some of us have been with this forum for one and a half years



and i dont think its right that you guys are keeping secrets from us. just tell us what this "7 hours" thing is about, if you guys are keeping it a secret from us because you arent SURE (lets say its a mod and you arent sure you can pull it off?) please just tell us, im tired of you guys treating us this way, its as bad as valve. let us know please.
They're like that. There was the whole secrecy around the test page. It's one of the reasons I hate this site.
its really starting to piss me off and im just about ready to leave although i doubt anyone would miss me i still feel like if you guys know something you should share it with us whether its from valve or not. please just tell us wtf is going on, im really getting pissed at you guys.
its 7 hours until they unleash the almighty power of the death ray monsters upon us....
Does it really bother you that much not knowing what it is?

In all honesty I couldn't care less what it is. :)
Onions said:
it's munro's modification

thank you very much, would you care to elaborate on this? some are saying its a mod that takes place during
the 7 hour invasian of the combine taking over the earth in the beginning of hl2
is this true? why are we not allowed to see the posts? i want to watch this thing grow from inception like i did with SW
i have no idea what he has planned :)
i'd guess he's going to use it as a private forum for his dev team
Jesus, remind us never to test things on the site, ever. If you're that worked up about things that you're prepared to leave, then you must be taking all this too seriously.

As a moderator, there's no less than 5 forums here that I have access to that you can't even see. You don't, and never will, see what is contained therein. Does that bother you as much?
Take a break mang, stop psoting for a while, just take a break.
As an admin, I can see even more forums than Pi|Mu|Rho :p

Yet when a private forum is visible but not accessible, people start moaning?
Basically if you don't have access to it, you're not supposed to know about it - if you want to leave because you can't see a hidden forum, then be my guest :)
Tin-foil hats all round I think...
Well, they do have the right to secrecy...

By the way, if you want in those forums, the password is 'gaben'...
Jesus spoke to meh!
In my personal opinion it's slightly elitistic around here, moderators are just members with a few extra buttons yet some of the staff members act like they're gods gift to the world to keep "peons" in line. They don't do much except saying "closed" or moving this and that thread, and don't post except when they need to defend themselves, like in this thread.

Not that much of a member, so to speak.
To whoever it may concern:
You do realise that you're not a god, what you're doing is not that difficult, and if you left there'd be 40-50 people willing to replace you.

Some other staff members are very multi-faceted, humoristic and are pretty much great human beings. They are the "gods" among men, just like every other outstanding forum member. Those who are should know..

Then there's this supposed friendship with everyone else and Munro which doesn't seem to be that much of a friendship according to what a staff member said a few months ago, which I won't disclose since it'll probably just raise hostility, if this post isn't already. I'm not whining, i'm not fighting or trying to get anyone in trouble, I'm just stating my opinion.. It's sad that some staff people can't be arsed to join debates or discussions, or do anything besides what they're already doing.

I do have alot more respect and humbleness towards guys like Chris D and StarMonkey for instance who have amazing writing and coding skills and really do something. But for the silent staff members, you could do alot more if you really care for the community (opposed to "peons"). I repeat, I'm not trying to get you in trouble, whine or just be an ass. I'm just stating my opinon. And no, I don't plan on leaving for this, I couldn't care less for this but I do care for other members who feel mistreated.

Please correct me on anything you know or believe is incorrect.
I just think it'd be nice if you could talk more, open up and share the love with the world.. It'd be interesting to see more sides of you :)
I was a lurker in April, Joined in May 2003........ and all I can say is...


whats all this 7hours stuff? and why do we care? :p
Mr. Redundant said:
I was a lurker in April, Joined in May 2003........ and all I can say is...


whats all this 7hours stuff? and why do we care? :p

Meh indeed sir. I have no idea wtf pple here are talking about. Been here just about as long, and with similar history...

... except # of posts (but I'm working on that!)

*pad, pad*

Pi Mu Rho said:
Jesus spoke to meh!
pfft thats nothing. I sat next to God on the bus once, he told me the meaning of life and then he gave me a pretzel.

I can't remember the meaning of life but damn that was a good pretzel. :p

On-topic: I like secrets if I know they can't hurt me or if they will benefit me.

Christmas presents = good secret.

Government conspiracies to kill me = bad secrets
HL2 secrets = good since 99% of the time they will benefit me.
ohnoes a private forum on teh forum! We're doomed! DOOMED!

Stockpile the water! Hoard the rations, the world is coming to and end! The sekrat forum is ABOUT TO DESTROY THE WORLD D:
Hot Soup said:
ohnoes a private forum on teh forum! We're doomed! DOOMED!

Stockpile the water! Hoard the rations, the world is coming to and end! The sekrat forum is ABOUT TO DESTROY THE WORLD D:

Whoa...666 posts.

teh evul.
Pi Mu Rho said:
As a moderator, there's no less than 5 forums here that I have access to that you can't even see. You don't, and never will, see what is contained therein. Does that bother you as much?

It does to me... how can I get access to those forums minus hacking this website? :E
CrazyHarij said:
In my personal opinion it's slightly elitistic around here, moderators are just members with a few extra buttons yet some of the staff members act like they're gods gift to the world to keep "peons" in line. They don't do much except saying "closed" or moving this and that thread, and don't post except when they need to defend themselves, like in this thread.

Not that much of a member, so to speak.
To whoever it may concern:
You do realise that you're not a god, what you're doing is not that difficult, and if you left there'd be 40-50 people willing to replace you.

Some other staff members are very multi-faceted, humoristic and are pretty much great human beings. They are the "gods" among men, just like every other outstanding forum member. Those who are should know..

Then there's this supposed friendship with everyone else and Munro which doesn't seem to be that much of a friendship according to what a staff member said a few months ago, which I won't disclose since it'll probably just raise hostility, if this post isn't already. I'm not whining, i'm not fighting or trying to get anyone in trouble, I'm just stating my opinion.. It's sad that some staff people can't be arsed to join debates or discussions, or do anything besides what they're already doing.

I do have alot more respect and humbleness towards guys like Chris D and StarMonkey for instance who have amazing writing and coding skills and really do something. But for the silent staff members, you could do alot more if you really care for the community (opposed to "peons"). I repeat, I'm not trying to get you in trouble, whine or just be an ass. I'm just stating my opinon. And no, I don't plan on leaving for this, I couldn't care less for this but I do care for other members who feel mistreated.

Please correct me on anything you know or believe is incorrect.
I just think it'd be nice if you could talk more, open up and share the love with the world.. It'd be interesting to see more sides of you :)

I agree.
Really? Frankly, I'm shocked.
I've been here since the beginning of the site and I havent been granted admin statud yet omg wtf!! BOHOO WHINE :D

For the last time, no I didn't! It was all an illusion!

Dunno, it's harder than you think to stay away from forums.. :(
Its munro's forum and he can do with it what he likes, if you dont like it you can **** off. dont act like a little child that has to go to bed early and cant watch a a 12+ rated movie.. GROW UP!
On a less sarcastic note. Really a hysterical thread over a forum. It's Munro's site at the end of the day and it's up to him if he chooses to make what forums and equally up to him if they are secret or not.

Crazy - Elitist I completely agree perhaps over the defitions just as you obviously see something amiss with the staff I find myself frequently disgusted or disappointed as a less harsh word by the actions of our forum members.

But you know what ? The world and people aren't perfect, just like this forum and it's members and staff. Sure we as a whole could be more .. what open ? Are you asking for more interactivity from the staff?

Sure I suppose I wouldnt disagree to an extent, but then again as with any forum and any normal forum member people can only reply to what interests them or takes their fancy. If thats the gist of part of your argument.

But I would also say you cannot underestimate the sheer amount of work that proceeds behind the scenes of this forum.

" They don't do much except saying "closed" or moving this and that thread"

I do find myself insulted by this. That is such a gorss underestimate of the work the guys do. You wouldnt beleive the amount of work that has to be done to keep the forum as clean as it is and we all know it could be better. Then there are the numerous spam attacks we have to deal with the days like last year when the leak news broke and myself , pimpy , abom and a few others did nothing for about 18 hours but solidly moderate the forums and deal with the best part of 1000 people in the irc channel. I don't blame anybody here for feeling slightly jaded after that day and the numerous days we've had to deal with since.

And yeah here's broken record time. IF anybody EVER has a greviance or feels put upon or anything like that, contact the mod in question if it's a specific incident or go to a supermod or on of the admins of the board.
EVIL said:
Its munro's forum and he can do with it what he likes, if you dont like it you can **** off. dont act like a little child that has to go to bed early and cant watch a a 12+ rated movie.. GROW UP!

I'm 23 and my mommy doesn't allow me to watch a PG13 movie... plus I have to go bed at 8 but that doesn't mean I don't have any rights. :rolling:
Letters, I am dissapointed in you're new avatar. Seeing britney everyday was something I looked forward too.

The password isn't the following:

panties (thanks to letters)
layp (it should be though)
Captain Crunch
Spank the monkey
lick the donkey
feed the chicken
choke the cow
eat the grapes

more to come
Pi Mu Rho said:
Jesus, remind us never to test things on the site, ever. If you're that worked up about things that you're prepared to leave, then you must be taking all this too seriously.

As a moderator, there's no less than 5 forums here that I have access to that you can't even see. You don't, and never will, see what is contained therein. Does that bother you as much?

yes this bothers me a great deal, please let me in on this secret shit i hate secrets!
Hot Soup said:
ohnoes a private forum on teh forum! We're doomed! DOOMED!

Stockpile the water! Hoard the rations, the world is coming to and end! The sekrat forum is ABOUT TO DESTROY THE WORLD D:

at least pretend to be someone who deserves to be an admin instead of just another asshole.

this whole secret forum thing reminds me fo this (paraphrased) quote from gabe newell "come on guys, you cant show the player a huge bomb and not let him blow it up"