Some one is going to have a DANdy birthday

A Bike should be here to wish him a happy birthday.

Happy birthday Dan.
Darkseid always yells at me for bringing him up and I guess this is vengeance. :( indeed

Happy Birthday Dan! I'm a Dan as well, and it seems like we have a ton of Dans in this small world
Happy birthday! Celebrate it by drinking lots of (hopefully free) vodka!
I thought my birthday was secret. Thanks anyways.
Dan, I find it interesting that when I first joined you had what seemed an average education, and eventually you became one of the most educated people here. I'm wondering where you went to school...

But anyway, I know you are out of school now, and about to take a road trip, so try not to get hit by any cars this time, and lock up your bike so that it doesn't get stolen again, because that was ****ed up.

Happy Birthday. Godspeed.
I bought you some training wheels for your birthsdays, but I ated them :(
I looked for 'birthday' and 'bike' but no images were really cool. So, yeah. Happy Birthday, Dan.