Some new rumors...




"Well, it appears that this "Anonymous Leaker" character wasn't bluffing, because now he's apparently released something that lets you play Half-Life and Counter-Strike using Half-Life 2's source engine. And he's also supposedly released an outdated build of Counter-Strike: Condition Zero (it's going gold Friday, see yesterday's story) and/or possibly something that deals with Counter-Strike 2."

Now imagine THAT. :/

| Regarding Half.Life.2.Beta.Patch1-ANON.tar: |
| Ok, the last release was my mistake. I thought I didn't |
| integrate these patches yet, but that was proved being wrong. |
| Sorry for the non working patches, i didnt intend to waste all |
| this precious bandwidth. |
| |
| Regarding Half.Life.2.Pre.Gold-ANON: |
| This is fake, and I will never give out info about my releases |
| in public. |
The CZ doesnt have mp, only SP. Not sure if CZ is supposed to have MP.
how could he leak all thoses things from valve??
not to make a bad joke but, hasn't valve, closed the valve yet?
lol cz looks like a joke after playing hl2 all day.
yah cs cz may not look great but im sure it will be fun, probably a better idea to play it before hl2 otherwise no one would want to go back
but you must remember CS CZ is supposed to be online mainly look at cs its online only and the lower teh graphics better fps
The files that let you play Half-Life and Counter-Strike using Half-Life 2's source engine are 100% legit.
You've played with them? YOU DIRTY !@#!@$@^@^#$^$%^@$%&@#$&%%$^@$%^ ---Translated- Poo Head...
How do they play? Buggy?
Originally posted by Bramski
The files that let you play Half-Life and Counter-Strike using Half-Life 2's source engine are 100% legit.

you see, that doesn't prove anything except that someone is a great coder and can implement the source engine into half-life. it's not like anyone actually stole that from valve :p
Basically it's half-life 1 and CS with Rag doll physics, new explosions, and bullet decals, theres a few other things like shooting boxes and splintering them and knocking things about.
Originally posted by Bramski
Basically it's half-life 1 and CS with Rag doll physics, new explosions, and bullet decals, theres a few other things like shooting boxes and splintering them and knocking things about.
yep new lighting, decals on models (pretty impressive), blood effects, bullet holes, physics applied to moveable objects (like standing on a box, and using momentum to tip it over) ragdoll physics on models, new explosion effects, hl2 water effects, rockets like hl2, Hl2's sound system (bullers heard from far away are like blurry... or something) etc etc
or so I have heard. I seen some pics but Im not linking to it
you can link to pics, just as long as they aren't links to where youc an download hl2, and also put a warning for people :p

what is the name of the program that lets u play HL and CS on the source engine?,thnx
Originally posted by Kyle2
you can link to pics, just as long as they aren't links to where youc an download hl2, and also put a warning for people :p

Uhh...the MODs never said that, well, they did for awhile, then deleted the beta forum. But it's not okay anymore, even if it is just screenshots.
Besides, we don't need this crap floating around on these forums.
