some insight

People actually have to do stuff when they work for a game comany?

Holy crap, news to me.
I thought John Carmack just played D&D all day...hmm.
It's easier to insult you first then read the article. J/K Yes games have become much larger projects, but that doesn't mean the developers and publishers have to promise us release dates they know they won't meet.
I would much prefer them saying something like "Ya were working on this project but we really have no clue when its going to be done."

instead of "We should have it done by such and such a time next year" Even though they really don't have a clue as to when it will be released.

Building a game really is such a huge project and has so many variables that can affect a release date that they should not even try to create an estimate for the public up until near the end when they really can have a definite date planned.
yes its unfortunate that the 'release date' has been so innacurate in the past that now that when any game dev makes a release date, it makes you wonder..
and you all said "when the hell am i gonna have to use THIS?" when you first learned about flow charts.
Maskirovka said:
and you all said "when the hell am i gonna have to use THIS?" when you first learned about flow charts.

Yup, guilty as charged :cheese: