******** 2 is awesome!
Joe: ...
Joe has signed off
But what if your password is an ordinary word, like... "Fortress"

Example of disaster:

Joe: Hey, man, have you purchased the Orange Box yet?
Frank: Yeah, Team ******** 2 is awesome!
Joe: ...
Joe has signed off

lol...I had my account on Valve's forums activated today...Finally. So I pmed a moderator with the info about the attempted phishing...

All I have to say is, when I read the title of this thread, I didn't make the connection that "D*ck" was edited because it was a swear word.

And I actually thought the thread title was-
"Some duck trying to hijack my account..."

and for some reason, until now, I didn't realize how strange that thread title would have been...

lol...Maybe I find the word d*ck offensive...Do d*cks have dicks? That is a weird mental image eh?
But what if your password is an ordinary word, like... "Fortress"

Example of disaster:

Joe: Hey, man, have you purchased the Orange Box yet?
Frank: Yeah, Team ******** 2 is awesome!
Joe: ...
Joe has signed off
Then you're a twat for not having a more complicated password with at least one number in.
No, I don't see how you could have more or less security based on anything, it's all the same.

Just have your wits about you, it says "Never give out your password" in the account box ffs. I've had a couple of people phish for my account and I annihilated all of them. What does worry me a bit is I have a younger brother who might not be quite as sharp about it and he's got my alternate account which has a fair many games on it (HL2 gold, RO, Darwinia, a few others, and now Orange Box I think).

He seemed pretty smart when i met him D:

Seemed i say