Something a little... disheartning about Gabe @ ATI's event.


Jul 6, 2003
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"So, you ever have one of those weeks?" He said in a mellow tone, looking down, before he even started the presentation. Anyone think he actually knew of the source leak at that time, but was trying to keep it secret? Looks like it. I feel really bad for Valve, I hope they find who did it. ;(
He said the same thing in that email. Hmmzz, where can I see that video?
I just hope none of this ****s valve or HL2 to greatly :(
yep,thats right..i looked at that part..he does look really down.poor guy..i can't help but think if they never bothered so much with the fans this would'nt have heppened-not many companies where everyone can email the MD of a company,and get answers,most times you can't even get there email-if valve were like that they would not have been able to get them through outlook so easily,least thats my opinion.nice reward for valve bothering with us all huh?
This thread idea is dumb. He seemed alright actually, watch it again he just seems tired and out of breath abit (nerves).
if its so dumb why post in it?
he DOES seem depressed to me,and he sure had reason to look like that.
Of course he knew on September 30 about the whole thing! In fact, we've already discussed that he actually appears depressed/sad during his presentation, not very enthusiastic at all.
Originally posted by azz0r
This thread idea is dumb. He seemed alright actually, watch it again he just seems tired and out of breath abit (nerves).

He can't be all depressing around an event which he's no doubt getting paid for, with press everywhere. But he certainly seemed much more... well, eh... different, I guess than usual.
Wasnt the source leaked after the presentation.

Anyway, its nerves and tiredness, you'd hardly be chirpy up there talking to a bunch of judgmental geeks.
Its just funny how Gamespot has a bunch of files available only for those that pay for it (which is ok) when you can get the file from somewhere else if you set your mind to it, and do some proper searching.
Ya, I noticed that too and thought it was very interesting. If you look at the timetable Gabe wrote in his post, he definitley knew Valve had been hacked at the time he gave that speech at Alcatraz.

This was before the leak went public, but AFTER Valve realized a copy of the source code had been made.

The person who took the video, dbsynergy, wrote in his "diary" that Gabe looked visibly distraught and everyone thought it was because he was just in Japan. I guess we know the real reason now.

they knew somethings was up around the 19th, i believe.
yes, that part of the show was very odd, he said that and then paused, as if the guys in his headset were telling him not to go into it, and yes, that almost certainly points to him knowing, the same quote going into his post here is pretty good proof.

he chopped off his hair too
Originally posted by azz0r
Wasnt the source leaked after the presentation.

Anyway, its nerves and tiredness, you'd hardly be chirpy up there talking to a bunch of judgmental geeks.

It was leaked before the 30th apparently, it wasn't announced to the public untill after. So I'm sure they knew about it, probably jst trying to figure out what to do or say to the community.
i think when he was pausing he was looking at the tv monitor waiting for the next slide.
actually Gabe seemed fine in the video, perfectly fine. He looked fine in the gamespot videos too. The only part that he looked a little sad in was the very beginning when he said "Ever have one of those weeks.". That was it really.
Originally posted by omlette
"So, you ever have one of those weeks?" He said in a mellow tone, looking down, before he even started the presentation. Anyone think he actually knew of the source leak at that time, but was trying to keep it secret? Looks like it. I feel really bad for Valve, I hope they find who did it. ;(

at that time the source wasnt out in the open, but, he did know it had been taken.
Is is me or does that video seem to just stop half way through Gabes Presentation?

It wasn't done, the kid ran out of juice. Read his post, it's somewhere on here
He already knew that someone else accessed his email, denial of service attacks, etc... Add the fact that they publicly announced HL2 was being delayed, who wouldn't be stressed?
Originally posted by Cheetarah654
he chopped off his hair too

looked like he pulled it out cause of all the stress. didn't he have a lot of hair in the spitcodfry photo?
He was looking down at the TV or projector or whatever waiting for the slides to start so he could explain things, he just came in late or something.

Wasn't sad I hope though.
Actually, he did a much better presentation than the Dell and Ati guy, didn't seem that tired, worn out or depressed really.
The eerrrr and euuhmms of the other guys drove me mad, really annoying, especially Rick Goodman.
The E3 video interview of Odb (right?) withGabe was a lot worse really.