Someone make this mod?

Dario D.

Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
I just want a mod that spawns MORE enemies than normal, except for certain enemy types.

Perhaps the mod should have an options menu that lets u toggle which types of emeies to duplicate, how many, and perhaps give you increased armor and health of user-set amounts.


Very many fights in the game are too easy, even on Hard. I dont want harder enemies; I just want MORE of them to kill.
I'll go out on a limb and say that many of the enemies in HL2 are scripted to provide more complexity to their actions. Just drop a npc_metropolice into a map and he's pretty stupid. They also tend to stick to cover points and they do this weird crouching walk thing and follow black headcrabs without killing them. Black headcrabs are like magnets for them. LOL

Despite the press, AI still needs mapping assists of different type sto make things really harder and intersting, so chances are more models would do the exact same things and just be repetitive or they wouldn't be scripted well and be more stupid in how they fight.

The more interesting mod will be when the bot writers go to work. Bots, espcially multiplayer bots have gotten much better over the years. When they reach a point where they can coordinate complex attacks, like bots waiting for other bots to reach a different entryway (they have comms--they should be able to do this), then all attack at once--then randomized play automatically gets more interesting.

Perhaps the mod can discern a simple combat AI from a heavily scripted one, and only duplicate the simple ones. Many AI's are instructed to perform one task, like jump down from a wall, then do whatever they want.

Of course the mod wouldnt duplicate the Combine Cop who says "Pick up the can," because he's scripted to say and do something. Well... the mod wouldn't duplicate any baton-cops anyway.

Despite the press, AI still needs mapping assists of different type sto make things really harder and intersting

Hah, to say the least :thumbs:. Despite the AI seeming quite simple sometimes - I dunno; maybe the fact that the Combine can't aim makes them seem dumber than they really are - I still hold their skills in high regard, as the guy who programmed them programmed the AI in Thief, which is one of my favorite games. He also wrote a book on Game AI, which suggests the AI can't be all that bad... but don't worry, I hear you. The AI is FAR more reliant on scripting than Valve made it seem in their tech demos. You can tell ingame. They are anything but Unreal Tournament bots.

Something tells me though that the Combine just need better aim, and need to unload their clip once in a while rather than using thoughtful, short bursts of fire. ;)
How about you make it yourself?

Sorry, but if you're so opinionated and passionate about it, then do it yourself.
Sorry... too busy modding/mapping.

Also, I'm not a programmer.