some mp3 rant about hl2 delay

Originally posted by Goombatommy
Truthfully, I dunno where the hell Fragmaster gets his info from, but he's wrong. Totally wrong. I dont even think he has given any sources to where he had gotten his information from.

This is not about whether the game is delayed or not. It's about how Fragmaster is acting.
ROFL @ Feath.

It would be well worth it for the game to be delayed just so i could see the reactions of the people on this forum.
Originally posted by Ender01
Or he was just trying to show everyone how stupid they've been acting. I thought it was funny, it hit me as a joke, not a personal attack.

Well, I think he did it the wrong way.

Let's agree to disagree? We both interpreted that MP3 file in different ways.
Originally posted by Feath
This is not about whether the game is delayed or not. It's about how Fragmaster is acting.

Yea, I can agree he might be acting somewhat immature about it, but wasnt he the one that made those flash movies?
Originally posted by SheepFactory
ROFL @ Feath.

It would be well worth it for the game to be delayed just so i could see the reactions of the people on this forum.

I wouldnt really care. I mean, my life's not depending on it after all. I could care less about the release date(provided it wasnt a couple months of a delay. But a month at most delay isnt bad). But it's the principal,I guess. Which is kinda sad,heh.

(And yeah,his flash movies were funny. But if this is a fairly new file, then he picked an awful time to put it up.)
Feath is just pissed that he spent two hours trying to write out an intelligent sounding rebuttal, while Fragmaster spent a minute and a half in a flawless impersonation of a hl2 fanboi, and they both accomplished pretty much the same thing.
Just listening to it a second time, he seriouslly has some issues. I mean, it's not even funny. It's just stupid.
Just listening to it a second time, he seriouslly has some issues. I mean, it's not even funny. It's just stupid.

Well, humor is relative. Personally, i didnt find it funny. But i dont think its such a big deal as other people seem to, getting their panties in a bunch and what not.
Originally posted by SheepFactory
Feath is just pissed that he spent two hours trying to write out an intelligent sounding rebuttal, while Fragmaster spent a minute and a half in a flawless impersonation of a hl2 fanboi, and they both accomplished pretty much the same thing.


You use the word "fanboi" [sic] a bit too often. Anyone who remotely likes Half-Life 2 is a fanboy in your opinion.
Originally posted by SheepFactory

Only 20% of people here(if that) are fanboys. Big difference between trusting what Valve says and not what a lonely nerd says, and just blantly listening to whatever sounds best for Half-life2.
Only 20% of people here(if that) are fanboys. Big difference between trusting what Valve says and not what a lonely nerd says, and just blantly listening to whatever sounds best for Half-life2.

LOL. I wasnt calling everyone here a fanboy. Its obvious a fanboy is exactly what fragmaster was attempting to impersonate.
Originally posted by Goombatommy
nw909, is that Fragmaster in that video?

Yeah, I think that vid isn't very old either, that other guy is the owner of somethingawful.
I merely found that MP3 on the street and posted it.

Hey, it's not meant to be taken seriously (I call myself FAGMASTERBATOR for god's sake), and I posted it in the forums, not the web site. I didn't call anyone an idiot, I just pieced stuff together from forum posts and exaggerated a little. I don't think people that keep insisting the game is delayed are idiots, they're just really excited about the game possibly coming out. And I really don't blame them for trusting Valve's official position over mine.

And I have been better about keeping my opinions off the front page. There's nothing in Gieger Counter, I've kept my smart remarks out of news posts, but on the forums... I'm just another fan. And I can say whatever I want, just like you.

Look, I feel very strongly that the game is delayed and obviously must think I have some pretty good information if I've been spouting this same crap since July. Either that or I'm a huge moron. OK, well, I'm probably a huge moron anyhow, but I think I'm a pretty well-informed moron.

So anyways, no offense intended, and remember: games are supposed to be fun!


Okay, I've calmed down.
I can't believe you guys didn't like that. it was hilarious. the only reason i can see you having a problem with it is if you are getting defensive because you know you ARE the guy in the video, otherwise you should just laugh.
it is directed at people just like you, i mean cmon, writing a REBUTTAL about his opinion?!? Jesus dude, you need to get some air, or a life or something.
Over 1000 posts in less than a month too? Don't you think perhaps you've got a case of HL2Mania? Maybe you are the lonely nerd that you claim him to be, and perhaps you would prefer it if the director of PHL was a boring old "prat", who made the site as boring as all hell.

I never bashed Fragmaster, because he has been writing for PHL and for SomethingAwful since before you got your braces on probably, and he's lasted this long. Figure out who he is and what he's like before you start bashing him.

