Someone find this idiots email address...


Sep 24, 2004
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Read this:

"I am sure in the next generation there will be systems actually in the software and hardware," explains Mr Bartlett.

"The joy we have with video games is the common hardware - there are usually only two big players.

"The fact you have this hardware and everything is becoming networked we will have more gaming habits tracked automatically."

"If we can actually get more interesting games concepts to the market by bringing in more ads, we see it as beneficial to the gamer."

Just what we need, spyware in games and being bombarded with advertisements. And yeah, we really love Adverts, they make the experiance of watching TV so beneficial, cant get enough of those ambulance chaser adverts right in the middle of a film and stuff, they really add to the experiance. /sarcasm

is this guy on another planet or what?
One of the joys we have with video games is the lack of advertising common in other media!
No i hate TV, and i hate being bombarded with bloody adverts for stuff i dont want.

And i hate people in call centers in India that are barely able to speak English phoning me up when im right in the middle of trying to get my daughter to sleep or playing CS:S or something and try sell me something major like a mortage when they can barely speak the language never mind explain something so complicated.

and people that distribute and make spyware need kneecapping, that stuff is just viruses using loopholes in the law more often than not, often its in breach of the law.

If i ever met someone and found they where a spyware writter and batter them half to death, i just spent several hours yesterday removing some damned spyware from my machine that refused to stay dead and kept reinstalling itself and moving directories and file names to avoid removal and detection, and adaware couldnt detect it, nor could spybot. It was a bloody pain in the neck, if i remove it, it means i dont bloody want it ramming adverts down my neck, it doesent mean reinstall yourself and keep banging pop ups on my screen and hijacking my browser for the fun of it.

Its not a valid payment system at all, its intrusion and invasive, and damned annoying.

I pay for my games, i dont need to pay for them all over again by getting spammed trying to play them, nor do i want to pay money on something so it can track my gaming and surfing habits and send information about me and my hardware setup back to the game manufacturers, publishers, or third parties.
That's a bit funny - BBC doesn't have adverts on their channels (bar ads for their own stuff) yet they condone adding adverts to other thing...

Why can't they put adverts on their channels, then us UK ppl wouldn't have to fork out on a TV license every year??
Because that way the couldn't leech a guaranteed sum of money off of the populace ever single year. :hmph:

That's a bit funny - BBC doesn't have adverts on their channels (bar ads for their own stuff) yet they condone adding adverts to other thing...
I think they are just reporting news. Not making a political stand.

No i hate TV, and i hate being bombarded with bloody adverts for stuff i dont want.
OK, so you never watch commercial TV, and you've never bought a product as a result of an advert?
Gah, what do I do when editing? I paste in my SA-discussion post... At least Dagobert can cover for me by letting me pretend I'm replying to him. Crap, I actually typed that bit...

Steam does, to some degree, record user details- surveys and suchlike ensure a smoother operation for users and developers. I don't think he's being too negative in that article, actually... it just reads rather clumsily.
As if the huge hunk of crap that you have to click away when trying to go to VoodooExtreme or GaySpy Network Sites wouldnt be bad enuff already... .

So does this "Ads in Games" also mean that Games with Ads will be cheaper ?
Or is it an "they can pay the full price, but we bombard them with our shit anyway ! HAHA !" kinda deal ?
Dagobert said:
I think they are just reporting news. Not making a political stand.
Yeah, I spose that's true. It's not like this this guy speaks for the BBC Mega Corp ;)
What? Ads is for me what makes some games fun or realistic. Of course i don't like the idea that you have ads out of the game.

But if you had something like coca cola signs or stuff in a racing game, that would only make it cooler.
I thought UT04 already had a system for advert placement? Never seen it used but the contact number looked like a US one.
You've got to laugh when 'experts' claim it will be good for gaming, adverts on tv have done nothing for the breadth of programing. Quite the contrary. It's bound to happen, there's nothing that will stop it, it's sad indeed.
Well in australia we have 3 free commercial stations and 2 goverment supported (no adds) stations.
Personally, the goverment supported ones SBS and ABC are a billion times better then crap NINE, TEN and SEVEN.

hmm, better get back on topic
I have nothing against STATIC advertisement (ie its placed in the map, like a billboard and dosnt change, dosn't leak inormation or use bandwidth).

