*Some of the best weapon models i have seen...

operative x

Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
This guy is just insane-






There are a bunch more at that website
They look.. plastic somehow... but very good.
i dont think they are dont on polygons, i think NURBS. But the skill and detail in the weapons are amazing.
"nah, I'd beat that glock " You have a better looking glock that you have made?
operativex: maya.
Death.Trap: you can tell by looking at rounded areas. NURBS are curves and would not have a jaggy rounded area.
RMachucaA: Beta- Splines?? :) rofl... Run a check on that one ;) I promise. You'll have to rewrite that reply:p
it can't be maya, your interface looks completly different from mine.
I doubt very much that it's NURBS, it's most likely sub-division surfaces. For those of you who haven't used NURBS they are used to create a curve using a series of points. NURBS surfaces have a number of rules that extremely difficult to deal with. Maya at it's heart is a NURBS modeling package though they are changing that. In any case It's probably just lots and lots of polygons, or sub-division surfaces.
operative x:it's customizable. And I have a licence :p
Cunbelin:Probably pure poly, not even sub-d. Well, the older maya versions had NURBS as their main modelingtechnique, but as you say this is changing. I never use NURBS unless it has econimic purpose for my scene...
the refolver sucks... not that i can make it, however the glock looks good
Mikademius said:
RMachucaA: Beta- Splines?? :) rofl... Run a check on that one ;) I promise. You'll have to rewrite that reply:p

Looks like you yourself better recheck the definition:

Acronym Finder.com said:
NURBS Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (mathematical algorithm used in computer graphics especially CAD)

Who had the last laugh :D

BWT: Nice rig on the glock, how man driven keys was it?
Coolhead2100 said:
Looks like you yourself better recheck the definition:

Who had the last laugh :D

BWT: Nice rig on the glock, how man driven keys was it?

I'll have the last laugh because it's Bezier Splines, not Beta splines. Now you should be ashamed for trying to correct something without proper research :p j/k. Anyways, it's Non-Uniform Rational Bezier-Spline.

The glock had about 10 driven keys. The whole rig exept the bullets sliding is set up with driven keys. Well, that one is also set up with driven keys, but it also has the motion path.
Pretty nice, but I hope they are not for in-game use. They look very high poly!
I don't like those "best models evr" ones.
They actually look like shit.
Those "skins" are :S
The models look "soft", abit to soft.
You think the desert eagle looks like shit? you gotta be ****ing kidding me...
As far as I can see he's japanese... they're doing (ultra-hard-to-do?)things pretty often :p

So ... probably no mod.
operative x said:
You think the desert eagle looks like shit? you gotta be ****ing kidding me...

No I'm not.
It just looks fake\cartoony..
Its prolly about 100000000000000000000 polys aswell.
None of these models look like shit. I don't see why that is. With proper skinning/shading these would be impressive. Even though the polycount might be high, the model still looks good. And the desert eagle looks good. I don't know why you say what you say here stO|ve. The topic focuses on models, if the lighting and shading was better, you'd love it ;)
the weapon models in doom 3 were very nicely done as far as the surfaces looked rounded and organic. Yet, when i look at the wireframes for the guns in doom 3 i see that they are very low polygon. anyone know how that was done? i know normal mappiung is well and god but it cant really help with the edges of a gun and still have the gun look organic, rounded and high poly.

im working on a mod and am curious what u guys think is the reason they look cool.

on a side note, someone over at ************* made some gun models that weighed in at 10000 polys a peice and the engine didnt even snag a bit on his 9800. (im designing my mod for 6800/x800 or better by the way)