Somebody trying to hack my account?

I've also emailed all members about this problem. Shame about 50 of them so far have shouted abuse at me thinking I'm a bloody phisher!

Because I am always suspicious of emails I didn't click the link but just came straight here to this thread ;)

(Hey at least I didn't shout at you lol) :cheese:
Very awesome work by the staff. I changed my password imediately when this came to my knowledge.
****ing hacker shit. I had to login and change my password. Thank god I used an old one so even if they guessed it, wouldn't be of any use. Changed it to something random.
Because I am always suspicious of emails I didn't click the link but just came straight here to this thread ;)

(Hey at least I didn't shout at you lol) :cheese:

That's exactly what people should do. It's not hard to type the site in the address bar and check out what's happening. Sadly a few people decided to shout off abuse about me stealing their password without even reading the email.
**** I just woke up and I notice all of this **** :O

Has the problem been solved?

EDIT: mine was like 996 days
Your password is 1488 days old and has expired!

Oh my! :O
Please note, I post this for clarity purposes. Munro is asking people to change their password for their forum account, NOT your Steam account. Secondly, he's asking you to change your password to something else, NOT tell him what it is. It's fairly simple. Reading emails.

Smoking craps! Some peeps are that dense? No wonder hijackers get steam passwords from some so easy!
---the ****?

Congrats to our nightwatch for a quick reaction.

BTW, why do some people get real info on how old their password is, while others are told that their password is 39 years old (I assume the system 'thinks' the password has been set in 1970 which is probably the lowest possible value to set the 'join date' to?)?
A huge thanks to Hectic Glenn people, he's the one that brought this to attention so early on. It would have been much, much worse if it weren't for Glenn. He handled it excellently. ++respect!
What a coincidence...I've very recently bought a new computer, re-igniting my interest in PC gaming, and now this happens. Perfect excuse to come back. :D
Password resetted, thanks for the mail Munrobot. No-one sploitz our server!
Cheers Brick, just fortunate to log on at that time and see 30 accounts all logged in from the same location on my 'new posts' list. That...isn't normal to say the least :P
Cheers Brick, just fortunate to log on at that time and see 30 accounts all logged in from the same location on my 'new posts' list. That...isn't normal to say the least :P

All logged in? So he did manage to log in to quite a few? Does the forum allow multiple logins from the same IP simultaneously?
Nope it doesn't, but it detects if more than one account has logged in via the same location (PC). We use this to find clone accounts that members make. It fortunately also acted as an early warning signal that all these accounts logged in on his IP.
Good that you got them so fast, or else they start changing passwords etc.
I changed my password as well, just to be safe. Now it's unneccisarily long.
Anyone who has this attepted on their account needs to send an email to [email protected]. This is a clear TOS violation and this Internet account should be shut down. But people need to complain. I suggest email with a subject "TOS Abuse - Attack from" Or similar. With more volume to the abuse or more appririately [email protected] department, they may actually persue more immediate action.

OrgName: Road Runner HoldCo LLC
NetRange: -
OrgAbuseName: Abuse
OrgAbusePhone: +1-703-345-3416
OrgAbuseEmail: [email protected]

I've already received an automated reply. And [email protected] was amongst the suggested departments to send this to. I've sent my complaint to both.
Further sleuthing reveals that this IP adress is originating from Austin, TX, by the way. I sent an email to their ISP with details regarding the hack attempt, but I really don't think they can do anything.

I think it is actually Del Rio, Texas or around Laughlin AFB; west of San Antonio.. The last two routers in the traceroute are Del Rio, Texas routers. Prior to that it passed through San Antonio routers in Time Warner/Road Runner's network. So unless TW/RR cross the border at that point to service La Parrita Mexico, the person lives in Del Rio Texas.
Man, this thread is full of oldies, but goodies.

Royal hasn't posted for exactly 4 years. Well, plus one day.
Sadly that's about how long since I've done any meaniingful mapping. ;(

And with AOL's membersite having been pulled down, most of my websites have vanished form the earth. The oldest one lasted about 12 years. The Internet is officially getting old.
I too was a target of this attempted hackery.

I'm also impressed that not only was I somehow alive 39 years ago, but that I had internet access :P