Someone keeps vandalizing my property

Maybe it's the deer that are harassing you..

When they come home drunk from a STAGparty! *BAH-ZING!*

/me slaps himself around a bit with a large trout.
Get several CCTV cameras and plant them where you need them, stop bitching about resetting them ( only read first page of this thread ), use them, get guy on camera, sell them off second hand for money back.

Sorted. Not that hard.
Outside light that turns on automatic to movement. About 20 quid each.

Again. Problem solved.
night vision camera's that connect upto your TV set and switch over if they detect movement outside are only a few quid (well under £100) at Wicks in the UK, thats certainly far from expensive.
D33 said:
Outside light that turns on automatic to movement. About 20 quid each.

Again. Problem solved.

He has a dog and deer constantly walking around his house. It would set off the light every night.
Either you pay for surveilance, or you pay for vandalized stuff... don't really see any other option... well other then moving...
lol i think ure just being unrealistic, its best just to ring the police and see what they have to say, cos i dont think cameras and stuff are really worth it
not28 said:
He has a dog and deer constantly walking around his house. It would set off the light every night.


It's not as if he's sleeping under it.
Just buy a cheap shotgun, if you hear him come back, fire it into the air once or twice. He'd have to be insane to come back after that.
People people please,we all know that a heavily armed neighbourhood watch would be the best couse of action (Only wish we could set one up,damn gun laws).
It provides a defense,an organisation should the global society colapse and anarchy prevail and you'd get to imitate a very humorous Simpsons Episode.
A couple of these ought to cover your yard quite throughly....

Look about halfway down the page

Scarecrow Animal Deterrent- Motion Activated Sprinkler
If you want an instant effective deterrent this is the best unit we have found. Hook it up to your hose and point the heat/motion detector in the direction you wish to protect. Any animal that moves in front of this unit up to 35ft away will get a 3 second sprinkler blast. Uses 2-3 cups of water per blast. Fires 1000s of times using one 9v battery, detects animals day and night, and is very is to install.

here's another site(s) to get it from
hmm that sprinkler thing is actually a pretty good idea. I might consider that, and one day i'll put it on the road just for fun too hehehe
JonTheCanuck said:
hmm that sprinkler thing is actually a pretty good idea. I might consider that, and one day i'll put it on the road just for fun too hehehe

But instead of water it sprays Napalm which is ignited by a spark at the tip of the sprayer. Well you wouldnt have much of a yard left but hell, it would be cool for afew minutes ... mwhahahahha...
Deadline said:
But instead of water it sprays Napalm which is ignited by a spark at the tip of the sprayer. Well you wouldnt have much of a yard left but hell, it would be cool for afew minutes ... mwhahahahha...
Gas + Styrofoam + Melted/Slightly liquid Vaseline + lots of mixing = Cheap homemade napalm!!!

edit: for those of you who don't already know, you can melt vaseline simply by putting it in a pot and set on the stove on low heat for a little bit....
Anthraxxx said:
Gas + Styrofoam + Melted/Slightly liquid Vaseline + lots of mixing = Cheap homemade napalm!!!

Exactly what I was thinking... dont want to waste too much money on the expensive stuff :)
Heh, this is turning into the next 'trick-or-treaters' thread.

Sounds like it's just some kids, a few motion-sensitive lights should scare em off. OR you could hook the motion sensors up to yo phat sound system and blast em away with some leet Aphex Twin :LOL: UUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA~~!!!