Some first info on the next Call of Duty title.


Jun 2, 2010
Reaction score
Even though there isn't much info on the 8th Call of Duty game, which is planned on being released next year, the little bits of info I found were a bit...."interesting".

According to the article, Sledgehammer will be developing this next COD title (though Infinity Ward, or what's left of it, will still be making the next "proper" COD title), and the "situations" in the game will be inspired by real life accounts by actual soldiers.
(Sorry, I couldn't resist. :D :LOL: )

My photoshop skillz are amazing.
It's like a bad dream. The next fps with iron sights and a modern war theme to come out can suck my balls.
Homefront sounds incredible, hopefully its not another plain fps fail. Story has some incredible possibilities.
Medal of Honour? Have you even heard about how shitty the beta is?


Still believes DICE will make a true PC game to regain all the trust from the PC community they lost in the past few years after they turned their back on us.


This isn't 4chan, Ravioli. Don't do your >quoting and >implications and reaction image shit in here.
>Implying 4chan has copyrighted the use of quotations and implications

Chill, its a one time offense.
Still believes DICE will make a true PC game to regain all the trust from the PC community they lost in the past few years after they turned their back on us.
Turned their back on us? BC2 was pretty huge on PC, hasn't it sold like 2 million copies so far on PC? Last I heard, the PC made up the majority of the 2.3 million sales in the first month. It runs well, it doesn't crash much, it has vehicles and good infantry combat... you're crazy, mang.

Also: "Picking composers 4 the game. Fun stuff, think we found a great fit. Audio will b better than what we did on Dead Space." Really? You have the time to spell out "composers" but not "be"? I've already lost all my respect for Sledgehammer Games.
Turned their back on us? BC2 was pretty huge on PC, hasn't it sold like 2 million copies so far on PC? Last I heard, the PC made up the majority of the 2.3 million sales in the first month. It runs well, it doesn't crash much, it has vehicles and good infantry combat... you're crazy, mang.

You are correct on the numbers, but this is what you are missing:

DICE said numerous times in plenty of interviews (videos and articles) that the PC version will be a true PC game. They even made a trailer SPECIFICALLY for the PC edition. However, these features they promised for PC (most of which were not included until 2 months after release after shitloads of angry gamers complained on their forums) were laughable. For example: "The PC version will have full mouse and keyboard support" - Quote from PC trailer. DICE has come to the point where "True PC game" simply means changing controls from controller to mouse and keyboard. At launch, the PC version was not even close to be a true PC game due to all the missing essential features. The few they had at launch were broke, buggy, and minimalistic.

Yes, DICE did fix most of these things after 2 months or so, but that does not excuse how shitty they treated us through that time. They are still missing key elements that make PC gaming so great. The competitive communities deserted the game because DICE simply ignored that market. People made numerous attempts to get DICE to acknowledge them, and they waited patiently for some simple tools which never came.

Dont get me wrong, i LOVE Bad Company 2, i have shitloads of fun with my friends on it. But i am very disapointed at how DICE handled their PC gamers. This is the reason why i have lost all trust in Battlefield 3. Hopefully they can redeem themselves.
I dunno man... I see what you're saying, but it just sounds like regular ol' DICE to me. BF1942 was a buggy mess on release, and keyboard/mouse support was shit. It took until the 1.3 patch for it to be stable and for infantry combat to not suck completely. BF2 was more of the same. DICE and good hardware support is like Valve and solid release dates - you just have to manage without it :p
Yeah you are right. But i feel that the standards for PC gaming has increased while DICE still cant manage to get a product to be at acceptable working levels at release. They should seriously fire half of their software engineers and hire some new talent OR simply chill out with the release dates and wait till the game is done before they release it. Its probably because EA is constantly breathing down their neck.
Yeah. EA's been a lot better the past few years, but I wouldn't be surprised to see them pressuring DICE to time their release to make their quarterly financials look better, or something like that.

The thing that pisses me off the most about the Battlefield series is the ridiculous process of trial-and-error control mapping. And how you can't map two functions to the same button, even when those two functions can NEVER occur at the same time. When you have a different control map for infantry, ground vehicles, planes, helicopters, and naval vehicles, *and* a lot of those controls must use different buttons, it gets stupidly confusing.

I haven't played BC2 on PC, so I don't know if this is still the case...