some wierd error I get..


Mar 24, 2005
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Well.. It was an ordinary day and I was going to work on my van, but, This time I got this error, Missing Dlls. I have restarted max and my computer several times but it still doesnt work. All my other modells work normally but this one wont even open? Is it all gone? will it ever work again? anyone knows how to fix it?

Here's a printscreen of the error message.

file > merge choose your file merge all the objects and save a backup ..also if u have worked on it recently max automatically saves a backup to the autoback folder...this might be because us used lights or rigs from a plugin that u either uninstalled or do not have.
I just reinstalled my max7 so i dont have any autobackups. tried version 8 but didnt like some parts of it. can that be the problem? going from 8 to 7? but, if thats the problem, why does my other stuff still work?
maybe you used some new features in Max 8 (for example the hair thingy) on your model that max7 does not support.
im 95% sure that's the problem, i bleev u'd have to export from max 8 to some proprietary format that 7 can import.
The error is because you are trying to open a newer version file with an older version software. So my guess is the file you are trying to open was made with Max 8.
i can export it if you'd like
aim: judasking102 (not worth giving you my other ones, i dont use them)