Something you ought to know about Steam forums

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If you are seeking help in the Steam forums be advised the moderator(especially one named QuickSilver) will BAN you if you disagree with his horrible tech support on the "memory cannot be read" issue. If you mention your system is overclocked he will ban you from the forums. It's unreal how they are treating people over there. Several posts have been removed just for the simple fact they admitted to having an overclocked system. Nice customer support guys!! Just wanted to vent.
If you're gonna complain about the Steam forums then at least tell the hole story.

What about the hundreds upon hundreds of post from whiny little brats cussing everybody out over problems that end up being their own fault??

Some of those posts that you say are being deleted are actually being moved to a hidden forum.

By the way, I'm not calling you a whiny little brat but that is how most of the posts over there sound.
leroybrown said:
If you're gonna complain about the Steam forums then at least tell the hole story.

What about the hundreds upon hundreds of post from whiny little brats cussing everybody out over problems that end up being their own fault??

Some of those posts that you say are being deleted are actually being moved to a hidden forum.

By the way, I'm not calling you a whiny little brat but that is how most of the posts over there sound.
Exactly.. Sounds a lot like people are being banned for asking the same questions again and again without searching first. This Quicksilver guy sounds like he's simply trying to keep the place clean, considering all the CS kiddies they probably have there I feel kinda sorry for those mods, we've got it easier over here :)
I am supporting Quicksilver. This guy is a software developer (in his profile). A loong time ago I would not play on Steam because it would crap out on me. This guy saw a serious problem and handled the problem very nicely. We even exchanged personal e-mails on the problem instead of on the forum. It turned out that my sound card was out of date! Ever since I have not had 1 single damn problem you people are always moaning about. GO STEAM! :thumbs: This guy DID help out my problem. He knows what hes doing.
leroybrown said:
If you're gonna complain about the Steam forums then at least tell the hole story.

What about the hundreds upon hundreds of post from whiny little brats cussing everybody out over problems that end up being their own fault??

Some of those posts that you say are being deleted are actually being moved to a hidden forum.

By the way, I'm not calling you a whiny little brat but that is how most of the posts over there sound.
No seriously, This is the whole story. He got upset because three of us admitted to having an overclocked system.We also stated we tried our default BIOS settings and still had the memory error. He then comes on and said the talk of overclocking will end. That Anyone "promoting overclocking" will be banned. Then someone stated that the forum had become a dictatorship. Now our accounts(three that i know of) have been banned. That's why i am so upset. I reported this to customer support and asked them to review it. I have no agenda.
Yeah, can you please provide a link to this thread where he says overclocking talk has to stop otherwise he'll ban people? It doesn't make much sense to me.
twad said:
emm.. what the expression overclocked mean? I dont get it.

when you run a piece of hardware (processor, gpu, ..) at higher frequencies than it was designed for, you overclock it.
hool10300 said:
I am supporting Quicksilver. This guy is a software developer (in his profile). A loong time ago I would not play on Steam because it would crap out on me. This guy saw a serious problem and handled the problem very nicely. We even exchanged personal e-mails on the problem instead of on the forum. It turned out that my sound card was out of date! Ever since I have not had 1 single damn problem you people are always moaning about. GO STEAM! :thumbs: This guy DID help out my problem. He knows what hes doing.
Well his thread on the HL2 "memory error" was to blame everyones hardware. Said it was memory. Now,27 pages later,you have a bunch of folks frustrated that they paid for a game they can't use. It's obvious now it's not a hardware issue afterall.We were only politely exchanging specs. We should be able to discuss overclocking without being banned.
Newblit said:
Yeah, can you please provide a link to this thread where he says overclocking talk has to stop otherwise he'll ban people? It doesn't make much sense to me.
Go to the "memory cannot be read" thread. Go to page 25. Hurry before he removes it :)
FreonStud said:
If you are seeking help in the Steam forums be advised the moderator(especially one named QuickSilver) will BAN you if you disagree with his horrible tech support on the "memory cannot be read" issue. If you mention your system is overclocked he will ban you from the forums. It's unreal how they are treating people over there. Several posts have been removed just for the simple fact they admitted to having an overclocked system. Nice customer support guys!! Just wanted to vent.

So you tell him he has horrible tech support and expect to him to throw down the welcome mat?

And let me guess what you say "I overclocked my GF3 so I should be able to run the game with max everything yet I get stuttering! FIX THE GAME IT'S UNPLAYABLE!"
FreonStud said:
Go to the "memory cannot be read" thread. Go to page 25. Hurry before he removes it :)

Donde esta el link a el stupido moderator?
CriYam said:
So you tell him he has horrible tech support and expect to him to throw down the welcome mat?

And let me guess what you say "I overclocked my GF3 so I should be able to run the game with max everything yet I get stuttering! FIX THE GAME IT'S UNPLAYABLE!"
Get your facts straight. I never had ANY correspondence with him. Never said one negative thing period. Secondly, i had nothing overclocked while playing the game. We were only discussing overclocking.
That is impossible. You can't ban someone for having a overclocked system. you don't break any laws by overclocking, the worst you can do is void the warranty. I find this hard to believe. There must be something seriously wrong with those forums. If this is for real, you should be contacting an administrator on the steam forums and politley ask that this Quicksilver have his admin status revoked. And do it politely and back up your accusations with facts.
Milkman said:
That is impossible. You can't ban someone for having a overclocked system. you don't break any laws by overclocking, the worst you can do is void the warranty. I find this hard to believe. There must be something seriously wrong with those forums. If this is for real, you should be contacting an administrator on the steam forums and politley ask that this Quicksilver have his admin status revoked. And do it politely and back up your accusations with facts.
It was the DISCUSSION of overclocking that set him off. I have contacted the administrator. Anyway, i don't mean to beat this to death. Just wanted to let off a little steam (no pun intended). Thanks for listening. :cheers:
Wow its amazing how people twist words around: here is his quote

from the top post on this thread:

If you are getting a memory read error and you are overclocking anything on your computer then you do not belong in this thread.

Do not post here, your posts will be removed and if you persist you will be banned from the forums.

I will not tolerate any arguments about this.

It makes perfect sense to me why he says this. If you overclock anything and its the cause of this problem that its your own damn fault and he doesn't want people whining to them that its a bug and wasting their time when its just a result of a overclocked system. If your overclocked you won't get any tech support just because its not really legitimate when your making your system run faster than it was designed to go. Basically, your on your own... i don't know why

That is impossible. You can't ban someone for having a overclocked system. you don't break any laws by overclocking, the worst you can do is void the warranty. I find this hard to believe. There must be something seriously wrong with those forums. If this is for real, you should be contacting an administrator on the steam forums and politley ask that this Quicksilver have his admin status revoked. And do it politely and back up your accusations with facts.

Their probably getting upset that people are yelling and calling valve names and crap just because their rig is a custom overclock and that's probably the problem (possibly damaged ram... etc) ...

its not a dictatorship everybody just makes it sound that way like they did NOTHING and quicksilver just lashed out at you. Think about it for a while and it doesn't seem as crass as some people in this thread have made it out to be. (read: drama queens)
Wait, so you were clearly warned that you would be banned for making the post, and you made the post anyways?
And now you're shocked that you got banned?
What are you going on about FreonStud?

All he said was that he didn't want anyone who overclocks their system to complain about the problem in that thread. He'd only ban them if they persisted in posting complaints.

Completely reasonable.
Mechagodzilla said:
Wait, so you were clearly warned that you would be banned for making the post, and you made the post anyways?
And now you're shocked that you got banned?
I made no such post. Don't read into things.That link i posted was after the fact. What you DIDN'T SEE because he DELETED it(along with five or so other posts from others) was his threat to ban anyone who "promotes overclocking". I only responded that i wasn't promoting anything. Some other folks took offense to him telling us what we can discuss and then their posts were then deleted. Again, none of us at this point had overclocked rigs. We were only discussing that we did at one time and our problem persisted after we went back to default settings.
So a moderator on a forum gets angry at you, and so you sign up at a different forum to complain about it?

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