Edit: That video is a few days old (less than a week) and he plays that stupid cop. And it's good you calmed down Feath.
Originally posted by Wesisapie
I can't believe you guys didn't like that. it was hilarious. the only reason i can see you having a problem with it is if you are getting defensive because you know you ARE the guy in the video, otherwise you should just laugh.
it is directed at people just like you, i mean cmon, writing a REBUTTAL about his opinion?!? Jesus dude, you need to get some air, or a life or something.
Over 1000 posts in less than a month too? Don't you think perhaps you've got a case of HL2Mania? Maybe you are the lonely nerd that you claim him to be, and perhaps you would prefer it if the director of PHL was a boring old "prat", who made the site as boring as all hell.

I never bashed Fragmaster, because he has been writing for PHL and for SomethingAwful since before you got your braces on probably, and he's lasted this long. Figure out who he is and what he's like before you start bashing him.

Hell yes, that video owns so does somethingawful, and phl.
He is a goon, what do you expect? Everything there bases around stupidity.
Originally posted by Wesisapie
I can't believe you guys didn't like that. it was hilarious. the only reason i can see you having a problem with it is if you are getting defensive because you know you ARE the guy in the video, otherwise you should just laugh.
it is directed at people just like you, i mean cmon, writing a REBUTTAL about his opinion?!? Jesus dude, you need to get some air, or a life or something.
Over 1000 posts in less than a month too? Don't you think perhaps you've got a case of HL2Mania? Maybe you are the lonely nerd that you claim him to be, and perhaps you would prefer it if the director of PHL was a boring old "prat", who made the site as boring as all hell.

I never bashed Fragmaster, because he has been writing for PHL and for SomethingAwful since before you got your braces on probably, and he's lasted this long. Figure out who he is and what he's like before you start bashing him.

Last time I checked I had less than 1000 posts in over a month.

But anyway, my rebuttal was just a response to his editorial. I have a problem with poor arguments. I rant about a lot of things to my friends (mainly scientific [GM Foods] or political[War with Iraq]), but this time I wrote it online. I treated it as an exercise in writing and something people can refer to.

I don't want Planet Half-Life to be boring, but I'd like to go there without feeling insulted. I did see myself as the guy in that MP3. I took it more seriously than I should've.

I've admitted my error.
shut up feath, and go back to playing dungeons and dragons
Whether i get flamed for this i care not.

I was not really offended by this mp3 and in fact, i even chuckled slightly as a result of some of the statements. That being said, whether it was a joke or not, fragmaster should not have done this. He shouldnt be doing many of the things he does on that site. He is the director of one of the major halflife related sites and yet all he seems to do is berate valve. His job is to post news, not spew crap. Dont get me wrong, he is entitled to his opinions and if he wants to believe halflife is delayed then so be it, i could care less. The point is that he insults people and the company responsible for him having that job in the first place (No valve == no hl1 == no PHL). He seems to spread doubt and crude poor humour among the community and he should not even be allowed to do that.

Whether or not the mp3 is amusing is irrelevant, i do not know why people let him get away with this garbage. Would you all let Doug Lombardi (spelling?) get away with saying (mockingly) that HL2 isnt going to be that great a game? Probably not. You all probably want to hear how cool its going to be. Similar thing with fragmaster. He should be promoting the good things about the HL community... not crap.

He's like a little kid, pay attention to him and feed his vile sense of humour and he will continue to do it.

[end rant]
Originally posted by nw909
Hell yes, that video owns so does somethingawful, and phl.

Ok, maybe he's a bit funny, in sort of a cartoonish way. But the truth is, PHL sucks. It's full of crap. They're just giving people misinformation. And if by some chance they are right and they do have inside sources, that would make them asses for giving us vague info with no support. I appreciate his humor, what I don't appreciate is the BS he's spewing. What if Feath were to make some kind of spoof on Fragmaster? You'd probably say "OMG U KAnT 1nsUl7 t3h Phr4gm4stuR!11!!!!1!! H3 G0tZ t3h k00l gUN c0lekti0n!11!!11!!!!1 U g0tz n0 hum0r!!!11!1
I was hoping for the sound of a gunshot while listening to that...
ROFLMFAO, "IM GONNA GET OUTTA CLASS EARLY TO GET MY COPY!" lol, was annoying at first, kinda got funny at the end. lol OWNED!
Like I said, planet half life has sucked for quite a bit these days. I liked it alot better in the past.
Your all geeks ......

Ill stay home at 30th september and 1st of october and play the game so hard
I think this delay rumour is going down in the history books for creating the largest flame wars known to man.
Well if any of you thought the .mp3 wasn't funny then that's is your opinion and I can't change your mind. Personally I thought it was absoloutely hilarious, as were the two flash videos about Half-Life (were those by Fragmaster?). I don't agree with Fragmaster's point of view about the release, especially since he has announced it so many times, and since vavle has repeadatly stated the release date is September 30th.
However, you should attack someone's OPINIONS rather than the PERSON . I think the stuff that Fragmaster has done, the mp3 and the flash movies were quite funny, but that's only me, and if I get flamed then, so be it :cool: It's bloody hilarious! *listens to the mp3 again*
Well I hope the game comes out on time, purely so i can take the piss out of him.