God dam ****ing companys, why do they ALWAYS **** THINGS UP. A classic example, the internet...I remember using my 9600 baud modem and looking up doom sites. No flashy adds, no crap in the way, NO SPYWARE. But then, big business comes along and its gg net.
Sure, the net is free to access, I can see the point of some adds (the same with television). But not for something THAT YOU PAYED for.
Australia has already banned spam messages (shame thats killing only 1%) so I hope to god that they ban something like this as well and that other countrys would follow.
And its bound to give birth to something like "NO-AD Cracks" :)
God dam ****ing companys, why do they ALWAYS **** THINGS UP.
What, companies like Valve?

I remember using my 9600 baud modem and looking up doom sites. No flashy adds, no crap in the way, NO SPYWARE. But then, big business comes along and its gg net.
Your 9600 baud modem and the computer it was attached to was made by big business.

But not for something THAT YOU PAYED for.
Isn't the point of the BBC article that advertising would reduce or replace the retail cost of a game?
Dagobert said:
Isn't the point of the BBC article that advertising would reduce or replace the retail cost of a game?
Ghehehe, and when hell freezes over we'll all go and skate there. deal?
Dagobert said:
What, companies like Valve?

Your 9600 baud modem and the computer it was attached to was made by big business.

Isn't the point of the BBC article that advertising would reduce or replace the retail cost of a game?

Is valve into advertising? No, they are not some people that sit down at a desk and think of new and exciting ways to get products to your eye.

Yes the modem was made by what? I mean, do I expect my computer CPU that I payed for to place adds?
37*3=Time for a break, enjoy CocaCola....
Or my CPU fan to hum the intel tune as it spins?

I think we could all agree that it would have no effect on us in repect to how much the product cost. Besides, I would rather pay more and have no adds
Dagobert said:
I think they are just reporting news. Not making a political stand.

OK, so you never watch commercial TV, and you've never bought a product as a result of an advert?

I've never bought a product because the commercial told me it was this and that, etc etc.
have a i ever bought something because of an ad... lets see, not a TV ad no. most of the adverts on TV are nowadays for:

Washing powder
Barbie dolls
Double Glazing
Ambulance chaser "lawyers"

ive got no use for any of them, question... have you ever bought anything as a result of spam? I mean.. its advertising. Personally any company that sends me spam mail gets their web address added to my routers blocked hosts list and ill never buy any of their products.

If i want a product, ill go find THEM.

did i ever buy a game from advertising? no, but through word of mouth and indirect advertising yes, like hype and third party news reporting and web/magazine reviews etc. A form of advertising yes, but not the same as

*pop up*
SAVE $$£$$$£$£$!!!

bugs the hell out of me, they even use leet speak to spell viagra and mortage and other words like that to bypass mail filters, i mean, take a frigging hint, if someones filtering your crap out it means THEY ARENT BLOODY INTERESTED.
As long as advertising doesn't interfere with playing the game I have no problem with it.
I really hope advertising doesn't get into games. Unless its shite by EA who fill the screen with ads in their sport games, then can suck my cock if they think they'll ever get a penny from me. I absolutly hate spam, spyware, popups ect, it really does piss me off more than anything. I wnt notthing more than to get these people who do it in a room tie them up and slap them about.
Advertising is the LAST thing the gaming industry needs. Already, with television (which I don't watch), the majority of the public is being manipulated and brainwashed by commercial nonsense. Take a step back, think about what you're looking at when you're seeing an ad. You're watching the result of what some high paid marketing executive thought would be the most effective way to make you do what they want you to. They are telling you what to do, what to want, what's normal, what's good, what's bad... ads are insulting - they assume the viewer has absolutely no intelligence whatsoever, and will simply buy something because they are told to.

I could think of nothing more irritating than sneaking around in a game, the suspense building, only to be told that for only two easy payments of $39.95 I can have the most powerful vacume cleaner in the world! If I wanted a vacume cleaner, I'd damn well find one myself. Frankly, I'm quite happy to continue paying high prices for games if it keeps them free of such crap.

Hopefully, with distribution systems like steam, we'll see small developers publishing their own games, free of commercial regurgitation and the manipulation of publishers. Long live indipendant gaming.
Yeah. Im affraid its only going to get worse. The reason advertising in television and movies is so persistent is because it works! It works on most people! There are only a few of us in the world that can say we are close to unaffected by ads. The reason i feel i am resonably unaffected is because i deliberately avoid product that gets excessively advertised, or big corporate products, unless i really need that product, like a CPU or GFX card or monitor. Things that i need to get my computer running with, things that have a longterm use. All the other things, like food, drinks clothes... there are alternatives.

I dont buy cola or other big brand cola products, i never go to `Donalds or other big corp food chains, i never buy big corporate clothing products, food products, furniture products or any other product produced by big corporates.

