Someone Help me plz!!!!


Oct 17, 2007
Reaction score

I Have a halif life 2 savegame can i copy it to orange box

just like copy half life 2 savegame to orange box half life 2 folder
You don't need to. Any new games (i.e. Portal, ep 2, TF2) will be added to your Steam account. Nothing changes to your HL2 vanilla savegames.
Then just play the game first. You're missing out if you don't.
the thing is i already started half life 2 and i live in uk mine is a pirated version
i have preordered the orange box and i wanna copy my half life 2 save file 2 orange box half life 2
when my orange box comes that i will have a steam account i think
It's impossible not to have Steam if you're going to install an original copy of the game.

By the way, buying the Orange Box = good for you!
Since you apparently now have a real version, copy the SAVE folder. Or replay.
you know steam how much is it when you buy it and when you buy it do you download it or does it just go there
The box costs $49.95, and you get to download it immediatly.
i'll just wait for the uk release
becuz my dad dont trust it bucuz its american dollars if it was pounds he would had sed yes but when u download it u have to download 6gb!!!
i'll just wait for the uk release
becuz my dad dont trust it bucuz its american dollars if it was pounds he would had sed yes but when u download it u have to download 6gb!!!

...your dad doesn't trust a currency?
i can make him buy but one thing do u have to download it or does it go stright to ur account
nooo i didnt download the orange box i sed i downloaded a pirate version of half life 2
wow. you are good stuff. You buy the pirated version then you buy the official orange box. Youve just sailed over troubled waters..
nooo i didnt download the orange box i sed i downloaded a pirate version of half life 2

Half-life 2 on its own is big enough.

And realizing what sidetrack I've accidentally opened up here I hereby close it and announce that there will be no more discussion of piracy from this point on.
This thread wins. Keep it coming!

You can try copy/pasting it to the HL2 folder once you download it, but it is probobly corrupt.
Why did you pirate it, anyway? Dirty pirate.