Some Questions

James Isaac

Sep 24, 2003
Reaction score
Here are a few questions I have regarding the CSS SDK. Please answer any if you can.

1) On maps like office, I noticed that on any surfaces of a brush which the player can't see, those surfaces are invisible or have been deleted. How is this done? Is it by applying the nodraw texture, or something else? Because someone told me that no decals appear on a brush that has a nodraw texture on one of the sides...

2) Once the HL2 code and SDK are released, will vehicles be possible in CSS?

3) What are cubemaps? Is there a good tutorial somewhere?

4) Are all of the junk items on de_dust prop_physics_clientside?

5) How would you convert a 3D Studio Max model into a half life 2 mdl format model so it can be used in Hammer? Is there a tutorial on this?

6) How would you create textures for Hammer? How can you give it a material type?
If you use nodraw on everything that the player cant see you get higher fps ingame.
Here are a few questions I have regarding the CSS SDK. Please answer any if you can.

1) On maps like office, I noticed that on any surfaces of a brush which the player can't see, those surfaces are invisible or have been deleted. How is this done? Is it by applying the nodraw texture, or something else? Because someone told me that no decals appear on a brush that has a nodraw texture on one of the sides...

No draw texture on every face the player won't see normaly

2) Once the HL2 code and SDK are released, will vehicles be possible in CSS?

Depends on if they even coded the vehicles for CSS. If not I'm sure someone will make a mod but then you'll probably have to d/l that.

3) What are cubemaps? Is there a good tutorial somewhere?

Cubemaps...hrm.... basicly they are a reverse image of the geometry in front of a reflective surface. It allows there to be a reflection off things like a tile floor or a window. As far as a tutorial, from what I've heard cubemaps are broken til the new SDK comes out.

4) Are all of the junk items on de_dust prop_physics_clientside?

Most detail items in a map are clientside except for big things like barrels etc. Basicly if it can have an impact on gameplay it goes to the server. If it's just a wine bottle that someone can shoot for fun and doesn't block bullets etc it'll be clientside.

5) How would you convert a 3D Studio Max model into a half life 2 mdl format model so it can be used in Hammer? Is there a tutorial on this?

I haven't done this yet. You can either wait for the 3dsMax exporter to be released. Or you can d/l the free version of XSI(the link is in the sdk window) and use it to export your models. Also, you can convert 3dMax to XSI files but I've heard differently levels of I'm waiting.

6) How would you create textures for Hammer? How can you give it a material type?

To make textures in Hammer you just need an image program ie Photoshop. Go in and make your texture. ...notice: I haven't done bump/spec maps yet.... I've only done just basic textures. Mainly th eones so that I can lay out my level and not have crappy textures on it. This is a bit hard to here.

For more info you can go to and click on the collective button.
Thankyou very much to both of your for your answers. I'm happy now :).
there is a 3ds exporter already, i made a model earlier today and compiled it, havent got it working in hammer but it works in hlmv included with the sdk
Two more questions ;)

1) When the full SDK comes out, will vehicles in CSS be possible?

2) Is it possible to get Milkshape models into the XSI thing?
Sorry, a few more questions:

1) What is the best way to make invisible walls that don't cast a shadow? I want to restrict people from certain areas of my map, but the walls I created make a shadow.

2) Why do all my decals on walls apepar upside down? How can i fix this?

3) If you have two perpedicular walls making the corner of a room, should they be interlocking or touching?

4) Is there a site with .vmf's of some good maps so I can learn good mapping techniques?

5) What entity do I use to make use of one of the old car models, so that it can be pushed about?

Please answer any of the questions if you can.

2) Once the HL2 code and SDK are released, will vehicles be possible in CSS?

No. You won't be able to modify the CS:S code with the SDK.
James Isaac said:
Sorry, a few more questions:

1) What is the best way to make invisible walls that don't cast a shadow? I want to restrict people from certain areas of my map, but the walls I created make a shadow.

2) Why do all my decals on walls apepar upside down? How can i fix this?

3) If you have two perpedicular walls making the corner of a room, should they be interlocking or touching?

4) Is there a site with .vmf's of some good maps so I can learn good mapping techniques?

5) What entity do I use to make use of one of the old car models, so that it can be pushed about?

Please answer any of the questions if you can.


1- The Clip texture
2 - Flip them?
3 - They should not intersect each other but the best way is to make them angular duh... hard to explain
like this:
| \_____
| |
| |

4 - Yes
5 - For CS:S? Cars are big, I dunno how you'll be able to push them. You could try Prop physics multiplayer but I think physics objects needs to be set a certain way. I mean when they are converted to models. So if cars are not set to be physicaly simulated I'm not sure if it is possible to do that...
Ti133700N said:
1- The Clip texture
2 - Flip them?
3 - They should not intersect each other but the best way is to make them angular duh... hard to explain
like this:
| \_____
| |
| |

4 - Yes
5 - For CS:S? Cars are big, I dunno how you'll be able to push them. You could try Prop physics multiplayer but I think physics objects needs to be set a certain way. I mean when they are converted to models. So if cars are not set to be physicaly simulated I'm not sure if it is possible to do that...

2 - I can't flip the decals (or i don't know how)
3 - how do you make the corners angled?
4 - And what is that site?
1 - If you are actually using decals, you should use overlays. They are much more powerfull. To rotate an overlay, select it. You'll see white cubes. Click again on the overlay, the cubes will change to circles. Click and drag one of the circle to rotate the overlay.

2 - Look at the included pic

3 - You already have to example maps included with the SDK. Tutorials and SDK documentation:
There is a discussion about mapping here:
and there:
or here: and here: here to:
but if you'r new to mapping I suggest you to look at tutorials for the old Hammer, like here: