Some sky pictures


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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I think these pictures are really pretty, but I'll let everybody else see and think for themselves.

Man, there have been so many days when the sky has been INCREDIBLE, but I haven't had a camera around.

Perhaps I should take some with me.

Those pictures are cool, they almost look like paintings.
Anyone seen the Nightmare Before Christmas? These pictures remind me of the film :)
I've got quite a few pictures of the sky. I just enjoy so much to walk outside, see the sun going down and take a picture or two. I have this one on my phone, since I didn't have my camera, where it looked like a fireball in the sky. Quite awesome.
Very nice indeed. If they were higher res I would have set one as my desktop.
I was going to say, damn..that's the highest res my camera can take :( Usually, due to size, I have to shrink them down to 1280x1024ish..but since they are dark pictures, it works out.

Glad you guys like the pictures, they are some of my best pictures.
I highly doubt you're running above 25--x unless you're on a dual-monitor set-up.

AHA! I am!

But I also forgot that imageshack will resize it for your browser and I have to click it for full res. The first one is now my background for BOTH monitors!
Desktop'd until someone else posts their photography. I'm seriously a photography thread desktop making whore.
They are ace, as someone else said they do indeed look like paintings. The contrasts of light and dark with the gold too really makes it look ace.

(Can I just ask, how do you steady yourself when you take shots, I can seem to do it without the aid of the trusty tripod :()
They are ace, as someone else said they do indeed look like paintings. The contrasts of light and dark with the gold too really makes it look ace.

(Can I just ask, how do you steady yourself when you take shots, I can seem to do it without the aid of the trusty tripod :()

Honestly...I'm a big newb when it comes to taking pictures..I just had the flash on. so in essence, the shutter speed was pretty fast *I'm guessing 1/100..* and it didn't require any extra light. I loved the way they looked, and put the camera away. :)
Ah, so that's where your desktop was from. I just set it as the background on the PC at work :)
Ah, so that's where your desktop was from. I just set it as the background on the PC at work :)

Hehe. I love taking pictures of the skys. Most of the time they suck, but at times*like this* they turn our rather well. I'll see if I can find anything else.
*EDIT*Here the next best one I could find. It would have been so much better if the random tree/power lines weren't right in the way, sadly.
The sky fascinates me. I can't even count the number of times I've almost been in a car accident because I get distracted staring at the clouds or sunrise while I'm going down the highway or whatever.

Also, pitzy, mind if I use that in a web design at some point? I love those colors... I might retool my website to fit them. I'll credit you in the footer, of course.
The sky fascinates me. I can't even count the number of times I've almost been in a car accident because I get distracted staring at the clouds or sunrise while I'm going down the highway or whatever.

Also, pitzy, mind if I use that in a web design at some point? I love those colors... I might retool my website to fit them. I'll credit you in the footer, of course.

Not a problem. Give me a link so I can check it too ;)

And yeah, I always look at the sky, and just think to myself how beautiful the sky really is. Most of the time I don't have my camera though :(
I don't even have a digital camera. Luckily, I have a brain and thus can remember such things :D
I don't even have a digital camera. Luckily, I have a brain and thus can remember such things :D

Heh, sometimes that's not enough for me. I NEED to capture them on camera. The most beautiful sunset I've seen in years, and the only camera I had to get it was my camera's a shitty picture, but I open up my phone and see it, and just wish I had my real camera for it. If anybody wants the picture, and can accept picture texts..just give me the number and I'll send it your way.
They are ace, as someone else said they do indeed look like paintings. The contrasts of light and dark with the gold too really makes it look ace.

(Can I just ask, how do you steady yourself when you take shots, I can seem to do it without the aid of the trusty tripod :()

Use at least 1/60 or higher shutter speed when you're not using a tripod.

Adjust Fstop from there.
Use at least 1/60 or higher shutter speed when you're not using a tripod.

Adjust Fstop from there.

Ok, now for me FSTOP is only 2 numbers...I can switch between them, but I don't notice a difference.
That's a truely beautiful sunset, even in cell phone camera screen display resolution.
That's a truely beautiful sunset, even in cell phone camera screen display resolution.

Haha, yeah..picture if it was big :P I wish I could get the picture off my phone though. I would like to see it in it's 640x480 awesomeness.
For a camera phone, you've got pretty nice resolution:

For a camera phone, you've got pretty nice resolution:


Wow, that doesn't look half bad...thanks alot! If I had photoshop installed, I'd definately try to darken it up a bit..try to make it not so..contrasty, ya know?
That's beautiful looking. I remember days when the sky would be this dark pinkish color or a blazing orange. It looked like the sky is on fire.
The only sad part is that pollution is to thank for those colors.
They're pretty nonetheless, I'm a sucker for them all especially the pink sky on a freshly fallen snow day.
Still waiting on sinko to explain Fstop to me :P

Aperature size of the lense.

I don't know what the exact numbers stand for, as it's some sort of complicated relationship/ratio between aperature and lense.

But it's basically how big you have your aperature set to. Higher numbers mean less light comes through the aperature, meaning you'll need a slower shutter speed to get proper exposure going.

And, via all that circles of confusion crap, it will effet what is in focus in the shot. Higher Fstops mean more of your shot is in focus, lower ones mean only what you focus onto will be in focus. (Try taking off your glasses, making a small hole with your hand, or better yet punching a tiny hole in a piece of paper, and look through that hole. Even though your glasses are off, what you see should still be more focused than your naked eye).