Some kind of bug at "T-Minus"


Aug 1, 2009
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Alyx wont get on the elevator after the strider & hunter attacks that other scientist guy thanks me Alyx opens the elevator and then nothing she just stands there. Can anyone provide me a save file where Alyx enters the elevator and operates it properly. I am stuck because of this dumb bug. I really would appreciate if anyone could help.
Let Alyx to open the elevator , and when she stops moving , save the game as quick as you can , then load that save game.then Alyx must enter the elevator.
If you weren't successful with the tips above , use these :

Extract the files with winrar , and copy them here :
C:\Program Files\Half 2 Episode 2\half-life 2 episode two\ep2\SAVE\
That must do your job.
Enjoy !
Let Alyx to open the elevator , and when she stops moving , save the game as quick as you can , then load that save game.then Alyx must enter the elevator.
If you weren't successful with the tips above , use these :

Extract the files with winrar , and copy them here :
C:\Program Files\Half 2 Episode 2\half-life 2 episode two\ep2\SAVE\
That must do your job.
Also if it's possible , please help me with my problem on post : " please help ... help me and get prize ! " in this forum.
Well, i had a save just before Alyx reaches the button for elevator. I've loaded it and everything worked properly; no bugs this time. But it wasn't nice to see Eli's death at the end, too much dramatic for an end sequence. Well, thank you for your time.
Yeah , a very bad idea for ending the second part of the best PC game , but I think Valve is going to continue this Alyx died because of a hunter ( In the first mission ) and Vortigaunts made her to be alive again , so maybe some chance to heal Eli again.
You're telling me that you can only install Steam games in the Steam folder? That sucks :/