Call me wierd, but i support the little privately owned food shop down the street. The little bakery, coffeshop, clothing store (where he actually designs and makes the clothes himself!) I make a point of doing this! Because i do this i am adding just a tiny little bit, i something at all, to the demolition of the big corporates. But thats just me. What if more people did this?

I dont buy any microsoft products even though i am running a computer with windows. If the time comes when products in my house are sending usage data back to the producer (something i am 100% sure the board of directors at M$ have wet dreams about) i will just continue my habit of avoiding those products. If the time comes i will just jump to linux or something.

I make a point of not watching television ads! If there is a movie i like to see starting on a channel, i switch to it 5 minutes after advertized time, and i find that the movie just started :) ... if i go to the cinema i make a habit of coming 10-15 minutes late and find that the movie is just about to start :)

I have popup blockers and script blockers running on my computer, so when i am surfing the web i have a minimum of adverts. Webpages that have an excess of adverst just dont show up on my screen. It is a pity that the world have come to this. The web is an infested place!

But the admakers, the big greedy corporates are looking for new ways of "communicating" with us, and adverst in games have been here for a long time. The question is; Will you buy these games? The answer i am affraid of is that most people will! Some of us wont, and will make a point of doing so, but we are a rare breed of people and i am affraid that it will only get worse. The only thing we can do is to avoid these products. Simple as that.
just block the ads, not the page you want to view. Create a .hosts file (google for howto) or block them in your router, i have most advert servers blocked from loading banners and page in page advs (like doubleclick ads, which put tracking cookies on your machine)

if i ever go to a page with ads i havent blocked showing up on it... their domains get added to the routers blacklist too. so like*

voila no more garbage from that address!
"So does this "Ads in Games" also mean that Games with Ads will be cheaper ?
Or is it an "they can pay the full price, but we bombard them with our shit anyway ! HAHA !" kinda deal "

The day this becomes the norm, is the day I stop paying and start downloading warez versions, and at that point I wouldn't feel bad about doing it... And I garauntee you, the hacker will remove that spyware shit when recompiling the game... They would lose some serious money(whoever adopts this crap), solely for the reason that, who's gonna wanna pay for spyware infested game, when you can get it for free without the spyware?... I'm not really worried at all.....
They have been makig enemies since they started making ads on the web and plague us with their tv ads and its only going to get worse. I second JaegerMaster. The day that happens is the day i stop buying games. Why on earth buy them just to get bombarded with "buy this stuff too" crap. That day i would not feel at all bad with downloading games. If they are going to go that line then why not giving the games out for free?

As for the hosts file, my host file is close to 200 kb large!!! And is updated when i find new ones :) Its the best method i know about as of now. A great method although it makes some web pages blocky it just goes to show how much ads there are on some web pages. There are now loads of web pages with huge spaces of white :)
Tiddalick said:
Well in australia we have 3 free commercial stations and 2 goverment supported (no adds) stations.
Personally, the goverment supported ones SBS and ABC are a billion times better then crap NINE, TEN and SEVEN.

hmm, better get back on topic
I have nothing against STATIC advertisement (ie its placed in the map, like a billboard and dosnt change, dosn't leak inormation or use bandwidth).

God dam ****ing companys, why do they ALWAYS **** THINGS UP. A classic example, the internet...I remember using my 9600 baud modem and looking up doom sites. No flashy adds, no crap in the way, NO SPYWARE. But then, big business comes along and its gg net.
Sure, the net is free to access, I can see the point of some adds (the same with television). But not for something THAT YOU PAYED for.
Australia has already banned spam messages (shame thats killing only 1%) so I hope to god that they ban something like this as well and that other countrys would follow.

Don't forget Channel 31, the only station on the planet owned and operated by aliens from the planet Fleeble...
Should start a petition and make it known to these morons that they are liars and that gamers do not like advertisements in their games.

Racing games? That's fine. I mean give me a break, they're racing games for crying out loud, simulating real life racing which the cars have advertisements plastered all over the damn things.

Games like half-life 2, or games taht don't mimic the real world? Hell no!

The only advertisements I liked in video games, was grand theft auto. That's because all the advertising in that game was FAKE and HUMOROUS.
As long as the advertisements don't jar me out of my immersion in a game, I've got no problems (such as the random Coca Cola can lying around, or maybe a "Smoke Camels" billboard or something). But, if as it was mentioned in another thread, if I'm in the middle of a plot and the game "cuts to a commercial", I'll seriously blugeon the developer to death my my monitor. There's no excuse for sacrificing gameplay for advertising campaigns.