Someone please help me...

Jul 14, 2004
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I've been using the latest gmod release gmod 8.3b(Again) and I'm trying to create a multiplayer game that all npcs are allowed.

The problem is that when I try, "npc_create npc_combine_s", a message comes up saying, 'Cannot spawn this type of NPC. The Server forbids it'.

Or something to that effect... Now, I am sure that there is a way to enable that option... But... How?

Console command...? I've looked forever.

GMOD only allows you to spawn certain NPC's from the console.

Try npc_combin_e or npc_combine_p
Combine would spawn in single player though... :-\

But yeah, thanks... I'll try the others.
And, hey.... Surprisingly it's not funny here either! I'd call it spamming....
don't ask me cuz i realy don't know what you guys are talking about !!!
just keep going!!!! maybe i'll get it :)