Some people are just stupid...

good, im glad you owned him. otherwise id be pacing around worrying about it, while fapping furiously.
Phew, good thing you owned him Subz, now I can sleep at night..
Current GOLD price: $13.477 per Gram
Weight of a DVD case, containing a booklet: 120Gr
So, the GOLD package schould cost: $1617.24
Instead, its $80.
Its a bargain!
Clavius said:
Current GOLD price: $13.477 per Gram
Weight of a DVD case, containing a booklet: 120Gr
So, the GOLD package schould cost: $1617.24
Instead, its $80.
Its a bargain!

great analysis :LOL:
but STAFFp18 its not $80..its $90!!!
and its more than "one game"...try 4 games and you'd be closer!
personally I think its worth it...
Its more then four games, its four games and a ton of cool stuff.
Ritz said:
Its more then four games, its four games and a ton of cool stuff.

That ultimately depends on your idea of cool. T-shirts are decidedly not cool. Half-Life at that!
Subz said:
dont worry i owned him

All I see is [This message was deleted at the request of board moderator or administrator]. :LOL:
It really is sad. People like that just....
CB | Para said:
All I see is [This message was deleted at the request of board moderator or administrator]. :LOL:

Guess he got owned by that mod or admin :LOL:
It's not that forum that's bad, evil and stupid, it's just our forum that rules bigtime!!!!! :naughty:
