Some weapon models appear wrong


Aug 19, 2004
Reaction score
This is not a bug per se, but rather an observation that I have noticed since the days of CS beta.

Why is it that by default, all characters carry their weapon their left hand,but when you look at models in world view, the weapon is in their right? Also, what CT or T would fire a weapon left handed? I wouldnt, I'd get a face full of hot brass.

If the weapon is switched to the right hand, the ejector port (on most weapon models) is switched to the left hand side, this is wrong. All shell ejections are shot out to the right hand side.

One more thing, the reload animation is laughable for the M4. Why is the character pulling the forward assist knob to charge the weapon? This knob only goes in and will not pull out. It is there to assist the bolt to firmly make contact with the chamber. Sometimes if the weapon has been fired a lot of times, carbon builds up around the chamber and stops the bolt carrier from sliding forward enough, so when the user fires the weapon, the firing pin does not make contact with the pre-cussion cap. In these situations, a quick tap on the forward asisst knob will rectify the situation. Usually.

Anyway, the reload for an M4 with a round still in the chamber is this. Magazine Out, Magazine in thats it. As there is a bullet in the chamber, no charging is needed as it is ready to be fire. Its a different matter if reloading from empty. But I wont go into that.

Perhaps VALVe could alter these animatiosn to make it technically more accurate. I personally like the old saying, if you are serious about quality, pay attention to detail!

I personally would take this oppurtunity during the beta to fix these little problems, but then I guess the average gamer does not care these days.
thats old...valve did that because it looks better! cs is not REALISTIC! its fun!
theres been a million posts about these issues, they all end up saying "cs is an arcade shooter that isnt sposed to be 100% realistic and not enuf ppl care for them to change it"

i agree with wot all the other posts say.
I was going to comment on how good th enew models look, esp the M4. I had no clue that the reload anim was wrong, but then I'm just an average joe from the UK who has never held a real firearm, let alone fired one. Mainly because firearms are banned in the UK. Bah.
I'm not overly fussed, its just something thats a throwback from the very early days of CS. I thought that maybe when VALVe got their hands on it it would have had an overhaul. Nevermind.