Somebody dookied all over the floor ;[

CptStern said:
my dog once ran off into the bush ...I could see him rubbing himself all over something ...after yelling at him he came running over with his tail wagging covered on one side of his body with wet human shit (I knew it was human because there was bits of TOILET PAPER stuck to him) was dripping off his ear, his head and half of his body ...good thing there was a river close by cuz I was gagging when he came running up to me

a word to the wise ...dogs being natural predators will often try to disguise their smell from their prey by rubbing thmselves in their prey's shit if you see your dog rubbing into something chances are it's either shit or it's something that once was alive but is now dead

Our dogs would do it with Cow shit, they used to come home stinking of it so we just had to squart them with hose pipes and preyed the door was shut when we came home from walking them.
oh god they must have been covered in it ...ya my dog has done it with raccoon shit, deer shit and now human shit
CptStern said:
oh god they must have been covered in it ...ya my dog has done it with raccoon shit, deer shit and now human shit
you taught him well :D
Someone once had a poopsie in the school urinals. I have no idea how he did it because the toilets are opened right before school and close right after. He must have done it during lessons or something. Either way... ew. It was all spread up and down the "communal" urinal and it stunk to high heaven.
Back in the days of secondary school, there was a phantom turd-layer that would lay a turd adjacent to the toilet seat in a random bathroom between the hours of 9-12AM.

Sadly, the student was never apprehended
jondyfun said:
Back in the days of secondary school, there was a phantom turd-layer that would lay a turd adjacent to the toilet seat in a random bathroom between the hours of 9-12AM.

Sadly, the student was never apprehended
wtf.... :|

There are some strange, strange people in this world, my friends.
crushenator 500 said:
wtf.... :|

There are some strange, strange people in this world, my friends.

and most of the ****ers went to my high school
This reminds me of the time when I was working at the movie theater, opening weekend of Shrek 2 (busiest weekend ever...ever) and in one of the theaters some kid threw up all over one of the isles. He must have had atleast 10 boxes of sour patch kids and a couple slushies, because his puke was green and you could still see the sour patch kids in it. I didn't want to clean it so I took a break and ran away and hid for a while, but I guess that is what everyone else did so we had to go back in there while the next movie was playing and clean it up. I paid some other guy to do it, he ended up getting it all over his clothes too.
crushenator 500 said:
wtf.... :|

There are some strange, strange people in this world: my friends.

Quote edited for comedic value. :|
once in middle school, there was a heater in the bathroom. basically this fat kid i knew shat all over the heater and pissed on it for good measure. now that stunk.
gh0st said:
once in middle school, there was a heater in the bathroom. basically this fat kid i knew shat all over the heater and pissed on it for good measure. now that stunk.
sweet ace, sounds like he was not only fat, but extremely intelligent
Once... I used a clean public restroom.

There... now THAT's a shock!

HAHAHA. I posted that in the wrong thread. Doh!
gh0st said:
once in middle school, there was a heater in the bathroom. basically this fat kid i knew shat all over the heater and pissed on it for good measure. now that stunk.
oh wtF??? that's completely gross but damn smart too... in a sick kinda way:rolling:
Raziaar said:
Once... I used a clean public restroom.

There... now THAT's a shock!

HAHAHA. I posted that in the wrong thread. Doh!

There hard to come by, but, wow we are talking luxury. Been to one myself, but back in England. Clean Red Panel Floor, Laminated Wooden Mahogony Toilet Seats (Clean!), Velvet Comfort Toilet Tissue (Full supply!), Marble effect layered MDF sink decor units, full-service Automated hand washers/cleaners
There hard to come by, but, wow we are talking luxury. Been to one myself, but back in England. Clean Red Panel Floor, Laminated Wooden Mahogony Toilet Seats (Clean!), Velvet Comfort Toilet Tissue (Full supply!), Marble effect layered MDF sink decor units, full-service Automated hand washers/cleaners
then you woke up in a shit-filled restroom stall... :rolling:

that must have been the king's royal crapper!!
Rafa 5.0 said:
then you woke up in a shit-filled restroom stall... :rolling:

that must have been the king's royal crapper!!

Now that I think of it, that chap that looked like a butler may of actually been the king :| ......All well
HAHHA, it's all good unless you told him to get you a new TP roll....
gh0st said:
once in middle school, there was a heater in the bathroom. basically this fat kid i knew shat all over the heater and pissed on it for good measure. now that stunk.

Haha, now that you mention it I remember my friend back in elementary school pissing in the urinal, then suddenly on the wall for fun.
stinger.aim92 said:
Haha, now that you mention it I remember my friend back in elementary school pissing in the urinal, then suddenly on the wall for fun.
except now in high school you cannot go into the bathroom without a fresh, slimy line of jizz going up the wall in the stalls. DAMN CHILDREN DISCOVERING THEMSELVES.
gh0st said:
except now in high school you cannot go into the bathroom without a fresh, slimy line of jizz going up the wall in the stalls. DAMN CHILDREN DISCOVERING THEMSELVES.


I assume by Jizz you mean Jizz rather than Wizz? If so, that is the sicker than the main topic...
Reginald said:

I assume by Jizz you mean Jizz rather than Wizz? If so, that is the sicker than the main topic...

The correct term is Jizzm...

but damnit people, why you have to be so gross! I think we can all picture these things. I think i'm going to stay away from threads like this from now on... just, too much.

I'm a bit disturbed at what these forums are becoming as of late.
Some customer took a dump in one of the display toilets where i work...Luckily i missed that and only heard about it but it still made me sick :x
sabre0001 said:
Some customer took a dump in one of the display toilets where i work...Luckily i missed that and only heard about it but it still made me sick :x

Didn't they do that in the movie jackass? I don't know, I didn't watch it. I think its stupid. Maybe you were working at the place at the time when they filmed it. lol