Something different about


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
I find this totally 100% unique, this fansite created for the soul purpose of HL2 discussion has become a hub for gamers all around to just be real and show themselves, this site is wonderful thing as its not like gamespy type forums where people just flame each other on games, this site has soul or something..... people here bond and almost have like a round table of orginal members that I can see being the major HL2 community members in the future, I have never and think I will ever see a gameing site with this trait of closeness and heart, munro even turned down a cash offer..... to turn it into something that it wasent. I have to say that ive never seen a forum/website with as much personality and soul as and I dont know if other people feel this way but there is a certain bonding and knowing of eachothers personalities around here that makes its way into everyones posts one joke for instance will spread all around (in soviet russia anyone?) and people whom left inpact are still talked about (alb1221) yes that was me..... and doomIII>HL2 (LOL) and I still do mock him and follow my !!!!!!'s with 1111's anyway im getting side tracked this thread is just really thanking the moderators, the members, and munro for this website and what its achieved this site has something that no other gameing site on the internet has :)
Hes right, of course. This site is like no other I have ever been a part of.
I don't know why but this is the only forum I have ever been in that I can actually call a community.
Many say that they have their online communitys but this is the only one where I think it lives up to that description.

Yay! :p
Yeah this website is awsome! and it's one of the most unique sites ive ever visited, people here are generally very friendly.
lol, I like how they both had the same resonse :D

It's thanks to a lot of people really. This is a great community.
Just out of interest...

Is there any way to find out how many of those people have made more than five posts..... :LOL:
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Just out of interest...

Is there any way to find out how many of those people have made more than five posts..... :LOL:

/me hides
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Just out of interest...

Is there any way to find out how many of those people have made more than five posts..... :LOL:

LOL dude..... I love the "ive been lurking here reading for a very long time" excuse to make them sound like they are always here... when really they wait for delays/videos and post things like

OMFG valve is t3h sux!!111 bant me OLOLOL!!! I D0NT C4R3!!!
Heheh, me too. Forums are the source of most of my daily entertainment. That and the simpsons. :)

Edit: Actually, I think I might just go watch the simpsons right now. And Maybe, just maybe do some work as well ;)

I'll b bk later :)
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
LOL dude..... I love the "ive been lurking here reading for a very long time" excuse to make them sound like they are always here... when really they wait for delays/videos and post things like

OMFG valve is t3h sux!!111 bant me OLOLOL!!! I D0NT C4R3!!!
Can you imagine if all 6000 came out at once and did that?

:/ I've said too much! :LOL:


There are quite a lot of inactive members. There is at every HL2 forum at the moment. We had a debate about whether or not to delete their accounts but we decided not to in case they were actualyl just lurking.
haha lates marksman

/me hides from mods mad at useing boards as i/m :cheers:

LoneDeranger said:
In Soviet Russia, forum makes different YOU!

LOL Thats just dumb enough to make me laugh :eek: :|

:LOL: :E

wow triple post, im really not that intelegent :( sry got caught up in responses

Chris_D said:
Can you imagine if all 6000 came out at once and did that?

:/ I've said too much! :LOL:


There are quite a lot of inactive members. There is at every HL2 forum at the moment. We had a debate about whether or not to delete their accounts but we decided not to in case they were actualyl just lurking.

lol AHAHA mass anarchy... bw overloads :| ut oh sdk release madness may be comeing soon.......... :eek:

:hmph: posts fused.
The only other large site/community I've been involved in is - a site about the card game Magic: The Gathering. They also have a very popular and friendly forum that reminds me of's. has been around several years longer than this... but here's a quick comparison anyway: Threads: 17,804, Posts: 364,935, Members: 13,134 Threads: 123,063, Posts: 1,740,470, Members: 27,955

Anyway, if anyone is into Magic I highly recommend this site. I used to go there a lot but I quit a couple years ago when I stopped playing.
I find it pretty cool that this forum is both popular and cool. I've been in only one other forum I liked(which admittedly I liked better, if only for the higher degree of familiarity) but it was literally about 100 times smaller. And its dead now, the admin dissapeared. or something =\

but yeah, this is a great forum. I'm glad that you guys don't suck :) except you Zakat, you do suck.
I love this site, even though i don't think i'm all that well known around here, i do see alot of you guys post and i knid of have this underlying thought of how each one of you are in real life. Seems like its easier to read your personalities here than any where else. I guess you guys are just more "real" than most other forum sites... Oh well cheers!
This forum is great...and I love it but since the delay of hl2 I've slowly started to pull away from the site.I don't know why but some people have to....
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
I find this totally 100% unique, this fansite created for the soul purpose of HL2 discussion has become a hub for gamers all around to just be real and show themselves, this site is wonderful thing as its not like gamespy type forums where people just flame each other on games, this site has soul or something..... people here bond and almost have like a round table of orginal members that I can see being the major HL2 community members in the future, I have never and think I will ever see a gameing site with this trait of closeness and heart, munro even turned down a cash offer..... to turn it into something that it wasent. I have to say that ive never seen a forum/website with as much personality and soul as and I dont know if other people feel this way but there is a certain bonding and knowing of eachothers personalities around here that makes its way into everyones posts one joke for instance will spread all around (in soviet russia anyone?) and people whom left inpact are still talked about (alb1221) yes that was me..... and doomIII>HL2 (LOL) and I still do mock him and follow my !!!!!!'s with 1111's anyway im getting side tracked this thread is just really thanking the moderators, the members, and munro for this website and what its achieved this site has something that no other gameing site on the internet has :)


Originally Posted by Tredoslop
This place has the largest video game community.

I think not...

Biggest HL2 community?
these forums are so active i think they should make a doom3 and farcry and other sections too....more forums!!!! more categories!!!!
IonGorilla said:
That's cheating... that's more than one game; that's all of them! And most of those boards are all but dead... unless you count that "Vestibule" thing... I've never seen so many ****ing stupid posts in one place before.
If This Forum Has A Soul, To Hell With It For I!!! Am Lucifer!!!

Bow To Me Peons!
Don't mind the Satanist, kids! Just throw some pennies at him and be on your way!

Shake j00 butt like a crazy motha, SHUT CHO MOUTH!

I'm only talking bout 2man!

I can dig!

/sing off
AAhhh dont delete my name, I love to lurk. Really though, this is where i come when im bored. The off-topic section is like my backup for TV. I think I'll go back to the HL2 discussion when a certain fat man releases a certain game.
slider3005 said:
AAhhh dont delete my name, I love to lurk. Really though, this is where i come when im bored. The off-topic section is like my backup for TV. I think I'll go back to the HL2 discussion when a certain fat man releases a certain game.
We're being WATCHED!

And I think coolio lost it... again...
/me spits on

/me is taken away by the Secret Police.

Too bad school is getting in the way of reading anything that goes on around here.

/me is taken into Munro's hidden forum and is never seen again.
CyberSh33p said:
but yeah, this is a great forum. I'm glad that you guys don't suck :).

Well I uhh nevermind..
anyways yea I agree I love this community much different than any other forum Ive been too. Sadly it will eventually die but eh oh well lets enjoy it while we can! lol this place need to replace :hmph: our arch enemy...