Some questions about light, and some about FPS


May 8, 2004
Reaction score
Sorry for the long title but at least it's descriptive.

For my first problem, I have a face in a tunnel that looks something like;
One of the faces has a ladder infront of it (This is a maintainance entry ladder) but behind it, the face itself goes black. Only some light is shed on it, at the very top by the sun and at the very bottom by the tunnel lights. The rest of the faces light nicely as they should.
Now for the fix I know I saw a "minimum light to hit this surface" option. Problem is that I don't know where I did see this as I can only see lightmapscale in textureediting. I'm not sure it's the best way but any help would be appriciated.


My second problem concerns FPS. I have water, and three bridges. The middle bridge, the largest one, is all metal and isn't a strain on FPS, but the two on the sides are. They have 2 metal beams each, running underneath, and are coated with woodplanks up top. These completely trash the FPS, taking off at least 50 FPS, so that I'm down at 80-90 FPS. They are perfectly fine for a look-around-run but when the action gets going, and it will seeing as how this is the main battle area, FPS will go down to 50 and below.

So what can I do to improve the FPS? The planks are destructible but that's also pretty major to the map. I believe the mainproblem is that they have gaps between them which makes it though to render, especially seeing as how there's water beneath.

Any advice on that would be greatly appriciated.
Well I'm not impatient or anything I'm just afraid this will get ignored seeing as how it got pushed down so hard (Mainly by me ;)). So here goes my little bump so you Americans won't miss it when you come on :)
Someone must know. This is now the only two problems stopping me from completing my latest map (Which, btw, turned out super).

Help? :P
Are those woodplank on the bridge individuals? how many brushes?
I guess you have them as func_detail?

Maybe you can "portal" the whole bridge with a tunnel like portal?
Didn't get the portal part.

They are all destructibles, resting on two metal supportstands. Though I have made up my mind, they have to go, sadly. I'll have to replace the fun they caused by something less demanding but I have no idea what that would be.

The main problem is the lighting. One face is almost completely dark except for some light on the top and bottom, for no apearent reason. I can live with it, though, it's nothing that really stands out. Just something I wanted fixed.
Make the planks larger, so that there are fewer overall. More like sheets of wood then planks. You may also want to try and put something in between them, so you can only see one at a time.
pur3r4ge said:
Make the planks larger, so that there are fewer overall. More like sheets of wood then planks. You may also want to try and put something in between them, so you can only see one at a time.

Already ahead of you there. They're now sheets of metal, 7 in all, instead of maybe something like 20 planks or more per bridge.

Still need help with my lightproblem.