Some new abstract stuff


Companion Cube
Mar 9, 2006
Reaction score

The top one I love, because I can see about five different image sin it.

Sitll thinking on the bottom one.
Thanks gald you like them

The top one I love, because I can see about five different image sin it.

Sitll thinking on the bottom one.

Well actually I didn't inted any coherent shapes in there, I just made random objects and patterns that I thought looked good.

So no thinking required...:laugh:
Hey Remus, I never knew you were interested in abstract art! I've got some on my profile.
Hey Remus, I never knew you were interested in abstract art! I've got some on my profile.

Well I've become more interested recently since we doo stuff like the last picture I posted in graphics design class.
Really cool looking. How about some more multi-color ones? And bigger res?
And bigger res?

You can find the ones I've posted on my gallery. They have 1280x960

The originals are 4000x3000. However since they are vector, I could save them as big as I want.
I really love the second and third one
totally awesome
A* my good man
You should make me a 1920x1200 version of the second one :D
Nice Work
i liked your 1st and 3rd images the best
2 and 4 just dont do anything for me