Some people just can't handle 2 mouse buttons.

Shuzer said:
Uh-oh! Another person overreacting to sarcasm!!!1111 :)

Yeah, this really looks like sarcasm.

lmfao hahahahah this is half the reason that i HATE macintrash. it's the iiiiiiiiiidiot users and their freakin mindset. ...i sit next to these people every day in class. aghas;lkfjasdl;ka
You have to admit, a person doesn't like Macs for the games. And this is a gaming forum with an definite bent towards open systems, a philosophy totally opposite to that of Apple.
The one thing I don't understand about Macs is how you can spend thousands of dollars on a computer and get they give you the cheapest mouse man has ever made.
Some people have to realize that computers have some purposes that don't involve computer games. I use my PC for gaming and some other things (occasional programming), and it works great for shit like that, but I don't even play that much anymore. I use a Mac for everything else, so it's annoying when you read post after post of one-sided PC fanboy dribble.

The one thing I don't understand about Macs is how you can spend thousands of dollars on a computer and get they give you the cheapest mouse man has ever made.

My Gateway (3 years old) cost $1900 and they shipped it with a $18 mouse.
Seriously, what do you use your Mac for that your PC can't? Just wondering.

All I know is that I have never felt comfortable with a Mac mouse. They completely disregard ergonomics in my opinion. Sure the mouse that comes with a $500 PC isn't the best in the world, it just feels alot better ergonomically than a Mac mouse does.
not28, if things like that anger you maybe you should just leave these forums. That is like people saying how boring Football is on the xbox forums under the Mechassault forum and then you complaining about it. Also, a $20 mouse isn't that bad, you can get a mouse for about $4.
Professional game devs use macs for all the graphics.
PCs are better for gaming and compatibility with, er, everything, and macs are good for high-end video editing, and, er, work - word processing, spreadsheets, you name it. They are also a hell of a lot less unstable. But a one-button mouse? I've got to admit that part doesn't do much for me.

This thread is about one-button mouses. Not macs.

And Macs aren't that bad for gaming...I mean, Nanosaur is great. And bugdom too.
actually it's funny, i mentioned pros for macs in my responses to that one article about the two buttoned mice and lack thereof, natively, on a mac. i mention that i do TONS of art on both mac and pc. ...programs such as:

dreamweaver mx
flash mx
director mx
finalcut pro 3(mac only)

the point is, i use BOTH mac and pc. so i'm not some pc biased fanboy "dribble" writer... actually it's "drivel." what i'm getting at, is, i use both pc AND mac for those progs(minus finalcut, of course), and my pc just happens to work better on those programs (macs i use are G4's ... dual processor, 1GB ram. so they're definitely not slouches). of course, it could be the fault of OSX(i like to call it: POSX), which does NOT run photoshop well at all, especially when you've got lots of layers(we're talkin around 40 or 50) with filters on the layers. my bias against the people in my classes are: they're all the same, artists who are actually seen as fairly good artists(meaning i think they have minimal talent) by others, but they have that mentality that's rampant in the music business also with the garage ... okay whatever, i'm just gonna get pissed and start ranting which i'm doing already ... it's those idiots conforming to nonconformity... they have that "the vines" style haircut guaged ear piercings, with the whole emo "i'm original" look about them who, on the surface seem like they could be kinda cool, but they're just elitist fools who act and talk a certain way because that's what is expected of them in the art community. FURTHER MORE, it's these EXACT people who already irritate me that are the biggest mac proponents. example: about 2 weeks ago this guy was telling me about how great macs are, and i was just like, "yeah i run director at home on my computer, which is a pc, and well... these G4's are really slow. trust me, this scene right here... see that? it's not following the 30 fps i set it at." and then two weeks later "yeah see, i'm sorry my web project is looking like this... dreamweaver works just fine on my pc, but yeah the mac doesn't display it properly when i upload to the internet." and then JUST TODAY DURING MY FLASH SITE CRITIQUE: "yeah... sorry guys, my site works on my computer at home, and any pc you log on to in any computer lab... i've checked to make sure of this... so we'll just watch the .swf file and pretend it's the internet" bahhhhhhh

i'm sorry guys for ranting like this guys... i just have lots of issues with my mac experiences :(

edit2: oh, and sorry for being off topic. back on topic. price of mouse doesn't matter at all. it's the functionality and use you get from it that matters. i have my old $18 MS optical mouse that i bought back in dec. 2000. works just fine... much much better than any single button mouse.
Mac = multimedia work and/or showing off. PC = anything else.
ComradeBadger said:
You can use Mac mice on PCs :o

Cool, I'm there :D

I love Macs :cheese:

Not to be too picky or anything but...Isn't that like saying

"I love chocolate, so im gonna wrap up some peanuts on a a cadbury's rapper"?

Anyway, perhaps the video editing and such on Macs is excelent and better than on the PC....but remember the saying. "Its a poor/bad workman who blames his tools"
Im sure that if you are good you can do fantastic things on a PC.

Anyway, yeah this is a Hl2 forum and not28, although i admire your willingness to stand up, you can't expect much sympathy.

Heh, my mouse came free with the computer but on its own (well, with a keyboard) it would cost quite a lot. Its wireless but its a "cheap" wireless mouse. Basically, its that point inbetween the ball mouse and the most advanced mouse where you get poor quality at a high price.

I'd rather have my old wired optical mouse that mouse £5...problem is it doesn't suit the colour :)
ComradeBadger said:
I love Macs :cheese:


I don't like the feel of Mac's really. It's more of a personal preference than anything else. I've been using PC's for so long that whenever I sit down in front of a Mac my CPU overheats and blows up from the overload. I don't like how they make their own CPU's and vid cards and what not. It's like you don't have a choice, not as much variety. Actualy IBM makes their CPU's .
Uh I'm quite sure Apple use the standard GPU's that you get in PC's.

Mind you using a Mac isn't too bad. They may not be PC's but the Mac version of Word is sure as hell cooler than the PC version.
Foxtrot said:
Professional game devs use macs for all the graphics.

What do you mean by "all the graphics". Cause I don't think that's true.