Some questions


Aug 7, 2004
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1. when i tryed to make a 3d sky box the lighting of the entire map is messed up, only part of it is lighted the other is not. i made a hollowed box with the tool skybox off the edge of the map, with a sky camera and a light env in do i get this to work right?

2. i made a npc maker and set the stuff, but why won't any npcs spawn there?

3. when ever i compile my map it does it all pretty fast except at the portal flow part when it counts the numbers up 1...2...3...
it takes like half an hour to 45 mins any clue why?

4. i am trying to make windows but in only makes it where i can see through one side and it only breaks in big squares?
anyone pls? i figured out 2 and 3, but need help for 1 and 4 pls.
#4 will be solved by applying nodraw material to all the sides of the brush except for the face you want the window to be...

hope this helps
nickp4512 said:
#4 will be solved by applying nodraw material to all the sides of the brush except for the face you want the window to be...

hope this helps

I applied nodraw on it and put glass texture on the 2 view sides outside and inside of the building and the window doesn't appear in game.

also and anothe question, when ever i use a mounted gun some of the lighting messes up and makes some stuff dark. here is the pic.
only put the window texture on ONE side.... its automatically two sided