Somethings worrying me....


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
In that new interview, one piece that bothered me was...

[HL2Central] On the subject of vehicle support the community is eager to know whether valve have implemented support for 3 axes, to enable for aircraft? [Gabe Newell] You can do it, but we won't have it in HL-2. It's not a technical limitation - it's a design decision.

does...does that mean we wont be able to have aircraft in mods?!? :(
No. This means we will be able to have aircraft in mods. They said that they left it out of HL2 because of a choice they made. The ability to implement it is still there.
::takes deep breath:: ok just makin sure thanks
there are choppers available in mods for hl1.. i don't see why it wouldn't be in hl2.
Will the HL2 engine perfect for vehicles when it comes to multyplayer vehicles invironment?

Can you still remember this?: in HL1 (cs beta 6.5 de_trailroad) that train was very lagging, even with broadband and de_jeepathlon2k was unplable cause it was lagging the shit out) but when I look at battlefield I don't have lag with jeeps and planes.
We dont know.. almost nothing is know about multiplayer in HL² exept the fact that there is going to be multiplayer :)
actually if you know how to read, and understand human writing, then you would know that it dose mean YOU CAN FLY aircraft. He said can we have aircraft....gabe said not in HL2 but yes.(there is a hover craft in hl2, therefor he means you cannot fly things in hl2, therefor he means u can fly things in other mods.)
[Hunter]Ridic: You've got PMS? Chill out man. Everyone can't be as smart as you *sarcasm*
Has anyone noticed how Gabe almost always answers questions with as few words as possible? Seems almost arrogant. Like the one about the clipping and stuff. That meant nothing and wasn't even an answer to the question. He could have said "it's being worked on" or "we have to accept a certain amount of that" I'm sure it was one or the other. I mean if your going to take the time to do an interview at all; answer the questions. Don't get me wrong you can see he cares because he does take the time to do interviews and even responding to some e-mails but if your going to bother, Why say nothing?

Originally posted by Straylight
Has anyone noticed how Gabe almost always answers questions with as few words as possible? Seems almost arrogant. Like the one about the clipping and stuff. That meant nothing and wasn't even an answer to the question. He could have said "it's being worked on" or "we have to accept a certain amount of that" I'm sure it was one or the other. I mean if your going to take the time to do an interview at all; answer the questions. Don't get me wrong you can see he cares because he does take the time to do interviews and even responding to some e-mails but if your going to bother, Why say nothing?


You've hit the nail on the head with that, Gabe does seem to answer with very short sentences. Maybe he just doesn't want to reveal anything? I bet if he could he would write pages and pages of stuff about HL2!
he doesnt want to reveal anything. not even give hints
I hope he odesnt reveal much more either. I dont want to spoil the game. Not just the story, but fining out all these feature for myself.
While sites like to say that they got an interview with Gabe, what really happened was that they emailed, and he responded. He's responding to lots and lots of people, and probably getting even more email than he can ever answer. So it's not an official interview by any means, just him choosing what he wants to say.

About the planes:

What Gabe is saying is that they have not set up a control system that allows player controlled movement in all 3 axes of rotation. It's obvious that models in the game have it: see the hovercreature's wobbly movements.

That's why it's a design issue, not a engine issue. The physics engine HAS to allow that sort of movement. The player control programming, however, hasn't been done to control it, perhaps because that's not something they will use in the game.
um he gets 10,000 emails a day he says...hes not going to write you guys back novels telling whats going on. Im surprised is even emailing you guys back.
Well maybe had something problem about the controls of the plane, remember Battlefield 1942?When you flight the plane, it so many controls...So what if in the game isnt have a planes we have a cars :)
steelhed, u probably know my from the forums right?
Ah well. Its a big world i suppose. Even the cut off bit which contains the internet, specifically Halflife
yo Steelhed. read the bottem line in my sig. I now officially handle this title over to you. BTW.. welcome to the forum :)
steelhed, vehicles are fully supported, and even better supported than bf1942s engine, because u can literally make and set every physical feature about a car/plane/helicopter/tricycle
I think he post's to much to be the real guinny
well not really, i made over 100 posts in an hour, and most of it was conversation with farrowlesparrow
700 mhz is minimum witha 64 mb card, 2.0ghz recommended with a 128mb video card
i never liked EA, theyre just money grubbing assholes
Originally posted by Tamora
[Hunter]Ridic: You've got PMS? Chill out man. Everyone can't be as smart as you *sarcasm*

hmmm getting pissed at stupid people then have stupid people getting pissed at me...hmmmm.HMMMMM
Ridic, you know you just totally contradicted yourself with that reply about knowing/reading English, right?
You were just the talleyban:)
[Gabe Newell] You can do it

If that alone doesn't scream out at you that it is possible, then I don't know what will!
