Somebody trying to hack my account?


Jul 5, 2003
Reaction score
Munro just sent me an email saying someone was trying to hack my account:

Munro said:
Dear theotherguy,

Someone has tried to log into your account on Forums with an
incorrect password at least 5 times. This person has been prevented from
attempting to login to your account for the next 15 minutes.

The person trying to log into your account had the following IP address:

All the best, Forums

I changed all of my passwords just to be safe....
Same here. Same IP.

Maybe you should completely ban this IP from
Yeah, they're having a bit of a problem, a lot of old accounts are being rezzed. If you want more info, join the steam community chat.
Dear razor1394,

Someone has tried to log into your account on Forums with an incorrect password at least 5 times. This person has been prevented from attempting to login to your account for the next 15 minutes.

The person trying to log into your account had the following IP address:

All the best, Forums

I got this as well. Now I see that I'm not alone.
Same here. Same IP.

Maybe you should completely ban this IP from

I got this as well. Now I see that I'm not alone.

Interestingly, these two account have been rezzed by whatever is going on here. They've been going in and out of threads with keywords like hack, account, etc.

unless I'm losing it, and they've come back because they recieved the email.
We're working on it, there have been several accounts accessed tonight, and many others attempted. If you've got that email then luckily you've not been penetrated. We will make a proper announcement shortly while it's sorted. Munro is online now looking into it. That IP has been blocked, but we're trying to find the source of the problem.
What's so special about your account?
Interestingly, these two account have been rezzed by whatever is going on here. They've been going in and out of threads with keywords like hack, account, etc.

unless I'm losing it, and they've come back because they recieved the email.


I haven't used this site in a long time because Half life 2 got boring and outdated and also because Valve:s Steam client for Linux never seems to arrive. I played the orange box on the 360 and that was a lot of fun but that was it. These kind of mails of hijack attempts worries me.
Haha ******.

Edit: Well, this post is meaningless without the removed one.
Hate to resurrect an old thread, but seems to be at it again.
Hate to resurrect an old thread, but seems to be at it again.

Dude, dont resurrect old threads. I mean god damn this one is like 40 minutes old already. God its soooo old.
Further sleuthing reveals that this IP adress is originating from Austin, TX, by the way. I sent an email to their ISP with details regarding the hack attempt, but I really don't think they can do anything.
You should probably leave that sort of stuff up to Munro, so its all official and shit.
Wow that's stupid. I have no life do to unemployment (laid off) but at least I don't hack forum accounts. :laugh: Could this be due to Valve fiddling around with the server? *BTW Lost Season 5 opening is being re-aired right now.
Lol sounds plausible.

Also, Koola is banned from chat
I went onto this site (firefox has my password remembered) so it said 'your pass is 859 days old and has expired, please use this page to change' ('this page' was a link), so I changed it to the same thing.. Then I was logged on and seen this thread, so I changed it again via my user cp to something different.
I went onto this site (firefox has my password remembered) so it said 'your pass is 859 days old and has expired, please use this page to change' ('this page' was a link), so I changed it to the same thing.. Then I was logged on and seen this thread, so I changed it again via my user cp to something different.

The admins setup the password change requirement.
I wish I had never come back ;(

/me leaves for another 3 years
I've also emailed all members about this problem. Shame about 50 of them so far have shouted abuse at me thinking I'm a bloody phisher!
You are Munro.

aaaaaanywho, good to see the forums back in shape. Like a tri-athlete who has recently quite smoking carcinogens and returned to the track.
Please note, I post this for clarity purposes. Munro is asking people to change their password for their forum account, NOT your Steam account. Secondly, he's asking you to change your password to something else, NOT tell him what it is. It's fairly simple. Reading emails.
just logged in today cause I got an e-mail about someone trying to hax me.

Your password is 14269 days old, and has therefore expired.

Please change your password using this page.

You last visited: 07-12-2004 at 10:41 PM

Been a while... you guys are still awesome. :)
I've also emailed all members about this problem. Shame about 50 of them so far have shouted abuse at me thinking I'm a bloody phisher!

In all fairness even I allowed myself to suspect it a little, and ignored the email for a wee bit.

Love you Munro, you the man, but....well, you could have been compromised, this is like an aliens movie or a zombie flick, the lesson being that blind trust = dead.
"Your password is 14269 days old, and has therefore expired."

Damn, 39 years! And I'm only 26.