Some small Collectors Edition Info


May 15, 2003
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I got an email from the store that I pre-orderd hl2 from. They said that the 16th date was global and that I will be getting mine then. They also said that the collectors edition will be out after the standard one, and hopefully before christmas. It's price would be 59€. They also mentioned that the Standard edition would be printed on dvd-rom, same as the collectors edition.
MaxiKana said:
I got an email from the store that I pre-orderd hl2 from. They said that the 16th date was global and that I will be getting mine then. They also said that the collectors edition will be out after the standard one, and hopefully before christmas. It's price would be 59€. They also mentioned that the Standard edition would be printed on dvd-rom, same as the collectors edition.
Does that mean there will be a standard version without cd's?
Clavius said:
Man, it sure must suck to live in the us.

The message that the guy in US recieve
"Please insert CD labelled Disk 5 (CD is unbreakeable at current stress level)"

The message the guy in Europe receive
"This installation will take 10 minutes. while you wait, listen to some tunes, watch TV, eat some Hobnobs. When installation is finished, you will hear Barney shout "Gordon, the headhumpers are comin'!." :naughty:
MaxiKana said:
I got an email from the store that I pre-orderd hl2 from. They said that the 16th date was global and that I will be getting mine then. They also said that the collectors edition will be out after the standard one, and hopefully before christmas. It's price would be 59€. They also mentioned that the Standard edition would be printed on dvd-rom, same as the collectors edition.

woah woah woah... you mean collectors edition doesnt come out on Nov 16?
MaxiKana said:
I got an email from the store that I pre-orderd hl2 from. They said that the 16th date was global and that I will be getting mine then. They also said that the collectors edition will be out after the standard one, and hopefully before christmas. It's price would be 59€. They also mentioned that the Standard edition would be printed on dvd-rom, same as the collectors edition.

The collectors edition would be 59€?! That's nearly... That's more then 50% cheaper then the Gold edition... That would be retarted.. Now if the normal edition would be 59€, I could live with that
MaxiKana said:
I got an email from the store that I pre-orderd hl2 from. They said that the 16th date was global and that I will be getting mine then. They also said that the collectors edition will be out after the standard one, and hopefully before christmas. It's price would be 59€. They also mentioned that the Standard edition would be printed on dvd-rom, same as the collectors edition.
Cheers for the info.
Sucky Ducky said:
The collectors edition would be 59€?! That's nearly... That's more then 50% cheaper then the Gold edition... That would be retarted.. Now if the normal edition would be 59€, I could live with that

no it's fair...seeing as the retail CE is crap compared to the gold...

I will wait and see what it will cost here in Denmark, if it's a good prize I might get the CE after all...
PriNcE oF SpAcE said:
no it's fair...seeing as the retail CE is crap compared to the gold...

I will wait and see what it will cost here in Denmark, if it's a good prize I might get the CE after all...

Well, I bought the Bronze from Steam and I could've bought the Silver but the back catelogue wasn't appealing to me, HL: S was, but DOD: S again wasnt... However the CE would own, with the uber sexy box etc... So I don't understand why it would be the silver edition price... :upstare:
MaxiKana said:
I got an email from the store that I pre-orderd hl2 from. They said that the 16th date was global and that I will be getting mine then. They also said that the collectors edition will be out after the standard one, and hopefully before christmas. It's price would be 59€. They also mentioned that the Standard edition would be printed on dvd-rom, same as the collectors edition.

i wonder why...
i mean the CE isn't all that impressive anyway.. what could be the hold up.
Dr. Freeman said:
i wonder why...
i mean the CE isn't all that impressive anyway.. what could be the hold up.

Maybe they have to wait till all 3 half-life² books are finished to start putting together the CE book. And the T-shirts might take some time too.
affen said:
Maybe they have to wait till all 3 half-life² books are finished to start putting together the CE book. And the T-shirts might take some time too.

maybe... but one would figure they'd have the shirts done ahead of time.. and as far as the books go, they should be done way before the game ships because the books are supposed to be selling a few weeks earlier.

btw, i wonder if the CE will be available on the 16th in North America.. or does this delay only apply to some places..?
The message that the guy in US recieve
"Please insert CD labelled Disk 5 (CD is unbreakeable at current stress level)"

The message the guy in Europe receive
"This installation will take 10 minutes. while you wait, listen to some tunes, watch TV, eat some Hobnobs. When installation is finished, you will hear Barney shout "Gordon, the headhumpers are comin'!." :naughty:

Or nothing will happen at all since I do not have a DVD player in my PC. Suppose I'll have to buy one :(
(I live in England)
Ian , just preload the files through steam then buy the DVD and activate it with the key. There is no need for a dvd rom drive.
ukfluke said:
Ian , just preload the files through steam then buy the DVD and activate it with the key. There is no need for a dvd rom drive.

Huh? Don't you have to pay to preload the files?
I was originally going to but the standard retail version, until I found out that it will be on 6 (COUNT EM, SIX) ****ing cds. Now I'm just gonna buy the collector's edition and just get the one dvd and extra stuff. I would preload over Steam, but I want my box.
Interesting Ian said:
Huh? Don't you have to pay to preload the files?
No, you pay nothing to preload. You have to buy it over steam to activate CS:S early.
Yeah, anyone who has a steam account that's not banned or disabled can preload HL2.
Blah, CDs. On November 16th steam will tell me "Half-Life 2 has been activated" and I will be ready to play :p
I just got more info about Half-Life 2 from the same retailer. Apparently Half-Life 2 is k-18. So you'll need your parents to buy the game if you're under 18 years of age.

More information about the Collectors Edition aswell.

Näillä näkymin Vivendi Universal pyrkii saamaan Collector'sin kauppoihin

That translated means that "Currently, Vivendi is trying to release the Collectors edition on 30.11.2004, or on the 30th of november 2004.

EDIT: Also got sketchy information that another finnish retailer, DOSE, would be selling Half-Life 2 starting november 11th. But I very much doubt that they can do that.
I got more juice to the CE date.

According to Vivendi, retailer Boomtown won't get Collectors Edition before 10th December.

That seriously puts any reason to buy Half-Life 2 through retail to a halt.
I thought the standard edition only came in CD's.
meh, I'm happy with the standard retail version, tha'ts what I pre-ordered. I just want a physical copy of the game that I can hang onto. The only good thing about CE is HL:S, but that anyway doesn't really have updated graphics, just nice water and some particles. I'm not paying the extra money for CE just for HL:S. Pity you don't get DoD:S with the retail version of hl, that's the only thing that really sucks.
The CE is coming out on the 16th just like the regular version here in the US, at least on the west coast where i live.