Some Props I Made


Aug 28, 2004
Reaction score
I recently completed some prop models (finally). Apart from taking so long, the results didn't seem to bad. I just wish I could develope ways of modelling faster without hindering the quality. Just wanted to show you lot the results.

A Petrol Can:

A CD Player:

Pics may seem a little too compressed but they're still viewable. :) If you want to see any of them at another angle, just ask.
Those are great! Great job, I especially love the petrol can.
DAMN DUDE! that rocks! i wish i could take that can and whip it at a zombie! lol


Those are some high quality props, especially the texture on the petrolcan. Do they have destruction animations because if they did they would be 10x better than valve's :eek:
Thanks for the comments. :)

Only the CD Player is breakable. I don't know how I could make the can breakable as it's made of plastic. Since it's petrol I'd just explode. :p I did make a breakable table though.
wait a second why wouldnt it explode? and also why does everyone like the petrol can so much :S ?
mindless_moder said:
wait a second why wouldnt it explode? and also why does everyone like the petrol can so much :S ?
Because the can looks ace! and Bullets don't ignite anything so it wouldn't explode. You need an open flame.
well, a spark at least. it would prolly explode if it was metal.
oh ok yeah ..i thot it was metal can sigh ..... ur not suposed to store petrol in platic for the texture its not exactly "ace" as u say its as interesting as a paetrol can can be .
i have several plastic cans for petrol. but i dont store petrol in themhes probally right your probally not suposed to store it in them.
There actually really good, your shapes seem very convinsing and they fit into the real world very well. Good work.
? it's perfectly safe to keep petrol in plastic cans.. the can just can't have a max capacity of over 5 litres w/out a license (after 5L, it's considered to be for distribution/sale depending on where u live)
crackhead said:
even if u had a flame it would just burn lol.
I don't think it would if you threw the match into the can. Well. If the lid was somehow still on at the time it would explode because of the build-up of waste gasses and pressure.
well if the can is enclosed for a while the petrol emits vapors (unstable gases). there doesn't have to be any pressure at the time it is ignited bcus when the vapors ignite, they expand and that's what creates the pressure, ie explosion.
Funny that this thread has turned into a disscussion on petrol cans. :p

Anyway, thanks for the extra comments.
Flames do not light gasoline either. My brother and his friends shot flaming arrows at a gas can and it just went out. You have to have a good mixture of air and vapors, but no liquid (the liquid puts it out before it can ignite).

Oh, as to why they were shooting flaming arrows at a gas can, they had just watched a marathon of the Dukes of Hazard and Bo shoot flaming arrows at gas can and it blew up. My brother thought it would be a good idea to recreate it. Sadly, they were disappointed.