Some reflections on life post-Uni...


Jul 1, 2004
Reaction score
Morning everyone,
Some of you may remember me, I used to post a lot pre fall 07, and according to my "All posts", I guess I came back a little bit around 2009. Don't remember, but anyway.
It's funny coming back after a few years to see what's changed and what hasn't about this site. It used to be a big part of my life back when I posted regularly. Before school, most of my social interaction (including my first girlfriend :p ) was online, and a lot was on this site. That all changed in at Uni, joined a fraternity, enjoyed academic probation for a few semesters, got serious (kind of) the last two years, added a second major, got engaged, etc. etc.

I have learned a lot the last few years. But ultimately, I don't think college changed me nearly as much as I thought it had or would have. After it's all said and done, I'm working full time at my school's information technology department (nothing to do with my major) and really all I want to do at night is sit at my computer, explore the internet, and play PC games. (by the way, the PC gaming scene, for having been out of it for 4 years, is fecking depressing...)
Last night I fired up HL2 and played through the first few chapters, and recollected the first time I played that game on November 16th 2004 at 4 am. Nothing will ever match that experience in my life, I don't think. Is that sad?
Can't shake the feeling that I'm missing something.

Anyway, all this to say, it's good to see some recognizable faces (raziaar, stern, hool, the moderators, and I see tollbooth willie flipped a shit and left....I remember when he made humorous but useful contributions) and maybe I'll hang around this time :) At least until the FAA hires me as an air traffic controller.
Hey Miccy, I remember you. That's still one of my favourite sig quotes. :p

Good to hear things are going well for you. Congrats on the engagement! Hope you stick around, my memory is foggy but I have a vague feeling you were one of the good'uns.
Welcome back! You're just in time for the season where PC gaming gets a little better :V
Thanks for the welcome back and for the congrats. I really did miss this place :-P
And Stigmata, I just pre ordered Red Orchestra:HOS, so there is some hope. Anyway.
A flash of nostalgia. I was 14 when I first met you. I'm 22 in a couple of months.
Woah, welcome back, I remember you mainly because of your sig, is that bad?
Good to see you again! Welcome back! And ohhh snap, first billing! <3 MiccyNarc

Woah, welcome back, I remember you mainly because of your sig, is that bad?

How do you people not remember names?
Good to see you again! Welcome back! And ohhh snap, first billing! <3 MiccyNarc

How do you people not remember names?

I recognize the name, however the sig was the main selling point.
Ah I remember you. I for some reason would mentally read your name as "Missy Narc" and I have no idea why. the way, the PC gaming scene, for having been out of it for 4 years, is fecking depressing...

What? No!

  • Super Meat Boy
  • Limbo
  • Braid
  • Defense Grid
  • Torchlight
  • Trine
  • Minecraft
  • Terraria
  • Aquaria
  • Mass Effect 2
  • Dragon Age
  • Fallout 3: New Vegas
  • Starcraft 2
  • Alien Swarm
  • Team Fortress 2
  • Portal 2
  • Assassin's Creed 2
  • Batman: Arkham Asylum
  • Borderlands
  • Just Cause 2
  • King's Bounty
  • Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga
  • Metro 2033
  • STALKER: Call of Pripyat
  • Poker Night at the Inventory
  • The Witcher 2
  • Capsized
  • Chime
  • Eversion
  • Magicka
  • and more...

Get busy.
Hool, a lot of people have that problem, and apparently it makes a lot of people think I'm a girl. :p
And Destructo, that's quite the list. You've got a point. There's just some old classics dying off that i will miss dearly.
For me, it was actually your avatar that made me think you were a girl. I'm sorry :p
Hool, a lot of people have that problem, and apparently it makes a lot of people think I'm a girl. :p
And Destructo, that's quite the list. You've got a point. There's just some old classics dying off that i will miss dearly.

The classics are great and all (I just finished a game of Master of Orion tonight) but games released in the last 4 years are just as good or better than most "classics" you or I could name.
Good to have you back man. Get Just Cause 2 especially. Made me remember what a fun game was like.
Yea, Just Cause 2 is CRAZY fun, and it looks absolutely stunning as well. A must have game.
Fallout 3: New Vegas
I remember you!

Congrats on finishing university, what did you study and how did you do?

Also, congrats on getting engaged! :D
I remember you for your name first, and your sig second. Indeed you were one of the good 'uns, so welcome back :) Not that I can really say welcome back as I am not really around all that much. Hmm...

Anyway, congrats :D
I remember you!

Congrats on finishing university, what did you study and how did you do?

Also, congrats on getting engaged! :D
Well, I studied Aeronautical Science professional flight (I can get paid to fly, w00t!), and I studied Aeronautical Science Air Traffic Control (I can get paid even more to tell other people how to fly, w00t!)
And somehow ended up with a job fixing computers. Meh.
Just happy to have work right now :)
Well, I studied Aeronautical Science professional flight (I can get paid to fly, w00t!), and I studied Aeronautical Science Air Traffic Control (I can get paid even more to tell other people how to fly, w00t!)
And somehow ended up with a job fixing computers. Meh.
Just happy to have work right now :)

You should look into telling other people how to fly while you are flying! Double money!
Welcome back Miccy! You should invite us all to your wedding. That wouldn't be weird at all.
What could possibly be weird about that?

This username discussion makes me laugh. I've actually had this username since I was a 12 year old signing up for my first forum. I don't know what I was thinking, I just wanted something random and that's what came out.
Dear user,

We are very pleased to have you back with us. We look forward to hours of reminiscences over what you have or have not done with your life while you have been away, how disappointed we are in you, and how nevertheless willing we remain to take you back now that all other parts of your life outside have met with dismal failure leaving us as the only people you have left to rely and depend on. However, since your return, we have noticed that your signature is over four lines long, or surpasses the spatial and visual equivalent thereof. We understand that your long absence may have left you unsure about what customs and manners are accepted these days. We are happy to assure you that nothing has changed one bit. Therefore we have leniently and carefully adjusted your signature to fit in so that you are able to reintegrate with a minimum of fuss - while making the fewest possible changes to its essential meaning or import. With that done, we wish you a pleasant stay.

Didnt go to university and done community college off and on while working and building up my resume. Class of 07 (high school)

It's weird reading on facebook the posts of people who did, just graduating this past year, posting things like "first grown up job tomorrow" and such, or going back to live at home. That trips me out as it makes me wonder what our worldview differences must be for those 4 years. I see some doing great, some doing terrible. A few dead or in prison. Makes me feel old as hell even though I'm only 22.

I feel like a lot of them have a reality check coming (the ones who've been coddled all the way through school by their mommies.) I notice helicopter parenting increasing a lot for my generation, especially since the financial crisis of 2008. I have a lot of peers that don't even know how to open a bank account or what a 401k is. They don't know how to communicate as a business person nor are they able to be professional. It makes me sad for my generation. A million fools with their palms stretched out, waiting for a handout and to be guided.
I remember you well! Has it really been so long since you have been active? Time flies... but is always Welcome back man!