Some NPC help needed.


Nov 29, 2005
Reaction score
Ok basicly on my map im currently making i want it so the marine's blow open a door or a wall.. then storm in to the building say.. 3-4 at a time. I can figer out how to do it so you look at a wall.. then the wall blow's up ... all this junk flys evreywhere.. matix style :p but i get stuck on how to make it so that after this the npc's storm in and start shoting away at you.. I cant figer out how u delay them from spawnin.. say wall blow's up 1 secound after combine's run in shooting at you.. etc :p if someone can help me with this i would be most greatful im reallllly trying to get a good map sorted out and ready to play. So I can relase a hl2 style map out there and be proud of it! so if anyone has any good tutoiral links for anything.. that would be usful to me that would be GREAT thanks!
Hmm... i dont have much time so I'm gonna be brief.

Look at the prefab entities for HL2. There is one where a team of four combine soldiers will assault anything you like... have a look at that.

And give the explosion an output "OnExplode" targeting the above prefab.
Sorry.... i'm in a rush as I said.
Ahh thanks i figerd most of it out.. im just wanna get it looking sweet ^^! Like atually like a hl2 map it self! basicly nothing wroung with it at all... Still downloading Hl2 Again.. due to the problems i had.. so.. thats being a bit gay.. only on 30% :x ahh well ill hopfully get things done soon as its finshed! and then show off with some screenies ^^