something I was wondering about the vortigaunts in the latest episodes


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
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where are they?

I mean in the episodes since anticitizen one and the next,the resistence whas fighting against the combine right? but and the vortigaunts?they are against the combine too isnt?
and why you dont see even one in those chapters?they could hav been of good help
Maybe the Combine killed them all? They would be very valuable to the resistance seeing as they could relay information to all over the city(and indeed other cities) instantly. They would be a prime target
Like Riom said, since the Vortigaunts can instantly relay info, they are priceless to the resistance, and would be kept in the safest bases possible.
Can we be sure of that? Perhaps the chef hats were not earned, or were given to them by humans as a joke, because their cooking is so bad!
Yeah , when I first found out that the Vortigaunts were on our side I was thinking "Hey, we'll probaly get some cool battles fighting with these guys!" But to my disappiontment, there were none. I hope we get to make for that in Aftermath!
...they do have a lot of unused fighting animations..
I would've liked to see whether Black Mesa East survived, what with all the vorts protecting it.
Do you actually think that the Vortigaunts will be out there with sub-machine guns shooting at striders and combine soldiers?
TheGMan. said:
Do you actually think that the Vortigaunts will be out there with sub-machine guns shooting at striders and combine soldiers?
They don't need to. Spawn them in an area of combine soldiers. They. Kick. Ass!
they launch some thunder that kills almost isntantly
but they are not so resistent
They kick ass except they can't strafe. Double jointed legs are for noobs!
I hope we get to fight with them in AM.
We will likely get to see them fight in Aftermath. But as some people have said, their usefulness as spies means that most would be kept in bases, to receive information from those out in the field. Probably only a couple would be field agents.

Also, remember that while vortigaunts DO kick much ass, they serve a lot more useful purposes in the resistance than being frontline warriors (as they were used by the Xenian army). They're not only spies and cooks, they build things, fix things, operate computers, power generators, etc. They're highly intelligent, so it's fitting that they're not out there being squandered for cannon fodder.
Whereas the highly-motivated, ill-trained, undernourished but heroically brave humans fit the role of "cannon-fodder" to a "T."

Although I can see Vorts as operations officers or executive officers to Resistance units, because they can communicate with the other units and with headquarters far more efficiently than through radio, and will be able to better coordinate the rebel attacks.

Of course, the Resistance doesn't exactly have a clear chain of command, and their operational intelligence seems to be pretty flimsy... so who knows? Once the Rebels get better organized, led, and equipped, I bet we'll see a lot more Vorts on the front lines, maybe even with weapons or body armor (cough Aftermath cough)!
Obviously even if Vorts are all kept in command posts for communications they'd still have to flee city 17 in AM like everyone else.

I'd be very surprised (and disappointed) if we don't see some of them fighting during the course of AM.
Eejit said:
Obviously even if Vorts are all kept in command posts for communications they'd still have to flee city 17 in AM like everyone else.

I'd be very surprised (and disappointed) if we don't see some of them fighting during the course of AM.
QFT. Vorts. Are. Teh. Neededs! :(
Vorts whouldent need to run away like little p****s, the could simply teleport out.
Vorts can't teleport at will. Their mysterious appearances throughout HL1 were caused by the almost random porting of the Nihilanth-powered dimensional rift. If they could teleport at will, I'm pretty sure that one of the Resistance Vorts would have teleported to the Citadel, flash-fried Breen, and teleported out again a LONG time ago.
I'm very sure we'll at least see them. I would like so see if they have any other powers :D
UltimaApocalyspe said:
I'm very sure we'll at least see them. I would like so see if they have any other powers :D
In HL1, there was an unused animation and ability that got cut from the vorts that allowed them to revive dead comrades. I wonder if Valve will ever implement it.
Er... *dons his protective n00b gear* What does "ftw" mean?
Hmmm... reviving dead vortigaunts... like, via those heart thingies that pump you full of electricity?
Jintor said:
Hmmm... reviving dead vortigaunts... like, via those heart thingies that pump you full of electricity?
Kinda... If you play Sven- Coop, they took it and actually made it work. It's like, they stand over their fallen comrade and pump his ass with a shit load of electricity.
yeah, that got very annoying sometimes. theyed just run around reviving guys you killed. then when you kill the vortigaunt, another would run over and revive him, then he would run aroud reviveing ther guys again. OMG, THEYRE BACK FOR ME!!! DIE!!! :sniper: