Something to look foward to!


Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Well, now that HL2 is delayed. we still have other games to look foward to..
Say for instance max payne 2

excerpt from
Posted on Monday, October 06 @ 04:55:18 PDT
Rockstar Games, the world-renowned publishing division of Take-Two Interactive Software announced today that Max Payne 2:The Fall of Max Payne for PC has officially gone gold and is currently in manufacturing. Developed by Remedy Entertainment, the sequel to the original film-noir action thriller, Max Payne, will be in stores in North America on October 15, 2003 and in Europe on October 24, 2003.

That is very soon, it looks to be an awesome game plus it uses physics to show off
Max Pane is the most overrated game in history - well, second only to Vice City.

I was not looking forward to ANY upcomming games except for HL2 and Doom3. And now I have to wait a good 5 to 6 months to play EITHER of them.

Originally posted by Schmudi
Trotz des Source-Code Debakels hatte Gabe Newell noch Zeit, zwei Community-Mitglieder in Valves heiligen Hallen in Seattle zu empfangen. Nach einer Führung durch die Räumlichkeiten und Vorstellung etlicher Valve-Mitarbeiter durften die Besucher CS: CZ Probe spielen - ich hätte dann wohl eher schreiend und strampelnd am Boden gelegen und die HL² Beta verlangt :D

Nach dem Besuch wurden die beiden im Internet-Radio von interviewt, hier die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse:

- Nur ein kleiner Teil des Source-Codes soll entwendet worden sein

- Der neue Weihnachts-Release-Termin ist weiter zu halten

- Valve ist nahe dran die Hacker/Cracker zu kriegen. Angeblich haben sie die Namen der Hacker, Datumsangaben und sogar Datei-Namen in einem internen Whiteboard zusammengetragen. Valve scheint zu wissen wer es war.

- Bei Valve ist wieder Business as Usual - die Entwicklung geht weiter wie vor dem Einbruch.

Im Forum gibt es sogar schon eine komplette Mitschrift des Interviews.
:eek: :eek: :eek:

Wow - there's a new Raamstein song out?
Originally posted by Schmudi
Our exclusive visit with Gabe Newell and Valve Software did confirm that only a SMALL PORTION of the source code was taken. This is different than most of the reports. The entire source was not taken. Straight from Gabe Newell.
No Mention Of Half-Life 2 Delay. So far Half-Life 2 is shipping for the HOLIDAYS.

It appears that Valve Software is really close to getting the hackers. They seem to have their names written on a whiteboard. It's no wonder that it's business as usual at Valve!

I guess you missed the article on CNN and the statement from Vivendi Universal...
Has there ever been a game that has gone through this much shit..i mean damn come on...
probably but it doesn't help that hl2 is the most anticipated game which is probably what makes it seem so bad.
Yeah, the game looks cool. Can't wait....Now where the heck is that HL2 beta.... :lol: