Some news on GTA4's damage system (FAKE)


Companion Cube
Jul 5, 2004
Reaction score
Edit: Turns out this was a hoax! :(

And it sounds great!

# Most promising is the new damage modelling. Shoot a guy and you can see the bullethole. Shoot them in the leg and they limp away. And now when you run someone over it's "quite disturbing".

# Time plays a more important role. Miss a particular drop, cab or train, for example, and it can be mission over. Not too keen on this one, but we'll continue along and give Rockstar the benefit of the doubt.

# There's no more HUD. If you've got armour on, you'll actually see the armour on the character, and can watch it degrade as it takes hits.

# NO MORE WHINY BITCH GIRLFRIENDS THROWING SODA IN YOUR FACE. Or tedious visits to the gym, for that matter. You'll still have stats, they'll just upgrade through your actions.

I like how depending where you shoot depends on how they react. Also the armor sounds great.

My fave bit is that you don't have to eat, go to the gym and stuff. I hated that in SA.
Most of that sounds pretty good. Looks like there going to be alot more realistic, which I think is what the series needs. Hopefully they stick with the release date though.
Isnt GTAIV supposed to use the Euphoria engine that blends animation with physics and AI?
Thought the thread said 'Sad news on GTA4's damage system', but glad it wasn't :)
After some further research on the topic, I discovered that this is a hoax started by some attention-seeking kid.

There is no Official Xbox Magazine in Turkey. Consoles just don't sell there, like many other Eastern European countries. The guy who originally posted this on GameFAQs is a known hoaxer.

Original topic here.
Aww that sucks. Figured it was legit seeing as its been on kotaku now for a while.

Ahh well. Would be nice to see these in game though!

New trailer on the 28th, wonder what they will show? I wanna see some action this time, car crashes and exploshens please :)
Yes, next Thursday is the big day. I'm hoping for some gameplay footage, at the very least.